Rival Magic Page 26

Cutler grabbed an armful of snacks for himself. His magic had done most of the heavy lifting, so he must have been famished. Using magic burned through energy like a gas-guzzling car burned through fuel. You couldn’t tell from the easy expression on his face, but his magic was definitely experiencing a few hiccups. It was rocky right now, like driving over a street filled with potholes. He made fast work of the snacks.

When Sera and Naomi had each finished their muffin—and Cutler had finished his fourth—they made their way toward the back area of Mayhem, the gritty, sweaty zone where the mercenaries trained. They didn’t make it far.

They were only halfway there when Simmons burst out of the shaded glass doors. He was dressed in his usual fancy suit and watch, proving that being the head of Mayhem really was a lucrative position.

He marched up to Sera, indignation oozing off of him. “I saw what you hauled in. You were supposed to go after beasts, not fairies.”

Sera didn’t know why she was the target of his frustration. She was only one of three mercenaries who’d gone out on this job, and he’d put Cutler in charge. But Simmons was always blaming her. He seemed to think she was the source of all chaos in the universe. Honestly, he might have been right about that. Chaos flocked to her like vampires to blood.

“Those beasts were under the control of the fairies,” she said calmly. “The fairies had enchanted them to kidnap human children.”

“To what end?”

“We’re not sure.” Sera looked at Naomi, who handed over the notebooks. “We found these in the fairies’ cottage. The fairies were doing something to those kids. We don’t know what, but whatever it was, it eventually killed their prisoners. There were freshly-dug graves just outside the cottage.”

Simmons took the notebooks, but his hard stare persisted. “Ms. Derring, you are nothing but trouble.”

“Why is it always me?” Sera demanded.

He shook his head. “I ask myself that every day.”

“That’s not what I meant. I want to know why you always blame me. Cutler gets into all kinds of trouble and you never lecture him.”

“I gave up on that years ago.” Simmons sighed. “He’ll never learn.”

Cutler winked at Sera.

“None of us are responsible for this mess,” Naomi spoke up.

“Tread carefully, Ms. Garland. You’re on probation.”

Sera looked at Naomi, who shook her head and whispered, “Later.”

“Your fairy prisoners are members of an important family,” Simmons lectured Sera. “We can’t just go around throwing powerful people into our detention cells. They have a reputation. We have a reputation.”

“If they were so concerned about their reputation, then they shouldn’t have gone all Gingerbread House Witch on the world and started kidnapping human kids.”

“Sera is right.”

She turned, unable to contain the grin that curled her lips when she saw Kai walking across the lobby. He stopped in front of Sera, kissing her lightly.

“Ms. Derring, I’m just going to pretend I didn’t catch you kissing one of our most important clients,” Simmons said.

“Technically, he kissed me.”

Naomi smiled brightly at their boss. “Maybe you should give her a bonus for making our clients happy.”

Sera blushed.

Simmons’s hands opened and closed slowly, like he just wanted off this ride. “Let’s just stick to the matter at hand.”

“Indeed,” Kai said, but he curled his hand around Sera’s waist. “Sera did the right thing. The moment a supernatural acts against the Council, they are not entitled to the protections we offer them. I don’t care who they are. Betrayal is betrayal.”

“You will take care of this?” Simmons asked him.

“My team will be here in ten minutes to pick them up.”

“So much better than waiting a few hours,” Sera said.

“Yes,” he agreed. “When Alden is involved, we must act immediately. I don’t know who at the Magic Council’s San Francisco headquarters took your call and told you it would take hours to send someone, but I will find out.”

Sera almost felt sorry for the guy on the other end.

“Fine. I just don’t want this mess on my plate. We don’t take sides.” Simmons extended his hand to Kai. “Mr. Drachenburg.”

After the two of them shook hands, Simmons turned on his shiny heels and disappeared into the back area. Cutler winked at Sera, then followed after him.

Kai watched him go. “That man has a death wish.”

Naomi snorted. “Told you, Sera.” She followed Cutler to the back.

“Cutler is just messing with you.” Sera kissed him. “Hi.”

“Hi,” he replied, wrapping his arms around her. “What would you say about you taking a break from chasing unicorns for a spell and do a little job for me?”

“Have you cleared it with Simmons?”

“Simmons is already counting his money.”

She laughed. “What’s the job?” she asked as they left the building together.

“The rescheduled Magic Council Summit kicks off after the weekend. Alden won’t be able to resist making a move there. We know he is turning Council members to his side. Today’s fiasco with the fairies only confirms it.”

“That family has a seat on the Council?”


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