Naughty Boss Page 11





Manhattan, New York

I’d read every single email I pulled from the intel department. Every. Single. One.

They were easy to track since apparently she and her friend labeled all the ones in regards to me as “Ass-holery Report,” “My Boss,” or “This Man Today...”

It was quite apparent that she “hated” me and I almost regretted taking out my sexual frustration on her by demanding so much. Almost.

Her mind was damn near as naughty as mine when it came to sex, and it was slightly gratifying to know that the attraction wasn’t one sided, even if there was little I could do about it.

I’d never mixed business with pleasure before, and I wasn’t going to start now. I just needed to get through all eight of our meetings today without thinking about what I’d seen in her emails, without thinking about the fact that maybe it wasn’t mixing business with pleasure if she was so hell bent on leaving soon.

If I was ‘letting’ her leave soon, that is.






Manhattan, New York

Subject: What I Need In Two Hours

The Lexington files. Transfer papers on the acquisition of Lerner and Taylor. Your front-list report. The notes from this afternoon’s meeting.

Michael Leighton

CEO, Leighton Publishing

I closed his email and sighed. I was starting to wish that he’d simply fired me. Ever since that meeting in his office two days ago, he’d been twice as domineering. Twice as unbearable.

It’d taken everything out of me not to walk out on the all-staff meeting when he purposely put me on the spot and asked me several questions about a book he knew I hadn’t had the chance to read yet. Then again when he chastised me in front of everyone for submitting incomplete reports that weren’t even due for another four weeks.

There was no way I was going to complete every objective in his most recent email within two hours, so I wasn’t even going to try. I grabbed the work I’d already finished and headed up to his office, sending Amy an email on the ride up.

I didn’t care if he caught this message on the company server or not.

Subject: Horrible Boss+ Typical A*hole Behavior + Long Day = Wine. Stat!

I’m leaving work early today. Can I come over and drink wine at your place for the night?

Your bestie,


Her response came through in seconds.

Subject: Re: Horrible Boss+ Typical A*hole Behavior + Long Day = Wine. Stat!

Of course.

I’ll head out now and buy your favorite.

Your bestie,


The second the elevator doors opened, I headed straight for his office and I didn’t bother knocking.

I opened the door and saw him reading a book at his desk.

“May I help you with something, Miss London?” He looked up at me.

“Here is my front-list report.” I slammed a huge binder of paperwork on his desk. “The Lexington report, what I managed to finish for it anyway, should be in your inbox within minutes.”

“You didn’t need to come up here to say that. You should’ve just sent me an email...” His gaze went to my lips, but then he narrowed his eyes at me. “You know I hate when people come into my office without permission.”

“You hate a lot of things.” I shrugged. “Maybe you should just learn how to deal with them like everyone else. I’ll be bringing my notes from this afternoon’s meeting up here when I finish—without knocking, since I’ll probably have to bring you a late lunch, and then I’m officially done for the day.”

“No.” He flipped a page in his book. “You’ll just think you’re done for the day. I need you to stay until eight o’clock today.”

“I can’t,” I said firmly. “I have plans.”

“I know,” he said, putting down his novel. “Your plans involve staying here until eight o’clock.”

“Mr. Leighton...” I looked him right in the eyes. “With all due respect, which you deserve none of after the way you’ve treated me this week, I’m not staying today. I don’t have time. And actually, you know something else?” I knocked the folder I’d just set on his desk onto the floor, sending hundreds of loose report sheets to the floor. “I’m not going to pick that up, and I’m not going to do anything else today. I’m going home. Now.”

“Miss London...” He gritted his teeth. “Don’t make me—”

“What? Fire me? Please do.” I turned away from him and rushed out of his office with my blood boiling and my frustration at an all-time high.

Seething, I took the steps down to my office and slammed the door shut. I logged into my scheduling portal and sent email cancellations for the remainder of my meetings. I also sent Human Resources a message that confirmed I was leaving early for “personal reasons” and that I may need to request additional time off in the coming days.

I made sure all the emails went through, and then I shut down my computer and closed all of the binders on my desk.

As I was slipping into my coat, my door swung open and Michael stormed inside my office.

“Going somewhere?” He hissed, clenching his jaw. “Did you not hear what I said when we were upstairs?”

“I did.” I picked up my scarf. “Did you not hear what I said? I’m. Leaving. You can stand there and threaten me with your stares all you want, but I’m going home.”

“Mya...” He shut the door and locked it, then he stepped toward my desk. “I’m not going to ask you to stay here again.”

“Good.” I shrugged. “Then that makes it that much easier for me to leave.” I slung my purse over my shoulder and headed for the side door, but he grabbed my elbow from behind and spun me around to face him.

“Why are you being so goddamn difficult?” He pressed his forehead against mine. “I really need you to stay here with me today...”

“Then I need you to give me a worthwhile reason to.”

His lips suddenly crashed against mine and his arms went around my waist, his fingers deftly unfastening the belt of my coat. Keeping his mouth against mine, he pulled open my lapels and pushed the coat off my shoulders and onto the floor.

Biting my bottom lip, he slid his hand up my dress, slowly tearing off my soaked panties. He kissed me until I was breathless, gently pushing me backward and against my desk.

Briefly letting my lips go, he pushed all of my binders and files onto the floor. My office line began to ring, and he immediately knocked the phone to the floor, too.

Without saying a word, he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up, firmly planting me on the face of my desk. My bare ass cheeks hit the cold metal and I sucked in a breath as I caught sight of his hardened cock through his pants.

“Spread your legs for me,” he commanded.

The sound of people talking outside my office made me want to jump up, but he placed his hand against my stomach and stared into my eyes.

“They won’t be able to hear us,” he whispered. “Do what I told you to do. Now.”

I slowly moved my legs apart and he loosened his tie, keeping his gaze between my thighs.

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