Never Enough Page 60

“Am I that obvious? She’d hate that if she knew. She’s very private, you know? She’d be embarrassed. Please don’t mention it.”

“Of course not. What do you think I am?” Cope socked his arm extra hard for emphasis. “What I do want to mention though, is how you have not only a son who has rocked your world but this woman who has set you on your ass. Gillian is your other half. Your key. You two have energy. Chemistry like whoa, and wow, can you two snarl at each other. It’s that fire-and-ice thing. It’s what Erin has with Todd.”

He clinked his beer against Adrian’s. “And yet you take care of her. I notice how you always stick with her at family stuff. Checking in frequently. Bringing her food and drinks. You make sure she’s comfortable.”

“I’m wooing her. She’s prickly. Defensive. Christ, her childhood has left her less than trusting of most people so we clash that way.”

“Because your snout is up in her business. And also, because you have your own baggage when it comes to trusting people.”

“Yes. Yes, that’s true. And so f**king what?”

“So f**king nothing. Stop being so defensive. It just means you’re having to work for it. Welcome to the real world where the rest of us have to rely on our wits instead of our guitars to get women.”

“You’re an ass**le.”

Cope laughed. “I am, totally. But I’m married to the most beautiful woman in the world. The woman who makes every single moment of my life better. You’re letting her in. I’m happy to see that too. You can’t just live your life in the same four places with the same eight people. She’s making your world bigger.”

“She gets to me. Everything she does gets to me. I’m helpless against it.”

“Yeah, they do that.” Cope’s attention snagged on his redheaded wife, who sat across the room with Elise, their heads bent together, both laughing.

“So this doesn’t go away?”

Cope snorted. “Hell no. But they’re worth it anyway.”

“She likes horror movies.” He laughed a moment, remembering the moment he’d discovered this fact about the prim and proper Ms. Forrester. He’d been looking through her music and DVD collection and had been rocked back on his heels by how many horror movies she owned.

“Yeah? That’s sort of awesome. I’d never have suspected.”

Brody ambled over and tossed himself on the couch next to Adrian. “Talking about the lady folk bustling around in the kitchen looking all fine and shit? Even hotter when they decorate for a birthday party. Don’t know why, but I don’t question these things.”

“I was telling Cope about Gillian’s secret addiction. Horror movies. I’m using it to woo her.”

“Ah, the woo. Nice. What’s the plan?”

“I have a giant screen in my media room and I’m not afraid to use it. I’ve got a double feature planned for later. Rosemary’s Baby and The Wicker Man. Popcorn, root beer floats, some awesome scary movies. I’m going to lure her into my parlor with my projection screen.”

Brody laughed, slapping his shoulder. “I knew you were a smart man. Elise loves them too. We should do a group viewing. Not tonight, so get that look off your face.”

“With this group, you never know.” Adrian searched the room until he found Miles playing a board game with Rennie. Alexander stood at Rennie’s knee, patting it.

“He’s a great kid.” Brody smiled. “Probably because he’s so much like me, eh?”

“I worry about your low self-esteem.”

“Yeah, it’s a cross I have to bear. Anyway, it’s impossible to have low self-esteem when you’re married to the most scorching-hot ballerina on the planet.” Brody waggled his brows.

“Andy here was just making a similar assertion. Women seem to be at the root of all this stuff.”

“Of course they are. You don’t really get it until you find that one. There are plenty before, but once she shows up in your life, none of the rest matter. She matters in a way you couldn’t have imagined before. And then you’re stuck because you’re addicted.”

Cope nodded his head, each of them watching that woman. “Best kind of addiction there is.”

Gillian’s gaze moved to Miles, a smile on her lips as she reassured herself he was all right. Then it moved to Adrian and she started a bit to see he was staring right back.

She stood in his kitchen, the sun slanting over the floors at her feet. Bare. The woman seemed to hate shoes. Not that he had any complaints about it. Her feet were sexy, like the rest of her. It was probably the way she so rarely displayed a lot of skin, but the sight of her bare feet always got him hot.

“She doesn’t seem to let go all the way with us, though. She holds back just a little.” That bugged him, he had to admit. In bed it was raw and honest, but here, sure, she laughed and had a lovely time, but she deliberately hung back a step.

“This is about Miles.” Brody, as usual, seemed to understand Gillian better than Adrian did. Most of him appreciated this, but a small part was a little jealous she clicked so well with his brother when he wanted her to tell him everything.

“I don’t know if I should be offended that you get her better than I do.”

“It’s easy to from where I’m sitting. I’m not in love with her. This is big family stuff. It takes time and she’s already a reserved person.”

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