Midnight Reckoning Page 51

“Just thanks,” he finished, and made a point of shaking each of their hands before vanishing through the door, leaving Jaden and Lyra alone in the darkened kitchen.

“I’m sorry she wasn’t here,” Lyra said. She loved the way he looked, so darkly romantic. She just wished she could remove some of the care from his eyes. But when he turned them on her, glowing a soft blue in the semidarkness, she changed her mind. All of that feeling—relief, care, longing, and most of all, love—was for her.

She couldn’t wish to change that precious gift.

“Are you all right?” he asked softly, moving toward her.

Lyra nodded, stepping forward as well and sliding into his arms.

“How about you?” she asked.

“Well, so far I’ve gotten rid of the biggest psychopath in the pack of the Thorn and seen the sun for the first time in a couple hundred years. Also, I have my arms around the woman I love, so… not bad for a day’s work.”

“I love you, too, you know,” Lyra said. Jaden went very still, and the hope in his eyes tugged at her heart. He’d been through so much. Lost so much. Lyra felt humbled that he was still capable of this kind of love, that he would give it to her. Nothing else could be nearly so important. She’d been so worried about shaping her own destiny she’d nearly missed the best parts that fate had sent her.

She just wished it hadn’t taken her so long to figure it out. But she would spend the rest of her life appreciating it.

“I’d like to hear that another thousand or so times, if you don’t mind,” he said. Lyra smiled and lifted her mouth to his for a gentle kiss.

“I love you. I love you. I love you,” she said, punctuating each proclamation with a kiss. “There’s a start for you.”

“A start,” Jaden murmured. “That’s what we have now, isn’t it? The only question, love, is where you want to go from here.”

She knew she would need to think that through. That they would need to talk about what each of them wanted and needed. Even if she was allowed to return here, would she want to? Lyra no longer knew. There would be a lot to sort through, a lot of things that needed to be said between her and her father regardless. But none of that mattered right now… because she had the most important thing right here in her arms.

“I’ll go anywhere,” Lyra said, “as long as you’re with me. How’s that for a start?”

“I like it,” Jaden said with a slow smile. “But we’ll have to make our home somewhere, eventually.”

Lyra pulled him close, her mouth a breath away from his, and told him what was in her heart.

“I already have.”


One month later

THE SLEEK GRAY WOLF stood in the middle of the circle, her final combatant stumbling away before flopping on the ground. From her teeth dangled a moonstone pendant on a chain, her family talisman, and the treasure to be sought beneath the full moon of the Proving. Her breath came in short, quick pants, adrenaline rushing through her system as the crowd of familiar faces erupted in wild howls all around her.

It was over. She’d won.

Lyra shifted, dashing on long legs into the embrace of her dark-haired mate, who lifted her up and spun her around, a huge smile on his beautiful vampire’s face before letting her father have a turn. Dorien Black’s eyes glowed gold in the night, beaming with pride. Things had changed between them since his brush with death. A little sadder. A great deal sweeter. And far less concerned with tradition when it was clear there was a better way.

“I still owe you a boon,” Dorien said, reluctantly letting go of his daughter so that she could return to Jaden. “Name it, boy. I owe you more than I can say.”

Lyra looked up at her mate, a smile curving her lips. She’d told Jaden to expect this. And despite the warmth with which her pack had accepted him, a thing that still touched her deeply after all that had happened, she knew that Jaden’s request would make some waves. Good ones, she hoped. It was long past time for the old divisions to die.

“I’ve something in mind, actually,” Jaden said, his eyes glittering in the dark. “But this isn’t really the place.”

“Nonsense,” Dorien blustered. “No better time and place than now. I’ve learned that the hard way.”

“Well,” Jaden said, exchanging a glance with Lyra, “remember why we pretended I was here the first time? Ties between the Thorn and the Lilim and all that?”

“Mmm. Yes,” Dorien said, finally sounding wary. Lyra laughed softly. This was only the beginning. She wasn’t the only one who was interested in shaking things up in the world of night, apparently.

“I know someone who’s looking for a few good, strong guards,” Jaden said. “So tell me… which of your men and women might be interested in spending some time with a dynasty of vampire cats?”

Beneath the full moon, the Thorn celebrated the selection of their new Second and future Alpha. And Lyra Black, the leaping cats and wolves of her mate’s mark bared proudly, danced in the arms of the vampire she loved.
