One Dom to Love Page 32

He scowled at Hammer. “You need to keep your bitch on a leash.”

A snarl tore from Hammer’s lips. “She’s not mine to put on a leash, asshole.”

“More yours than mine. I was never stupid enough to stick my dick in her.”

“Probably because she didn’t want yours,” Hammer sneered.

Liam rolled his eyes and turned back to Raine. “Broke a fingernail, ugly plastic boobs, or her period, is it? So who are you protecting with that lie? Can’t be me, as I know fuck all about her, but if her Dom of the moment doesn’t deal with her, I will. You, however, are my problem, and you promised me the truth. How quickly you forget. You won’t like the consequences of compounding it further. So let’s try again. Why did she hit you?”

She resisted the urge to cross her arms over her chest. God, all this ugly shit was going to come out, and they’d asked for it. Men just never listened... “Fine. I was protecting myself. I didn’t want either of you to think that I got into some jealous tangle with the bitc...woman. She followed me out, slapped me without a word, then blamed me for making you useless, whatever that means.” She glared at Hammer. “I didn’t ask questions, since it’s none of my business. And no matter how badly I wanted to, I didn’t hit her back. She called me white trash and said you should have left me by the dumpster. So I called her a plastic whore and came inside, then I ran into you. That’s it.”

“I’ll take care of this.” Hammer’s gaze softened as he looked down at Raine. “You didn’t have to risk punishment to protect her, precious. She doesn’t mean shit to me. Please, next time, just tell the truth.”

He turned away, but stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Liam. “Should I demand to be present when you punish her, old friend? Maybe I can save her from you and offer her a collar, too.”

With a scoff, he brushed past Liam, bumping his shoulder, then left.

Searching for the platinum blonde bitch, Hammer raced up the stairs and found her pouting at the bar, nursing a drink. Striding to Marlie, he grabbed her by the arm and plucked her from the barstool in an unyielding grip. She yelped in surprise, then flashed him a smile with her collagen-puffed lips, exposing her capped white teeth.

“Time to talk, Marlie,” he barked in her ear. “You’ve stepped over the line, and I won’t tolerate your behavior anymore!”

She bristled, her eyes growing wide with feigned confusion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re hurting me!”

He shot her a quelling glare and lifted her from the floor, then dragged her toward the stairs. “I’ll explain in my office.”

The shrieking shrew kicked and screamed. “She hit me first!”

“I thought you didn’t know what I was talking about,” Hammer drawled. “Show me.”

“I-it was over my clothes. I dodged out of the way. It’s not my fault if she’s slower.”

As they passed the dungeon, Liam stood in the hall, cradling Raine’s cheek in his palm. It soured something in Hammer’s gut, but at least the other man was taking care of her.

Hammer could feel hatred pouring off Marlie when she clapped her eyes on Liam’s tender touch.

“Do you have something to say to Raine?” Hammer prodded.

Marlie glared at the pair. “I already said it and I meant every word.”

Liam bent to Raine, kissing her cheek. “Why don’t you go to our room, lass? I’ll be along directly, after I’ve said my piece.”

Raine hesitated before glancing at him, then back to Liam. She turned to leave as Liam’s eyes fastened on Marlie. And suddenly, he unleashed his rage on her with a ferocity that had the woman backing up against Hammer in a hurry.

“You’re a viscous, pathetic excuse for a human being, and if you were a man, I’d knock you into next week. How dare you lay hands on Raine? You aren’t fit to so much as wipe her ass for her. You’ll never have and never be what she is, and do you know why? Because she’s real and decent, full of life. And she has a heart. How fucking dare you raise a bloody hand to her, you miserable plastic bitch! Get the hell out of my face before I forget you’re female. Hear me well, though. If you come within a hundred yards of Raine again, I’ll make you wish to christ you’d never been born!”

Marlie stared at Liam in abject fear. Hammer had never seen this side of his friend—ever. The calm, cool, collected Liam who never lost his temper was long gone. This startling transformation was something he’d best keep in mind.

Liam turned. Sweet Raine blinked at him with soft eyes.

“Damn it,” he muttered. “I told you—”

She threw herself into his arms. He caught her with a groan and wound his arms around her, pulling her into his body. He didn’t pause, but kept walking as she wrapped her legs about him and kissed him soundly before they disappeared into his room. The door slammed shut so hard the walls vibrated.

Suddenly, Hammer found himself alone with Marlie. He dragged her to his office.

It would be a long time before the image of Raine locking lips with the asshole and crawling up his body like he was some fucking hero left Hammer’s mind. And damnit, he probably missed a golden opportunity to wrap Raine in his arms and shield her from Liam’s tirade. But as pissed off as Liam was, Hammer was certain that if he’d jostled one hair on Raine’s head, Liam would have gone berserk.

Mentally, Hammer sank to his knees. When had the fucking bastard fallen head over heels in love with Raine? The realization that she’d burrowed deep into Liam’s heart disturbed him. It shouldn’t shock him as much as it did; after all, Raine had captured his heart long ago. She still owned it.

Was all that tonsil-swabbing she’d played with Liam just gratitude…or was she falling in love with the fucker?

“Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” Marlie batted her lashes in a pathetic attempt to look fragile and helpless. She faked a sniffle. “She said that you fucked her.”

“Nope. I didn’t fuck her. I made mad, passionate love to her.”

Marlie dropped the faux sadness. “Are you kidding me? Did you want to see how the unwashed performs in bed?”

Hammer gave her his sternest glare of contempt. “We shared something magical. Meaningful. Something I never had with you.”

“She’s so...gutter. How could you want her? All that dark hair tangles and hangs down her back in a disheveled mess and into her eyes. All that fake innocence...” Marlie made gagging noises. “Seriously, she must have fucked half the dungeon over the years. No polish, no class. She’s so short and her boobs are too big to wear designer. I’m sure that’s why she looks so thoroughly average.” She shuddered, and Hammer felt his blood pressure rise. “That, and her grooming. Does she do her nails with a chainsaw? Cut her own hair wearing a blindfold?” Marlie curled her fake claws around his shoulder. Hammer shook off her touch, feeling a sudden, violent urge. “Macen, really. You’re too sophisticated and smart to prefer that little urchin to a more worldly woman. You and I are so alike. We make sense. Be reasonable, lover...”

He’d never punched a woman before, but if he didn’t get the conniving whore out of his office soon, he’d do just that.

Glaring at Marlie with a look that should have turned her to stone, he jerked the phone off his desk and punched in the code for security. “I need an escort from my office. Now!” He slammed the receiver back down and sucked in a deep breath, his body shaking in rage.

Clenching his jaw so tight he thought his teeth might shatter, he balled his hands into fists. “You’re banned from Shadows until hell freezes over. But let me be clear. Raine is a beautiful woman who’s real and warm. She’s got a heart of gold. I don’t know why, but she actually tried to protect you. Christ, I’m so damn glad we made her tell the truth. Don’t ever darken my doorstep with your shallow cattiness again, you miserable cunt!”

“You actually prefer that unkempt whore?” Marlie stared, open-mouthed. “Oh my god, you’re in love with her? Ugh! My opinion of you just went down ten notches. That ‘heart of gold’ won’t look so good on your arm since I’ve seen better-dressed women who just crawled out of the projects. She wouldn’t know the difference between Versace and Prada if someone held a gun to her head. But, oh, that’s right. She won’t be on your arm. She’s busy fucking your friend? So I guess that leaves you all alone.” She smiled coldly as she grabbed his thumb. “Have fun with Polly and her four sisters. That’s all the sex you’ll be getting because you won’t be getting it from me, you stupid ox!”

“You were nothing more than a convenient place to shove my dick. The only reason you came here was to spread your legs for cock, and the whole fucking club knows it. You’re no more interested in being a proper submissive than I am! Don’t concern yourself with my sex life. I’ll manage just fine without you and your nasty snatch.” A condescending smile curled on his lips just as two Dungeon Monitors appeared in his doorway. “Take this trash out and toss her in the dumpster. Literally.”

Hammer shoved Marlie toward the two men.

“With pleasure, boss.” A broad smile cracked the stoic face of one DM. “Come on, Marlie. Looks like you’ve worn out your welcome here. Thank fucking god.”

Hammer sucked in a deep breath as he watched them take her away, still fighting the urge to knock her flat on her ass. It was over. Marlie couldn’t hurt Raine again, and he needed to let her know.

Storming from his office, he headed toward Liam’s room, the sounds of Marlie sputtering in protest fading in the distance. At Liam’s door, he knocked. The thought of that bastard deep inside Raine seared across his mind. He was more than happy to interrupt.

Impatiently he knocked again, louder and harder. Finally, the door swung open with such force, Hammer thought it might fly off its hinges.

Liam stood there with his shirt open and his dick tenting the front of his barely-buttoned trousers as he licked Raine’s glaze from his mouth and chin with a smacking smile. He didn’t speak, just cocked his brow and waited.

“Jesus christ!” Hammer mumbled under his breath as the scent of Raine’s essence assaulted his senses. His mouth watered, and he ached to push Liam aside and dive face first into her heavenly cunt.

Hammer took a steely breath, trying to restrain himself from driving his fist into Liam’s gloating smile. “I want to speak with Raine.”

“No. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. We’re busy. Fuck off, Hammer.”

“You’re really loving this, aren’t you? Okay, give her a message for me. Tell her that Marlie won’t ever lay another hand on her. She’s been physically removed from the club and banned for life,” he bellowed loud enough for Raine to hear—along with most of the dungeon.

From the room behind him, he heard a chorus of applause.

Then Hammer backed away. To his surprise, Liam followed him into the hall and closed the door behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. “She insisted on coming back here for you, so am I loving this bullshit? No, not a lot.” He cocked his head to the side. “Isn’t it that time of year for you to visit New York and pay your respects to Juliet?” He dug into his pocket and flipped his keys in Hammer’s direction. “I’m staying at your place. You can stay at mine.” He shrugged. “I figure I owe you.”

Hammer palmed the keys. “Well, free rent doesn’t come close to compensating me for stealing Raine.”

“You had six years, and all you did was bloody tear her apart. Are you going to begrudge her some affection?” His eyes narrowed. “Because you’re not the one dishing it out?”

Hammer didn’t have an argument for that. “Will Raine still be here when I get back from New York?”

“As long as she wants to stay, we’ll be here. And trust me, friend, if she wants to stay, then I’ll not be going anywhere either. Can you deal with that?”

Fuck no. “Oh, I can deal. It will take someone better than you to truly be competition,” he sneered, then turned and walked away.

Chapter 14

Raine scrambled back onto the bed. She hadn’t caught every word by pressing her ear to the door, but enough to get the gist. Hammer had given up Marlie without a second thought, as well as banned her.

She shook her head. Liam had said she could stay at Shadows as long as she wanted. Maybe that wasn’t smart. Hammer would always have a piece of her. He would always be a temptation. Seeing him every day wouldn’t be easy, especially since he and Liam were at odds over her. But so much of her heart now seemed wrapped up in the tender Irishman who swaggered his way toward her and stripped off his pants to reveal a body that made her catch her breath.

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