One Wish Page 45

“Uh-huh. I might’ve gotten carried away once,” he said.

“Actually, five times. At least. So, cheers,” she said, clinking his glass. “I really don’t mind when you get carried away. It’s kind of fun.”

He sipped. “Peyton, I think this wine is bad. It tastes sour.”

“It’s sparkling cider,” she said. “You did it, you brute. You knocked me up before the wedding.”

He grinned stupidly. “Peyton! That’s wonderful!” Then he was stunned silent for a moment. “Crap,” he finally said. “Your father is going to kill me. I’m a little terrified of your father, did I mention that?”

“Paco? He’s all bluster. But, I think we won’t tell him. Or Mama either, for that matter. Do you think you can keep your mouth shut around the grandmothers?”

“Oh, sure. I don’t tell them anything. They’re a pain in my ass. But it’s going to be hard not to tell some of the guys. You know—Spencer, Coop, Seth.”

“Try. Because at least two of those three have big mouths and they’re coming to the wedding. It would be just like one of them to toast the bride and groom and baby. However, when I don’t drink, someone’s bound to ask.”

“They know we’re together. You can tell them you’re five minutes pregnant. Just how pregnant are you?”

“Five minutes. I haven’t missed a period yet but I peed on a stick.”

“You did?”

“Uh-huh. Iris came in to set up a prenatal appointment. She’s five minutes pregnant and it made me just wonder.”

“Good for Iris! They want a baby! And by the way, we want a baby. This isn’t going to screw up your plans, is it? I mean, the big wedding, the dress, the flowers, all that stuff? You’re not going to get morning sickness at the altar or anything, are you?”


“And you’re still planning to seduce me tonight?”

“Yes, Scott. I put your children to bed and when you’ve lost your mind on the sparkling cider I’m going to strip and make you crazy.”

He leaned toward her, slid a hand under her sheet of black hair and pulled her closer. “I do love that. If you haven’t folded up the tent, we could do it in there.”

“I’d rather do it in bed.”

He touched her lips with his. “I love you. Have I told you that lately?”

“Several times a day. And I love you, but apparently you have a real talent for procreation. I’m going to keep my eye on you.”

“Thank you, Peyton. I really want children with you. At least a few.”

“I agreed to one so far. Let’s see how it goes.”

“It’s going to be great. Your family specializes in big herds. Your grandmother had the last child at forty-six.”

“In your dreams, doctor hottie,” she said, kissing him.

“Hmm. Do I have to drink this,” he said, holding his glass up. “It tastes like shit.”

She laughed. “If I have to be off wine for nine months, then shouldn’t you? As a sign of solidarity?”

“Absolutely, I’ll swear off wine if it makes you happy. Thank God, I’m a beer man. Now come on, enough talk about dietary restrictions—let’s get you naked.”

* * *

Troy asked Grace several times if it would be best to cancel his friend Denny’s weekend visit. “No,” she said. “In fact, it might be better to have things to do, people around. But, Troy, do you have to tell them I shot you?”

“No, I don’t have to, but if we introduce them to anyone in town, they’re going to find out.”

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Things were so quiet, then...”

“All of a sudden,” he agreed. “Well, it still isn’t bigger than we are, babe.”

The early April weather cooperated. Every day was sunny and bright except when those afternoon showers came in over the Pacific. The days had grown longer and Grace could keep the shop open until six and still close in daylight. The downside was that after Denny and Becca’s visit, Troy was going to be needed more at the beach bar—people would start migrating to Cooper’s for sunset. The weather was warmer, and more people were seen outside, walking rather than driving.

While it gnawed at Grace that someone could send her a note identical to the ones Bruno sent before capturing her, knowing he was under wraps brought her some peace of mind. And while she was loath to admit it, seeing that Taser take down her boyfriend gave her a little confidence. Aside from the confusion about a motive, she was quickly feeling calmer. She did not, however, wear the Taser on her belt. She handled it very carefully. She carried it in her purse and it was turned off!

On Friday afternoon at around five o’clock, Troy brought a lovely young couple to the flower shop to meet Grace. Denny was a tall, handsome man in his late twenties and his wife was a pretty blonde with the sweetest little baby bump. They introduced themselves, looked around the shop appreciatively and thanked her for welcoming them so nicely. And then Becca froze. Her mouth stood open slightly and she covered it with her hand. She stared at Grace, wide-eyed. “Oh, my God!” she said. “You’re her! You’re Izzy Banks!”


It turned out that Becca Cutler had been hooked on figure skating and kept up with all the competitions. She loved it all, pairs, ice dancing, long programs, short programs. When it wasn’t Winter Games, she watched national and world championships on ESPN. Becca and Grace were the same age. They literally grew up together. Grace admitted who she was.

After closing up the flower shop, they drove out to Cooper’s so Troy could show his friends his other place of employment. “Not too different from your little bar in Virgin River,” Troy said. “Just a different landscape.”

Cooper and Denny shook hands like old friends. “Jack sends his best. Said to call him if you need anything.”

“I need his cook if I’m going to get rich. Tell him to send Preacher,” Cooper said.

“Like that’ll ever happen,” Denny said.

“Take a table, the weather’s great. Beer on the house for my friends. What can I get the little lady with that expectant look in her eye?”

“Just a noncaffeine cola, if you have it.”

“Sorry, darlin’, but everything here is high-test except the light beer.”

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