Lost in You Page 37

Polly took her hand. “What does your heart say? You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You’re not one to let yourself get walked all over just for a pretty face. What does your heart tell you about Joe?”

“That he’s worth it.” Her voice cracked, but she cleared her throat and Tate grabbed a tissue.

“So fight for him.”

She took her time with her appearance. What? She was supposed to lie to herself? Of all people? Puhleeze. She wanted him to know just what he had, inside and out. She wasn’t her mother; she didn’t solely rely on her looks to fill all her empty spots. Looks were only on the outside anyway.

But she was a pretty woman. She knew it. She knew her strengths, and there was no harm in working them to ten so Joe Harris’s eyes popped out when he saw her walk through the front doors of the Sands.

Beth had given him her heart. She showed him how much she cared about him in every way she could. But there was absolutely no harm in some glossy red lips and a snug bright blue sweater to go with her blue jeans too. She tousled her hair, which Tate had given big, loose curls to. She looked hot. Ha! And her underwear matched.

She would fight for him, damn it. Polly and Tate had been right. Anything worth having took work. He was worth it. She would use every single thing she had in her arsenal to let him know not only what he had in her, but that she understood what she had in him.

She tucked her overnight bag and some treats for Buck into her trunk and headed out.

Joe had been listening to some story Nathan had been relating. What he noticed first was the way Royal and Jacob’s roommate Trey looked up, openmouthed.

He turned and saw why immediately. Beth had come in looking so f**king gorgeous and sexy their booth wasn’t the only one staring. She was a pretty woman, but her pretty had been turned up straight to luscious. Her hair was big in the way a Southern man could appreciate. Her makeup accentuated her beauty, her eyes looked smoky, her lips red and plump. And that sweater.

“Stop staring,” he told Royal and Trey.

“That’s my sister.” Jacob, the youngest Murphy, whacked his friend.

“Your sister is freaking gorgeous.”

“And taken.” Joe stood and moved to her. She gave him a smile, one she never gave anyone else.

“Hello there, long, tall and handsome.”

He pulled her close. “Hello yourself. You’re going to cause an accident or something. Darlin’, you’re looking mighty fine tonight. I don’t want to be here at all. I want you all to myself.”

Her eyes shone with amusement. “I have on a new bra and panty set. Same color as the sweater.”

“Damn. You’re going to kill me.”

She laughed. “I’m all yours, Joe Harris. Don’t break me. Or my heart.”

The laugh died away as he realized the enormity of the moment, but before he could respond, everyone at the table called out their greetings, and he groaned, turning her to head over.

Lily gave Beth a raised brow and Beth shrugged.

“Hey all.”

Everyone greeted her as she got settled, snuggled into his side.

“I saw Polly today. She said she’d been showing up at your house to try and finagle a look at the dress.”

Lily laughed. “She has! She’s got great excuses and has taken to bringing baked goods to bribe me. But I keep telling her I won’t fit into the dress if I ate all the stuff she brought.”

“She’s a menace with all the baked goods. With Tate on one side, baking even more than usual because she’s pregnant, and Polly on the other, my jeans are all getting tight.”

Nathan shook his head. “Not really a chore to have women bake stuff for me though.”

Joe looked down at Beth. “Or to have a girlfriend with a connection to the font of baked goods.”

“Girlfriend?” Royal whistled. “Just watch out. Murphy women. Good Lord.”

Nathan thought that was hilarious.

“The one I have is pretty perfect.” Joe took her hand, accepting that she was real and his and maybe he should stop holding back.

“This is very true.” Lily gave him a look that said if he forgot it, he’d be sorry in more than one way.

Beth looked over the specials menu and hummed her delight. “Smothered pork chop night. Awesome.”

“Tate’s are better.”

“We’re not at Tate’s, Nathan.” Beth said it automatically, not even looking up. Joe liked the easy back and forth between Beth and her brother.

“You missed a really good dinner Sunday.” Nathan looked over to Joe. “Turkey, ham, macaroni and cheese, three different kinds of potatoes. Fresh bread. It was insane.”

He’d been with his parents. It hadn’t been a bad night, but there was the sense of watching and waiting. His father had been pretty quiet. No outbursts, but he’d had an air of sadness Joe couldn’t seem to get around.

“I’m gonna pop Dolly in the face if she doesn’t stop sending you looks.”

Joe had been busily pretending he wasn’t staring at Beth’s boobs. He started when she spoke. “What, darlin’?”

She laughed, looking up at him after she’d ordered her food.

“I said, I was going to punch Dolly for sending you all those come-hither looks.”

Truth be told Dolly had been relentlessly pursuing him. She showed up at the shop all the time. Buck growled at her, which Joe thought showed the dog’s good taste. Clearly, because he danced with joy every time he caught sight of Beth. He’d told Dolly many times that he wasn’t interested, that he was seeing Beth and to back off.

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