Fragile Eternity Page 85

“To train with Gabriel’s Hounds. Sometimes setting things to order requires blood.” Seth let his gaze drift across the assembled Dark Court fey and then back to their king. “I need to know how to defend myself and to wound others. I need to know how to hunt. Will you help me?”

“It would be an honor,” Niall said. “If the Hounds agree?”

Gabriel laughed. Chela smiled. Faeries grinned and nodded.

Seth did bow then. He saw the threads of possibilities all around him. As long as he didn’t tell them that it was Bananach he intended to hunt, he’d find much help here.

“Welcome home, brother.” Niall stepped forward and embraced him. “This change suits you well.”

It did. Seth had a purpose now.And a chance at eternity with Ash.
