Burning Up Flint Read online

  They left the building to walk two blocks over to another blue building. She saw curving text etched on each one. The markings looked like the tattoos on her and on Flint, obviously their written cyborg language. She wondered if she’d have to learn it now that she lived on Garden, instantly hoping she wouldn’t have to because she wasn’t good with other languages. She was just really happy that cyborgs still spoke English instead of adopting or creating some other language when they’d done the written text. Flint entered the building, walked into the lift and pushed the top button.

  Mira’s eyebrows rose. “You live on the top floor?”

  He nodded. “I’m a commander of a salvage ship. It’s a high-ranking, very respectable job to have. I get the best accommodations due to my title.”

  A horrible thought hit her. “When you were telling that woman that you wanted to request unit quarters on the Star does that mean you are going to take me with you when you have to go back to work?”

  Dark blue eyes narrowed at her. She saw his body tense as his mouth flattened into a tight line. “Why do you ask?”

  “You were obviously gone for months. I don’t want to be left here without you. I want to go where you go. Why do you look pissed at my question?”

  The lift doors slid open and Flint moved, not answering her. She followed him out into a corridor. Flint didn’t look at her as he spoke, leading her down a long section, around a corner where he stopped in front of a door and lifted his palm to a scanner.

  “I thought at first you might want to know when you’d be rid of me. Your tone implied that traveling with me wouldn’t be a happy event for you.”

  “My tone implied fear that you’d leave me here alone. I don’t want to be without you.”

  Smiling, Flint turned to face her as the door swished open. He stepped inside with Mira following. “No fear of that, Mirasia Carver. You are mine. Where I go, you go. You will be traveling with me and I will not leave you on Garden alone while I return to duty aboard the Star. You will be sharing my bed every sleep cycle whether I’m here or on the ship. Welcome to our home on Garden. I own this as well.”

  Mira tore her gaze from Flint. She stared in wonder at the large room that was an open living area. A kitchen was tucked in the corner with a long bar separating the kitchen area from the living area. Barstools told her that was the eating area. The entire outer wall was glass and the view was almost the same as the one in Arrion’s office. She could see beyond the wall that separated the city from the wilderness, the trees, and in the distance the ocean. She also saw a long balcony that extended the length of the large room.

  “Wow. It’s all so beautiful. The view, the room, and it’s so big.”

  “I thought you would like it.” Flint dropped his bag as he walked to the glass. He touched up high and the glass separated instantly, turning to open like a door. Warm, fresh air blew into the room as Flint stepped out on the balcony. He turned to grin at her. “Come here.”

  Following him outside Mira eagerly took the hand he offered. Flint pulled her into his body as he turned her so they both faced the view. “I love being on Garden and this is why. I spend too much of my time in space so when I’m here I usually keep the panels open unless the weather turns bad. What do you think of Garden? Is it as beautiful as Earth?”

  “I think it might beat Earth. It’s rare to see so many trees and I love that you can see the ocean from here.”

  “Wait until the sun sets and the moons come out. I love staring up at them.” He hugged her a little tighter. “Are you hungry? Food deliveries should be arriving soon. I preorder before I come home so I don’t have to shop. I also took the liberty while still on the Star of ordering you more clothing from the sizes Doc recorded. They should be arriving today as well. I’ll show you the rest of our home.”

  The rest of it contained a spacious cleansing room with both a cleaning unit and a soaking tub just off the hallway. Farther down she found two more rooms and an office. The smaller room had weight-training equipment and the second room was the sleeping room. A dresser and a huge bed dominated the room. It had an even bigger cleansing room that included a large soaking tub. Four people could fit in it if they squeezed in.

  Flint met her eyes as she smiled at him. “I love your home. It’s huge compared to your room on the Star.”

  “My room on the Star would fit into my cleansing room here.” Flint’s eyes narrowed. “It is our home now, not just mine.”

  His words touched Mira and she smiled wider at him. “I love our home,” she corrected.

  “I want you to bathe and climb into bed to wait for me.” He walked to the glass wall in the bedroom to open the slide panel to let fresh air blow into the room. He slowly turned to face her. “I have deliveries arriving at any moment. After they are here I’ll join you. Take your time in the cleansing room.” He chuckled. “You should have seen the longing on your face when you saw it. When is the last time you soaked in water?”

  “Before I left Earth on business about two months ago.”

  “Take a long bath.” He nodded at her before striding out of the room.

  Mira walked into his cleansing room, noticing no windows were in the room as an Earth one would have but she saw a vid screen mounted along one wall. Did Flint like to watch the news or entertainment while soaking in the tub? The image of a naked Flint lounging in that huge tub did things to her libido. She stripped quickly while water filled the tub and delight hit her instantly at the luxury of hot water up to her chin as she climbed in it. At one point she heard a chime, guessing that some of Flint’s deliveries had arrived.

  She was still soaking in the warm tub when Flint walked in, naked. Her eyes raked over his large muscular body and she couldn’t miss the erection he sported. Flint took her breath away with his muscular, perfect body and sexy, incredible eyes. He was the hottest guy she’d ever seen in her life. The cyborg turned her on instantly just by being undressed in the same room with her, knowing what was going to happen between them. She ran her gaze up his body slowly, noting every inch of him to memory, until she met Flint’s amused gaze as he smiled at her.

  “They arrived faster than I thought so I’m joining you.”

  “Please do.”

  He climbed into the tub, making the water level rise dangerously high when he settled in next to her. She laughed. “Maybe I should let out a little water.”

  He reached for the release first. “I have it.” His eyes locked with hers. “I want you.”

  “I saw how turned-on you are. I want you too.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She moved around in the water to face him as she straddled his lap. She saw surprise hit his features and then he grinned as his hands slid to her waist. He said nothing but his features spoke volumes.

  “You’re sexy when you’re naked and wet.” She cupped water in both hands to let it run down his chest.

  “Tomorrow I made an appointment with medical. I’ve requested the shot I need to activate my sperm.”

  She was instantly confused. “You already have sperm.”

  He chuckled. “Not fertile sperm. Once I take the shot my sperm will be viable.” His thumb brushed her lower stomach. “With active sperm I will be able to impregnate you.”

  Now it was her turn to be shocked. “You want to get me pregnant already?”

  His entire body tightened as he frowned at her. “Yes.”

  “But we haven’t been together long enough. I thought we’d wait a bit.”

  “Define long enough. You’re mine, Mira. I have requested the paperwork to be filed for us to be a family unit and it should be approved today since they have no grounds to deny me. I’ve waited a long time for a family unit and I won’t wait any longer. The moment I saw you when you opened the door to me on that shuttle I knew you were going to conceive my offspring. My mind was made up then.”

  “Just a few days ago you were willing to sell me.”

  Pure anger constricted his features. “You ran from me. I ma