Infraction Page 30

I couldn’t wait to be free and mobile again, rid of my damn cast.

That night’s pick was by far the worst. Some alien invasion in L.A. I’d never seen so much drama in what looked like an action movie.

After a while I snapped, and couldn’t take anymore. “All right, that’s it. Give me the remote. I’m tired of Movie Bad.” I gave a little inward chuckle at the appropriate name I’d given it.

“There’s only thirty minutes left.” His eyes were still glued to the screen, watching the train wreck.

“Yes, and I’ve already lost over an hour of my life and countless brain cells. I’d like to keep from losing any more of either. I never got that lobotomy, remember? I want to keep my brain intact.” I switched to demanding, holding my hand out. “Remote.”

He smirked and held it out. I reached to grab it, but he pulled it away.


“Delilah.” He rolled his eyes and moved the remote in my direction. When my fingers touched the plastic, he pulled it from me again.

“Really?” I said with a huff.

He gave me his best sexy smirk. I figured out I was going to need a distraction to get what I wanted.

My eyes flickered to the TV and grew wide. “Oh, my God, what is that thing doing to her?”

It was enough. Nathans’s eyes snapped back to the screen to see whatever it was I seemed so curious about.

“Ah ha! Mine!” I cried out in victory as I snatched the remote from beside him.

“No! I need to know what happens!” He whined, his attention turned back to me.

“I need my brain cells! Thinking good. Movie bad. Remote mine,” I said like a cavewoman, and stuck my tongue out at him.

He lunged for the remote, landing across my body as I stretched it as far away as I could.

“Give me!”


We were laughing like maniacs as we played our game of keep away. He cheated and began tickling my sides. I was writhing beneath him, doing my best to get away from his fingers, as well as keep the remote from his grasp.

Our eyes locked, and our laughter died down. With the position we were in, him nestled between my thighs, the sparks between us ignited. All at once his lips crashed to mine, his tongue seeking, lapping at my lips, begging for entrance that I readily gave. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

It was frantic and needy, composed of almost two months of repressed desire. His hands slid down to my ass, grabbing hard. He pulled my hips to his while he pushed his hard c**k against my clit. I moaned against his mouth, my hands tangling in his hair, nails scratching at his neck. His lips moved down my jaw, kissing and nipping until he reached my neck. Teeth scraped against my skin, and I rocked my hips against his. He growled in appreciation before his teeth dug into the flesh of my neck, sending a fire roaring straight between my thighs.

My back arched off the bed and a loud, throaty moan escaped my lips. He was driving me wild, and I was in desperate need of him.

My moan had unfortunate consequences, cutting through the lust fog of Nathan’s brain and all movement stopped.

He released me and jumped off the bed, pacing as he pulled at his neck. Never a good sign.

“Shit, shit, f**k! I’m sorry. I…I said I wouldn’t until you said yes. I just got caught up in the moment.”

My voice was soft as I reassured him. “It’s okay.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I’m sorry, I…I need a moment,” he said, heading to the bedroom door. “I’ll be on the balcony. Yell if you need something.” He gave me a reassuring smile. “I’ve been bad, I need a time out.”

He headed out the door, and an ache in my chest began to grow. I tried to wave it off since I knew he was still in my condo and close by. He hadn’t headed back to his place where he could smash his fist through walls again. Progress, it seemed, was finally happening.

My attention moved back to the TV, and I grabbed the remote, moving away from movie bad. I flipped through channels for about a half hour when he returned.

He smelled of cigarettes as he climbed onto the bed. It’d been a while since he’d smoked, but I knew he did it when stressed and upset. The smell had me craving for one.

Strange how different our lives were from a few months ago. It was Friday night, and usually we were at the bar, drinking, smoking, and trying to forget everything that was wrong with us, taking comfort in each other’s bodies.

We didn’t talk about what happened; we were both there, we knew.

We didn’t touch the rest of the night; though I did see his fingers twitch toward me more than once.

Nathan’s normal casual caresses and kisses had died down a bit in the days to follow, but picked up once he felt he was safe, in control of himself again.

I, on the other hand, couldn’t stop the wetness that gathered or the fantasies that sprung up from nowhere. Somehow, my body had forgotten what his felt like. Now that I had a small taste, the spark was reignited and my body craved him to the point of insanity.

It was very difficult to find any alone time since he was always around. I was climbing the walls for relief.

Besides my hormones taking over, making me want him every moment of the day, my insecurities were creeping back in. I knew it was due to him trying to get hold of himself, but I couldn’t help the loss I felt.

That was how I ended up sitting at the table with my hands wringing in my lap while he heated up the dinner Sarah brought over. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath to center myself and spoke the corny words Dr. Morgenson told us about. “I…I need lovey hugs.”

Nathan turned and cocked his head, giving me a curious look. I supposed he was wondering why I was using such a silly phrase. He began to smirk, and I could tell he was going to tease me before recognition dawned. His eyes widened, and in a flash I was out of the chair and in his arms.

I sighed and relaxed against him. “I miss you,” I whispered into his chest, doing as Darren instructed and telling him why I needed affection from him right at that moment.

Nathan’s arms tightened around me as he kissed the top of my head. “I’m sorry, Honeybear, I was trying to cool down. I promised you we wouldn’t be intimate like that until I let go.”

“I wouldn’t label that as intimate.”

“No, but it was about to be,” he said and nuzzled my neck. His tongue peeked out, licking at my neck. “I want you so bad, baby.”

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