Infraction Page 42

“What way?” He frowned, holding onto his anger, trying to tamp down his natural reaction to go off.

“The way I feel about you. If Andrew gets jealous, oh well. I mean, I don’t want him to feel that way about me, but if he did –”

“He does.” Nathan’s lips twitched.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “It doesn’t matter. What I’m saying is I can’t focus on buying a car; not if you’re going to try and claim me during the test drive to prove something that doesn’t need to be proved. I’ve already discussed it with Drew, he’s done the research for me, he’s knowledgeable about cars, and I trust him.”

“I don’t.” His hands gripped the edge of the table, knuckles white from the force.

“You should. He’s done nothing to warrant your distrust.” My voice went soft, and I made it as soothing as possible. I reached out and touched the back of his hand. “Please, don’t fight me on this. It’s not a big deal.”

“I want to be a part of these types of things in your life,” he said, his eyes pleading with me.

“And you will. But this one I need to be as stress-free as possible.” I gave him a sympathetic smile. “Please, trust me.”

“I do.” He blew out. “I’m trying to trust him.”

I opened up his hand, releasing it from the table and leaned my head against his open palm. “Drew and I were a long time ago, and it was nowhere near the depth of us. I tried to open up to him, but he didn’t understand.”

“He never will, because he’s never had to go through something terrible.”

I kissed the inside of his hand. “Let’s talk to him about this tomorrow. Give him ground rules.”

“Give him a cup because he’s gonna need it if he gives you any look I don’t want.”

I shook my head. It was never going to change, no matter what I said. “Men.”

“I’m serious – I’ll kick him in the nuts so hard he won’t be able to sit in any damn car you choose to test drive.”

“I’m sure you will.” I kissed his cheek, sat down, and he dished up my plate for me so we could finally eat.

Andrew showed up the next morning, smiling and radiating with excitement.

Nathan was the opposite.

“Hey, we need to talk for a minute before we leave to go do this,” I said.

He nodded, then gave Nathan a wary look. “What’s going on? Did you punch a hole in her bedroom wall?”

“No.” I smacked Andrew’s arm. “He would never do that to my place.”

“I don’t do that anymore, anyway,” Nathan grumbled.

“Yeah, whatever. I’ve heard you’re still doing that shit and smoking, which I don’t like. Lila, don’t forget you quit smoking for a reason.”

I rolled my eyes. “Will you stop, already? We’re not discussing any of that. Quit trying to meddle. Just listen for a minute.”

“Fine. What do you need to say that’s so important it’s keeping us from getting your new car?”

“Sit down, please,” I said, motioning to the couch.

Andrew stood rigid in place. “No thanks. I’ll stay here.”

“Jesus,” Nathan gritted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You see… I told you he wasn’t going to listen to you.”

“I’ll listen to anything she has to say as long as it makes sense.” Andrew flexed his biceps, which wasn’t as impressive – he was so skinny.

“Sit.” I pointed at the couch.

Andrew finally did as I asked, heaving an annoyed sigh as he did.

I stood between both of them and took a deep breath. Nathan took a seat across from Andrew, glaring at him.

“I love you, Nathan, and only you,” I said before turning to Andrew and speaking to him. “I’m so happy with Nathan. I love our friendship, but that’s all it will ever be. I hate seeing the two men most important to me duking it out all the time. This fighting is making me not happy. Do you really want me to be not happy?”

They both stared up at me and looked at each other before speaking at the same time. “Okay.”

“Keep your hands off her,” Nathan said, leaning forward and holding his hand out, offering it to Andrew.

Andrew grinned, taking Nathan’s hand. “Hurt her again, Thorne, all bets are off, and I will kick your ass. I may even run over it with her new car if the mood strikes me.”

They both laughed and the air seemed clearer.

Men were strange creatures. I didn’t get it, but it worked, and I was able to leave without worrying about Nathan being upset.

We spent an entire Saturday visiting car dealerships, trying out all the cars Andrew had formed in his list.

By the end of the day, he had me shelling out way more than I’d anticipated, one and a half times what I’d paid for my Malibu. I called Nathan to get his opinion, and he agreed with Andrew.

The car buying expedition was what brought Nathan and Andrew’s friendship back together. Their concern for my safety guiding them to find something they deemed best for me. They were back to having lunch together a couple times a week.

“Tell me why I just spent forty grand on a car?” I asked Nathan as I filed away my loan paperwork the following weekend.

“Because it’s a safe car, a good car, a really cool car, and insurance gave you ten grand for your totaled one,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist before continuing. “That and it has tinted windows and a large back seat, making it real easy for me to do very naughty things to you.”

I gasped in mock surprise. “You want to defile my new car?”

He shook his head, his lips ghosting across my skin. “No, I want to christen it by f**king you like the good little slut you are, in it. I want those seats dripped wet with your slick come, that’s what your car needs, and it’s what I need.”

I was looking at my car in a whole new light after his words.

Time was flying by with as busy as we were. Work was, as always, hectic. Adding to our couple’s therapy, my physical therapy, Nathan’s kickboxing, and my art classes and our dates out of town every weekend – there wasn’t a moment to breathe!

Busy, but every free moment we had was spent with each other. Always touching, the physical dependence we had on one another was staggering at times.

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