Magic Binds Page 23

“Not that again.” His face shut down.

“I’m going to do something very dangerous and stupid. I’ve done some idiotic things in my life, but this takes the cake.”

“Tell me.”


Gold rolled over his eyes. “What do you mean, no?”

“If I tell you, you will stop me from doing it.”

“Now you have to tell me.”

I shook my head. “I’m calling in the Lorelei favor. You have to let me run with this.”


“No.” He would blow a gasket. If someone had told me my brilliant idea an hour ago, I’d have laughed and then bashed their face in.

“Tell me.”

He was a cat and a control freak. It was killing him not to know.

“No. But I wanted to be up front and tell you that I have a plan and I’m going to have to leave the city for a few days.” If I just disappeared, he would freak out and tear Atlanta apart to find me.

The beginning of a snarl rumbled in his throat. “You will tell me.”

“Curran, please don’t fight with me. Please. I’m at the end of my rope and I just saw the light at the end of the tunnel.”

He snarled, frustration exploding out of him. “Fine. Am I allowed to help with your crazy scheme?”

“Can you rescue Saiman?”

“If I rescue Saiman, will you tell me?”

“If you rescue Saiman and things work out, it will all be in the open by the time I come back.”

He circled me, stalking. “Or you could tell me now.”

“My father thinks he has it all figured out. He’s pushed us into a corner. He thinks we’re trapped. But he doesn’t get to win, Curran. He doesn’t get to win. He won’t destroy Baby B’s world, he won’t get to ruin our marriage, and he won’t . . .”—get his hands on our son—“. . . he won’t win. I won’t let him.”

“That’s better,” he said, and his smile had a vicious edge to it. “That’s my Kate.”

He closed the distance between us fast and kissed me.

“I love you,” I told him.

“I will bring you Saiman,” he said. “I promise you, he’ll be alive. And then you will tell me everything.”

“Yes,” I promised. “I will.”

Chapter 5

WE WENT DOWNSTAIRS and split up. Curran went to catch up with old friends, while I went to the guard station and asked to use their phone. They let me into an empty conference room and closed the door.

I dialed Sienna’s number. She picked up on the first ring.


“Look into my future.”


Sienna’s ragged whisper filled the phone, distant. I couldn’t make it out.

She gasped. “He’s coming . . . Fly higher, horse. Higher! The bridge . . . Don’t let go, Kate . . .”

The phone went silent. A flying horse. Was I riding a flying horse? I sure hoped not. Heights weren’t my favorite. There was a bridge in Mishmar . . .

“What did you do?” she whispered.

“It’s not what I did. It’s what I decided to do. Does the city burn?”

“Kate, this is a path of sacrifice . . .”

“Sienna, does the city burn?”

“It may. But it may not. You’ve made the future murky.”

I would take murky. Murky was great. “Good.”

“Kate, wait. As I’m looking into your future, so is Roland. It makes no sense that he wouldn’t. I don’t know if he does it himself or if he has someone do it for him, but either way, your father will know very shortly that things have shifted and are uncertain.”

And he will likely do his best to knock me back on the course most convenient to him. “So keep going and watch out for my father. Got it.”

“In one of the flashes I caught, I saw you die tomorrow. The head may cause a problem. Be very careful.”

The head? What head? I almost asked her and stopped myself. I’d gone down this twisted path a few times. Knowing too much about the future made things more complicated, not less.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Good luck, In-Shinar.”

She hung up. I hung up too and stared at the phone. Shinar was the name of my father’s old kingdom, the one that started it all. And I had zero clue what Sienna meant by that. Asking her would only lead to more trouble. Oracles never explained things. You asked them a question and they gave you an oddly shaped piece of a puzzle that didn’t fit anywhere and explained nothing until it was too late.

I didn’t have time to sit here and puzzle things out. I had to talk to Jim and convince him to go along with my plan. He would just love that talk.

• • •

DURING HIS TIME as Beast Lord, Curran never kept a formal office. He had a space nominally assigned to be his office, but he was never in it and avoided any attempt to enter it like the plague. When he had a backlog of paperwork to go through, he’d spread out at some table, preferably in close proximity to food. Jim kept an actual office at the end of the eighth floor. As I approached, I saw him through the wide open doors sitting at the desk, reading something from a manila folder.

A pair of guards were posted by the doors. I stopped and nodded at both of them. They used to be Curran’s and my guards.

“Let her in,” Jim called without looking up from his reading.

I walked past the guards into the office and sat in the chair in front of him. It was a nice office, spacious, with a plain wooden floor and its own private balcony. The sunlight streaming through the large windows made the severe stone feel airy. Shelves lined the walls, the books and files neatly arranged. Jim’s massive desk was organized with military precision. Unlike most people, Jim clearly didn’t have the compulsion to fill every horizontal surface with things he might one day need and papers he should throw away.

“Yes?” Jim asked.

“I need to have a private conversation.”

He glanced up. “John, Ramona, go grab something to eat.”

The two guards left without saying a word.

“Roland has Saiman.”

Jim smiled, showing me sharp white teeth. Saiman was on Jim’s kill when not needed anymore list. Saiman might have managed to secure Friend of the Pack status for himself, but the moment he did something to piss off the Pack, he’d feel Jim’s claws around his spine and Jim’s fangs on his throat.

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