Making Chase Page 26

“Matt, are you listening to me?”

He stood, pulling her to him and brought his mouth to hers and kissed the hell out of her. “Of course I am. But you’re wrong. I’ll see you later. And I’ll be back between those thighs again too, Tate. Don’t think you can hold yourself away from me. I want you, you want me. It’s that simple.”

He strode out the back door and she stood in the kitchen, the morning sun shining through the window as she heard him get into his truck and go.

“I am in big trouble.”

Polly Chase watched Matt tear through his meal. Good Lord, finally. “You have someplace else to be?”

He sighed explosively and put his fork down. “Okay, Momma, I need your help.”

She sat back and smiled at him and then at his father who chuckled. “Tate Murphy?”

“How’d you know?”

“Son, she’s a witch. Didn’t growing up with her as your momma teach you anything? You can’t hide it from her.” Edward amused himself entirely too much. Polly winked at him and frowned a moment. The scamp was utterly unrepentant and winked back, taking her hand and kissing it. She married him for a reason and she’d collect her payback after everyone left.

“Matthew, you asked me about her. I’ve seen you in town with her a few times. I heard you took her to The Tonk last night.” She laughed, seeing his surprise. “Honey, who do you think the gossip about the last single Chase boy comes to first? I know you eat lunch with her three times or more a week. I know you ate dinner with her last Sunday night at The Sands. I know you slept at her place last night too.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ve just been waiting for you to ask me. I take it she’s holding herself back? Telling you she’s not right for a Chase?”

Maggie looked up and Polly laughed again. Young people! All one needed to do was keep their eyes open and their ears ready. People weren’t that hard to read.

“Yes. Stupid isn’t it? I told her I loved her this morning and she told me she just wanted to have a good time.”

“What? She thinks she’s better than you? I say you’re better off without her then!” Liv snorted.

Polly hid a smile. Liv was a smart girl.

“No! She just said it to blow smoke. Stupid woman said a bunch of stuff about linens and forks and me needing to be with a woman with buildings named after her family. She thinks she’s, and this is her words, a fat nobody from the wrong side of the road.”

Liv winked at Polly before turning back to Matt. “And you said?”

“I told her she was someone and not to talk about herself like that. I also said I didn’t care about any of that shit. Uh, stuff, sorry, Momma. I want to marry her.”

“Wow, that was fast.” Shane put his napkin down and looked at Matt. “You sure?”

“I’ve been sure since I watched her building block towers with Nicholas last month. I know it here.” He pressed the heel of his hand over his chest. “I’m old enough to know the difference between liking a woman and loving one. I sure as heck haven’t ever loved one before.”

Polly shrugged with a grin. “Well then, we’ll bring her into the fold won’t we? And her brothers and sisters too. You know you won’t just be getting a wife right?”

“That’s what I love so much about her, Momma. All the women I’ve been with haven’t ever thought about family the way I have.” He quickly looked at Liv. “Well, Liv but that was different. Anyway, she has such a love and commitment to them and they to her. So protective of her. You should have seen them at The Tonk when Melanie said a bunch of stuff about her. I thought we were going to have to hold her sister Beth back from taking Melanie out.”

Polly’s smile was nearly feral. Matt wanted Tate and so that made Tate hers too. Anyone who meant harm to the girl or her family would have to deal with the consequences and that meant Polly.

“I heard about Melanie.” Polly waved it away. “She’ll need a talking to. But, cookie, you know you’re going to have to deal with a lot of the same, right? Tate does come from the bad side of town. Her parents are awful people and she’s not as comely as the other women you’ve dated. Not that she isn’t beautiful, don’t you give me that look, Matthew. But I didn’t raise you to pretend the obvious doesn’t exist and if you don’t confront it, it’ll hurt her. Love isn’t about a dress size, neither is beauty and it certainly isn’t about a bank account. But it’s gonna be said so we have to be ready for it.

“Each one of my daughters came to me in her own special package but one thing they all have in common is that they’re stunning women. Without even knowing them, you look at them and they make your heart beat faster. Maggie had to deal with some jealousy issues but frankly, Tate will have it the hardest. You’re going to have to be very up front and very vocal that Tate is your choice.”

Matt nodded and Polly began to plan.

“Thanks, Momma.”

“Of course, cookie. That’s what family does. I take it you’re eating your food at three times the normal speed to go to her? Why didn’t you invite her here?”

“I started to talk to you about it earlier this week but I got busy with work. I invited her this morning but I sort of tried to guilt her into it.” He told her of what he’d done that morning and Tate’s reaction.

“Matthew, I’m appalled. I am happy to see the girl put you in your place after that. Things have come very, very easy for you. Too easy I think. You’ve never had to struggle. Always top marks in school, top of your class at the academy, you’ve always excelled at whatever you put your mind to. And never had to break a sweat to do it. Now you boys know I love you all equally but Matt, you’re the handsomest one of the crew. You grin and flutter your lashes and the girls have always bent into pretzels to please you. This one is skittish, you need to be blunt and up front with her at all times. Yes, be charming and handsome, it’s who you are, but don’t rely on that to do the work. You do the work.”

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