Never Enough Page 25

He leaned back, happy to sit in the quiet and sip a glass of wine. She wasn’t always trying to make noise for the sake of it. He liked that about her.

“My place has this sort of quiet, but even so, it’s in the city. This is real dark out here.”

“Makes the stars very easy to see.”

He paused, tucking the blanket around her and then himself. “Thank you seems a pale tribute for what you’ve given me.” He snorted and then breathed deep. Someone somewhere had a wood fire burning.

“I think Miles had a great time. He was positively giddy about you having Willie Nelson’s phone number.” She laughed and he wanted more.

This place, this moment, it was beautiful and relaxed. He felt safe and comfortable and able to be who he was without having to be on guard.

“At least he’s got good taste in music, even if he plays bass. Erin’s never going to let me hear the end of that. She likes you.” He licked his lips and her eyes moved to his mouth. The echo of that appraisal shot straight to his cock.

“I found your sister impossible not to like back. She’s straightforward and protective of her family. She took a risk in coming here.”

“She’s a force of nature.”

“A good way to describe her. And how are you, Adrian? A lot has happened to you over the last month or so.”

“Birds flying high, you know how I feel. Sun in the sky, you know how I feel. Breeze drifting on by, you know how I feel. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me,” he sang softly.

“Fish in the sea, you know how I feel. River running free, you know how I feel,” she completed. “I must tell you I feel much better about you that you’d quote Nina Simone to me.”

He burst out laughing. “I was just thinking the same thing. Relieved you didn’t think it came from a commercial.” He reached out to squeeze her hand and the moment shifted back to what they’d had in her front hallway only the day before.

The tail of her hair was so close. He gave in to his desire to touch. And the soft, cool strands against his wrist sent a hum of pleasure through him. In the moonlight and the glow of the flames, her skin looked even better.

Her pupils nearly swallowed the iris of each eye. Her lips parted and he heard her gulp. Part of him registered relief that she was as off balance and drawn to him as he was her.

“My brain wonders why I’m out here with you, when it would be far safer inside, in the light, in the open.” She made no effort to move.

“I’ve had similar arguments and have decided to just accept two things I find utterly true. First, that Miles is my son and I plan to be part of his life.” He paused, making sure she got that that was his top priority. “You’ve been good to me in making that happen and I hope I can continue to count on your help. Because Miles is my family and that means you are too. That’s just how it works with us Browns. That is separate from this other thing I also know as true.”

“Yes? And what’s that then?”

“We have something.” He twirled her hair around his finger, fascinated by the way her lips canted up just a whisper.

“Do we now.” It wasn’t a question at all. It was a tease and he liked it.

“Oh yes. Yes, we do.”

“What do you plan to do about it?” One perfectly shaped brow rose.

“I don’t know. This is . . . has the potential for trouble. I want to do this right.”

She nodded, humming when he drew the pad of his thumb over the hollow just below her ear. “You’re not helping me be clearheaded, Mister Brown.”

“Just being here with you has made me totally fuzzy headed.” And hard everywhere else. “And”—he set his glass down before scooting closer—“perhaps I prefer you less than clearheaded. Because . . .” He hesitated, his lips so very close to hers. “I think I’d love it if we could take this inside and I could divest you of your clothing and perhaps set out to make you unravel a few times.”

“Is that so? That’s a bold statement.”

“It is.” He nodded before leaning in to run his mouth along her jawline. “You should let me prove it, to protect my honor and reputation.”

“I—I . . .” She groaned. “Can’t have your reputation impugned. It’s just I’m quite demanding when it comes to sex. I’ll put you through your paces. Won’t let you slack.”

He smiled against her flesh, loving the frantic beat of her pulse against his mouth.

“Will you grade me? Because”—he burrowed a hand under the blanket and slid it up her belly to her breast—“I have to tell you how much that appeals to me.” Made him feel like a naughty schoolboy in all the best ways.

“It’s like that, is it?” Her fingers dug into his shirt and the muscles of his shoulder.

“It is.”

She pushed back a little, sitting next to him. “I am not prone to this sort of rash behavior. I’m certainly not prone to anything that could harm Miles, and this could. I think we should talk first. Set some ground rules.” She licked her lips and he forgot what she’d said for a moment or two.

Finally, he found his words again. “Yes, yes, okay.”

“We have to keep this”—she waved her hand back and forth between them—“separate from your and my relationship with Miles. I’m not looking for forever, but I’d like to remain low-key, especially in front of him. He’s a smart, very observant kid. He’s going to notice at some point if we do this more than once.”

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