Forever with You Page 94

Alayna and I have never talked about children, not about our children, anyway. I’ve seen her with Arin and Braden and fallen in love with her all over again with the care and gentleness she gives them, but I’ve never brought up the actual topic. Perhaps it scared me, but it doesn’t scare me now. Not now that I know she’s mine truly and deeply no matter how this conversation goes.

I pull back from our embrace to look in her eyes, thinking I should probably put this off until a more appropriate time, but unable to wait another second to ask. “Do you…” I begin then start over. “Have you thought about children of your own?”

She leans forward to kiss my throat then, with her eyes cast down, says tentatively, “I’d probably f**k them up.”

That had always been my fear, and if it weighs too heavily on her, I’ll abandon the whole idea. I kiss her head again and then ask outright, “Would you like to f**k them up with me?”

She laughs again and meets my gaze, her eyes misty and her face aglow. “Yes,” she says without any hesitation or trace of doubt. “I’d love to.”

“Good.” I draw her closer and spin her around. “We can get started tonight in the plane. Or right now, if you prefer. I saw a rather large oak in one of the smaller gardens. I’m almost certain we could hide there, even with this dress of yours.”

“I’d love to see how you plan to get at me with all this material in the way.”

I nip at her ear. “Oh, precious, I’m very resourceful. Need I remind you that I’m a man who gets what he wants?” Again I lean back to look in her eyes. “And anyone who ever doubted that only needs to look at me right now to know it’s true. Everything I want is here, in my arms.”

“I love you,” she murmurs.

“I love you first.” And last. And everything in between.

I kiss her, sweetly, chastely enough for our onlookers, but with just enough bite that she knows I mean it. Then our dance is over and it’s time for her to dance with her brother and me with Sophia.

Reluctantly, I let her go. I can bear these few minutes apart. I have her for a lifetime.

