Raid Page 58

She seemed immune. She hitched a hip, planted her hand on it and shared, “I caught, ‘Harder Raid. Fuck, wild, mine,’ but that was enough. Talk in town is right. You’re steppin’ out on me.”


My mind refused to process that. Actually, it refused to process anything. The only thing it could think of was getting the heck out of there.


I sprang from the bed, holding the afghan around me, and raced to my clothes on the floor.

“Hanna, get back in bed,” I heard Raid order, but I had my panties and I was struggling to keep the afghan in place as I pulled them up my legs.

“Hanna?” she sneered. “Jesus, Raid, you do vanilla. This is so disappointing.”

“Bitch, advice. Disappear. Right now and I don’t see you again,” Raiden returned in a warning low that scared the dickens out of me.

I could tell he was moving around, but I was concentrating on yanking up my shorts.

The woman again was immune to Raid’s warning.

“Honey, you feel like adventure, Raid likes it wild and I got time. You just gave him good but you and me together? We’ll blow his mind.”

She was talking to me.

And I couldn’t believe what she was saying to me.

I ignored her and held the afghan up with my teeth as I wrapped my bra around my ribs.

“Meg, not gonna say it again. Get the f**k out,” Raiden growled.

“Talking from experience, sweetie,” she kept ignoring Raid and addressing me, “brought him a friend. He likes it like that. I know ‘cause he came back for more.”

Pain seared through me, but I couldn’t focus on it since I heard a terrified squeak. My head shot back and I watched Raiden, in nothing but cargo pants, zipped but not buttoned, dragging her by her upper arm across the room.

He opened the door and bodily tossed her out onto the landing.

“Swear to f**kin’ Christ, I see your f**kin’ face again, I’ll devote my life to makin’ yours a misery. You feel like testing me, you’ll learn real f**kin’ quick I do not f**k around. And after that shit in there, Meg, I’ll go slow and enjoy every f**kin’ minute of flushin’ your life right down the toilet.” He threatened then finished, “Nod if you get me.”

“All bark, no bite, ‘cept sweet, vanilla Hanna in there. Now she gets your teeth when I thought they were all for me,” she jeered.

It might make me weird, and before this I didn’t care, but I could make Raid lose it often, lose control enough to sink his teeth into me and, as I mentioned, I loved that.

Actually, to be honest, I lived for it.

And it wasn’t just mine.

I closed my eyes against the pain, then opened them, dropped the afghan and bent to snatch up my blouse.

“You just tested me,” he whispered sinisterly.

“Do your worst,” she hissed. “No one steps out on me.”

“Clue in, bitch,” Raiden shot back. “I haven’t spoken to you for months. A man f**ks you and your friend, no dinners, no movies, there’s nothin’ but pu**y to step out on and pu**y that’s just pu**y is also just nothing.”

“You dick!” she yelled.

“Yeah, I’m a dick, but you’re a goddamned cunt. Prepare, Meg,” he finished on a warning and slammed the door right in her face.

He twisted the lock, turned to me and lifted a hand to drag his fingers through his hair, his blazing eyes landing on me.

“Fuck me, so goddamned hooked on my woman, come home to her in my bed, didn’t lock the motherfucking door,” he ground out.

“I need to leave,” I whispered, and Raid focused on me.

“Come again?”

“I need to go,” I told him.

“Hanna, that was jacked. Do not take her shit in,” he ordered.

“I need to go,” I repeated.

“Babe, again, that was jacked. I was never seein’ her. It was casual. You cannot step out on what’s not real. I haven’t even spoken to her in f**kin’ months. Way longer than you’ve been with me. She heard talk about us, woke up feelin’ like bein’ a bitch and came here to spread that joy.”

“You called her a cunt,” I reminded him.

He threw out a hand, his brows shooting up. “Were you not just here? She is a cunt.”

This was not debatable. I didn’t even know why I brought it up.

I moved on. “Did you… did you… bite her like you do me?”

“Honey, why do you think that shit tripped it for me? That bitch has never had my teeth. Fuck, no bitch has ever had my teeth.”

Thank God.

At least that was good.

Again, moving on. “Did you sleep with her and her friend?”

His torso swung back, his mouth snapped shut and I knew.


I moved toward him because he was at the door, my head was down, my mouth repeating, “I need to leave.”

I didn’t make it. He didn’t step out of my way this time. He wrapped his hands around both my arms and moved me back five feet into the room.

I tore free and stepped three wide strides to the side, lifting a hand his way.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed, and this time his head jerked.


“You had threesomes!” I cried.

“I told you, baby, we do not wanna go over past shit.”

I threw out both hands. “Now I understand why,” I shared. Then I asked, “Are you going to want to do that with me?”

“Fuck no,” he clipped.

“And I’m supposed to believe that?” I pushed.

He leaned toward me and bit out, “Fuck yes.”

“How?” I snapped. “She’s right, you like it wild. When is vanilla going to wear off, Raid?”

Suddenly he smiled huge, white and amused, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he looked like he was fighting laughter.

“This isn’t funny!” I yelled because it dang well wasn’t!

“Honey, you’re wrong. You thinkin’ you’re even close to vanilla is goddamned hilarious.”

“Unh-hunh,” I mumbled disbelievingly.

His body started visibly shaking.


With laughter.

“This isn’t funny!” I shrieked.

Raid crossed his arms on his chest, tried to fight back his smile without hiding he was fighting it back and began.

“Hanna, baby, I told you we do not wanna go over past shit and I was right. We really don’t. But you’ve worked yourself up so you give me no choice.”

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