Rock Chick Rescue Page 29

I launched myself at the tal guy. I must have taken him off guard because he staggered back and we both went down amongst the tables at Einstein’s.

I landed on top of him and he went “Oof!” and I’m pretty sure I knocked the wind out of him. This was to my good fortune because in any other circumstance, he could have probably kicked my ass.

I took advantage and we were rol ing around, a tangle of limbs. I heard shouting and we rol ed into and upset a bunch of tables. I think Tex got into it with the shorter guy because I heard a scuffle but couldn’t pay that much attention because my guy got his wind back and began to kick my ass.

I heard Indy shout, “Knee him in the nuts!” This sounded like a good plan, I found my opening, and pul ed my knee up with al my strength and connected, solidly.

My guy made a noise that made even me feel sorry for him. I was lifted up by my waist, set on my feet and then I heard Tex shout, “Run!”

We hightailed it to the Beetle and Indy peeled out of the parking lot but we could see a cop car, sirens blaring, approaching the light at the corner of Alameda and Logan.

Indy didn’t even slow down.

We went back to Fortnum’s, which was only a few blocks away. Without a word, we al got out of the car and walked in the store.

Duke and Jane both looked up when we walked in.

Duke’s eyes narrowed. Jane started to smile.

“If anyone asks, we’ve been here al day,” Indy said immediately.

Duke dropped his head in his hand.

“If you want to go with that story, you might want to brush the potato chips out of Jet’s hair,” Jane remarked.

My hand flew to my hair. I’d lost my ponytail holder and so I ran my hands through it. Chips flew out everywhere.

“I’l get the broom,” Indy said.

“You might also want to wipe that… is it cream cheese?

off your shirt too,” Jane suggested.

I stared down at my shirt.

Tex’s hand settled on my head.

“Now that’s more like it, Loopy Loo,” he said.

Dear Lord.

Chapter Seven

My Date with Eddie

When it seemed the coast was clear and Fortnum’s wasn’t going to be raided by a SWAT team in search of the perps who trashed an Einstein’s Bagels, Indy took me to her house.

She’d given me a gril ing about my wardrobe and decided nothing I had would do. She cal ed Al y into the Kil er Eddie Date Outfit Search. Al y bagged up some of her clothes and accessories and we al descended on Indy’s duplex.

I tried on one hundred thousand outfits before we settled on something. Nice, but not too nice. Sexy, but not obvious.

Cool, but not trying to be cool.

It included Al y’s green, wraparound top that showed a bit of cle**age, was super tight everywhere and the sleeves were way long and had a little hole in them that hooked on your thumb. This topped a pair of Indy’s jeans that were faded enough not to look like I was being dressy but also not too grungy. We added a bunch of Indy’s silver bangles on my wrist, worn over the fabric of the top and some big, dangly earrings of Al y’s. The kicker was a pair of strappy green sandals that were so sexy, Smithie would have let me break the color code for shoes at work. These were borrowed from Indy’s next-door neighbor who was Denver’s top drag queen. Luckily, he had smal feet (or I liked to think that way, not that my feet were large).

Al y took me home and, as usual, I was running late. I’d need a decade to prepare myself to be a suitable date to Eddie’s lusciousness. I needed an hour just to get ready for Smithie’s. I had forty-five minutes to get ready for Eddie.

I was in my room, finishing my hair when the buzzer went and panic seized me.

“I’l get it,” Mom shouted.

At the thought of Mom letting Eddie in, panic dissolved into nearly uncontrol ed hysteria.

“Tel him I’m running late,” I shouted back.

“Good girl, keep him waiting,” Mom encouraged.

My mother.

I rushed through the final touches, nearly forgot the bangles and went into a mini-freak out when I couldn’t find a suitable purse. I had a ful mental conversation convincing myself that guys didn’t notice purses when a knock sounded at my door.

“Eddie’s waiting,” Mom shouted through the door, obviously thinking that Eddie’d waited long enough.

“Coming!” I yel ed back.

I got over the purse trauma, grabbed the one I normal y used and rushed to the door when I heard the buzzer go again.

“I’l get it,” Mom shouted, outside my door.

Who in the hell?

I walked out and Eddie was lounging in the living room.

Jeans had been a good cal . He looked no different than normal. Long-sleeved, black, thermal tee, worn jeans, black cowboy boots and a black belt with a silver buckle.

No matter how casual he was dressed, he could have been in a magazine.

His eyes changed when he saw me and he came out of his chair.

“Hi,” I said and just stopped myself from slapping my forehead as it came out breathy, like I’d just run a race.

He didn’t say anything, he just smiled.

My insides curled.

“Look who’s here!” Mom cal ed, wheeling in using her foot with Trixie behind her, carrying an overnight bag.

I stared.

Then Trixie started speaking. “I thought to myself, ‘Self?

What are you gonna do on a boring Thursday night?’ and I answered myself, ‘You’re gonna have a sleepover with your good friend Nancy.’ So here I am,” Trixie said, as if she had sleepovers with Mom al the time (which she did not). “You must be Eddie,” She dropped the bag and smiled at Eddie.

Could they be more obvious?

Eddie’s smile didn’t falter.

“Eddie, this is my Mom’s best friend Trixie. Trixie, this is, um… Eddie.”

I kinda wished Slick would’ve broken in at that moment and knifed me, such was my desire for someone to kil me and put me out of my misery.

Eddie greeted Trixie and before it could get any more out of hand, I nearly ran across the room and grabbed Eddie’s hand.

“I was running late so we have to go,” I said.

I tugged Eddie’s hand and luckily he moved with me towards the front door.

“Don’t worry about us, we’l be just fine.” Trixie fol owed us to the front door.

I threw a look over my shoulder which should have turned her to stone. She just smiled at me.

“Stay out as long as you like,” Mom shouted from the

“Stay out as long as you like,” Mom shouted from the living room.

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