Rajmund Page 4

As Sarah observed all of this, she noticed that every eye in the place was on them. The dance floor was empty because everyone was focused with an almost scary intensity on Raphael. And she noticed something else. A lot of those watching were vampires, their eyes gleaming in the dark room as they followed the powerful vampire lord's progress. Their gazes were a mixture of fear and desire, as if they didn't know whether to run for their lives or to throw themselves at his feet.

A pair of double doors opened briefly on the far wall, admitting a blast of much louder music and raucous noise. And something else. The air pressure dropped sharply, and Sarah would have staggered if Duncan hadn't taken her arm. “What now?” she muttered.

"Rajmund,” Duncan said softly.

Chapter Five

Sarah concentrated on breathing as a big vampire headed across the room toward them. He was tall like Raphael, but blond, with close cut hair and clear blue eyes in a face so stereotypically Slavic he defined the word. High, flat cheekbones, slightly narrow eyes, a strong jaw and a beautiful smile filled with white teeth. He was dressed in elegant formalwear, a tuxedo jacket and pants, and a crisply white formal shirt with smooth, flat pleats. But the neck of the shirt was open, the top button undone, and the confining black tie was hanging loosely, as if he'd just whipped it off.

The music was still playing, but what little conversation there had been was now silenced as everyone, human and vampire alike, held their collective breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Sarah looked around quickly, wondering if she should be worried. But Raphael's security seemed unconcerned—or at least no more concerned than they'd been all night—and Cyn was leaning casually against Raphael's side.

She turned her gaze back to the new arrival and realized there were no fangs in that devastating smile. None of the vamps were flashing visible fang. Probably some sort of protocol thing, like not bringing your guns to the peace table.

Raj stopped just short of Raphael's security and gave the massive Juro a grin that managed to be both friendly and challenging at the same time. The pressure against Sarah's chest increased and she began to wonder if she'd survive the greeting portion of the night, much less whatever came after. Juro didn't react, other than to stand aside, while Raj took a single step forward and bowed slightly. “My lord."

"Rajmund,” Raphael acknowledged.

Obviously, vampires didn't waste words, Sarah thought, somewhat irritated and wondering how much longer this would take. Her new shoes were spectacular and the four inch heels did wonders for her legs, but they were never intended for standing around like this.

"This way, my lord,” Rajmund said easily, as if continuing some silent conversation. And maybe he was. She'd heard rumors of vamp telepathic abilities, but hadn't had a chance to ask Cyn about it. For that matter, she wasn't sure her friend would have told her even if she'd asked. There were some things Cyn volunteered and others, well . . . Sarah could understand that. Cyn's first loyalty was to Raphael, after all.

"And who is this?"

Sarah looked up and found her gaze neatly captured by a pair of icy blue eyes. A frisson of energy sparked as every nerve in her body suddenly woke up and began to hum happily. She forced herself to move, to offer a handshake. She felt the strength of his fingers as they wrapped around hers, dwarfing her hand. He was not just tall, but big. His shoulders, his upper arms and chest were massive, tapering to narrow hips and muscular thighs and . . . oh my. Sarah had always liked big men. Of course, most men were big compared to her, but she liked big men, the kind who gave off heat, a coiled energy that warned they could spring into action at any moment. There was an air of contained violence to such men, an alpha male arrogance that said they could meet all comers and take every one of them. This, she told herself, was a vampire. Suddenly she understood what Cyn had been talking about, what it felt like to have all that power and energy focused on only you.

He smiled—a slow, lazy smile that sucked away in a millisecond the little bit of air left in her lungs, leaving her gasping for breath and trying not to show it. Something in his eyes told her he knew it anyway, and she was suddenly struck by vivid images of naked bodies in a darkened room. But, no. He'd leave the lights on, so those icy eyes could drink in every tremor of her body as she writhed. Jesus, Sarah, get a grip!

Her eyes flashed to his face, and she realized she'd been staring like an idiot when he said in a rich, unhurried voice, “Rajmund Gregor. Raj, to my friends.” His words were deep and resonant, starting way down in his diaphragm and making the long journey up through that wonderful chest to her ears.

His eyes glinted with humor and Sarah bit her lips against the urge to get even closer to him, to feel that big body wrapped . . . What was wrong with her? She swallowed hard and managed a presentable smile. “I'm Cyn's friend, Sarah Stratton,” she said, and cursed her pale skin as a blush heated her cheeks.

Raj only laughed cheerfully and placed his huge hand at the small of her back. “Let's get you seated, sweetheart,” he said, propelling her across the floor in Raphael's wake. A vamp Sarah didn't recognize went ahead and held yet another door open for them. Juro disappeared inside this new room briefly, then reappeared and nodded.

The room was clearly reserved for very private parties. It was furnished much like the VIP lounge they'd crossed through, but the leather was softer, the tables burnished steel rather than chrome, and the glass tops thicker and polished to a gleaming finish. Raphael and Cyn strolled over to the largest of the banquette-like sofas—an open curve of black leather against the wall, with a low glass coffee table sitting in front of it. They settled next to each other, while Duncan took a leather barrel chair facing Raphael across the table. Sarah sat on the other side of Cyn, studiously ignoring the wicked grin Raj sent her way, promising a dangerous evening ahead. She tucked herself against the soft leather and pretended to care about the decor.

The space was small enough that it felt warm and intimate, rather than isolated—a feeling that was enhanced by the wall of glass facing the VIP lounge. Sarah remembered seeing it as a black, lacquered wall from the lounge side. From in here, however, it was a slightly opaque glass providing a clear view of everything going on in the larger room. Speakers suddenly came to life, bringing in sound, the music and the buzz of voices as the club guests—human and vampire—resumed their interrupted festivities.

A full bar lined one wall and Sarah saw row upon row of the finest labels of various alcoholic beverages, many of which she recognized from her parents’ wet bar. Of course, that was long ago, before the dreams . . . and what came afterward. She forced the memory aside, focusing instead on the sterling silver champagne bucket waiting on the polished mahogany counter, with what looked like a nicely chilled bottle of Krug Grande Cuvee. She could already feel the bubbles against her tongue. But, wait. Did vampires drink? Other than blood, that is.

Raj was still standing, one hand resting on the back of the sofa. “We have a full bar here, my lord,” Raj said, answering her unvoiced question. “Danny—” He gestured at the vamp who'd opened the door for them. He was tall and slender, smoothly handsome, with a mocha complexion and an elaborate tattoo that wound around his neck before disappearing into his shirt. He nodded when Raj said his name, smiling at her with the assurance of a man who knew women found him attractive.

"Danny,” Raj continued, “can get anything you'd like. If it's not in here, we certainly carry it at the main bar. And, of course, there's blood available in whatever form you prefer.” He caught Sarah's eye when he said that, holding her gaze for a moment before letting his eyes travel along her body like a warm caress, over her breasts and down her bare legs to her high, high heels and back up again. She shuddered slightly under the impact of his inspection and he smiled confidently. Danny wasn't the only vampire in the room who knew women liked him.

Sarah resisted the urge to tug her skirt down and wondered absently if vampires ran in packs—like all of Raj's vampires were lady killers, while all of Raphael's were the strong, silent type, like he was. Of course, Raphael's people were in hostile territory, so that was probably part of it. But Raj just seemed younger somehow, more carefree. Raphael carried an air of tremendous authority, a confidence that no one would ever dare cross him. She didn't think anyone would ever cross Raj either, but it was because he looked damned dangerous.

She saw Raphael whisper something in Cyn's ear. Her friend sighed in annoyance, but she stood, pulling Sarah up with her. “Come on, Sarah,” she said, scooting around the glass table. “We womenfolk have been banished to the bar while the big bads discuss serious business."

Sarah glanced at Raphael, but his attention was on Cyn, his eyes shining silver, his lips curved into a gentle smile. “Thank you, lubimaya,” he said.

Cyn blew out a dismissive breath, but grinned at him before dragging Sarah over to the bar where a glass of delicious champagne was waiting with her name on it.

Raj watched the two women as they crossed the floor and climbed up onto the high bar stools. He had to admit Raphael's woman, Cynthia, was stunning. But she was like an exotic animal, something wild and lovely and totally unpredictable. He had a feeling she'd be a hellion in bed, but a lot of work out of it. Too much work for Raj's taste.

Her friend Sarah, on the other hand, was something else. It was obvious she felt outclassed by the strikingly beautiful Cynthia, but that was a shame, because she was a lovely woman in her own right. If she were to walk through the room outside that door, the eye of every vampire would follow each tiny movement of that tight little ass. She was shorter than Cyn, maybe five-foot-four without those heels, but half of that was legs and the rest was all lush curves. She'd covered her breasts with the red silk of her dress, but she filled it out nicely. Nicely enough that he already knew what it would taste like when he put his mouth on those firm nipples he could see pressing against the straining fabric. She scooted back on the bar stool, tossing her long blond hair over one shoulder and crossing her legs with a hiss of smooth skin. Raj felt himself growing hard in anticipation.

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