Forever with Me Page 69

“Why not?”

I watch my father and consider lying, but instead I simply say, “I think I fucked up, and Alecia and I are done.”

He cocks a brow. “What did you do?”

I stand and turn my back to him, push my hands in my pockets and stare out the window that looks out over my land. The remnants from Will’s wedding are long gone, and it’s as though Alecia was never here.

Except that I see her everywhere I look.

“I thought I caught her having an affair with her best friend,” I admit softly. “I was angry. Hurt, actually.”

“Of course.”

“But now, I’m not so sure that what I saw was what it looked like, and I can’t get her to take my calls. I have a feeling she’s done with me.”

I sigh and turn back to him.

“So now, I need to know how I’m supposed to get her out of my system and move on.”

“Well, you know what they say about getting a woman out of your head, son. Put another one in your bed.”

My eyes narrow as anger shoots through me.

“I’m not interested in fucking someone else. I can’t hop from the bed of the woman I’m in love with to someone else’s. Maybe you can tell me how to do that, Dad.”

Steven doesn’t even flinch. “I deserve that.” He nods slowly for a moment.

“Yes, you do.”

“I think it’s very telling that you’re not interested in other women, Dom. Maybe it’s not as over as you think it is. Seems a shame to give up on something you worked so hard to have in your life.”

“She won’t speak to me,” I remind him. “And now that we’re on the subject, how could you do it? How could you bounce from Gail to my mom?”

“I didn’t bounce anywhere,” he replies coldly. “I thought my marriage was over, and I was an idiot. I regretted it for a long time. I don’t anymore.”

“Why?” I ask with surprise.

“Because of you.” He shrugs and then sighs. “You were the best part of your mother’s life, Dominic. I never saw her again, but I can guarantee you that much. And now we have you in our family, and I couldn’t be more thankful.”

“I disrupted your life, and I’m quite sure I put undue stress on your marriage last year.”

“You did neither.” He waves me off and laughs ruefully. “My wife knew all about your mother not long after it happened more than thirty years ago. It wasn’t a secret between us. Was it a surprise? The biggest of my life. And it was an adjustment for my other children, but I think it’s obvious that you’re accepted and loved, Dominic.”


I think back on the past year, at how the Montgomerys have folded me into their family, accepted me unconditionally. I am their brother, without hesitation.

Even Gail has been nothing but gracious.

Yes, they are my family and I love them back. I’d do anything for any of them.

“I’m grateful for all of you,” I murmur.

“There’s no need to be grateful, son.” He grins at me with the smile of a man who has everything he could ever want. “Family just is. Now, about your Alecia.”

“She’s not mine.”

“You’re not interested in anyone else. You’re trying to reach out to her.” He seems to be struggling with what to say, and he finally says, “Give her some time.”

“What do you know?” I ask, suspicious that he isn’t telling me everything.

“I know that it’s not my story to tell. Alecia has had a rough go of it lately, and maybe she just needs some space.”

“Fuck that. If she needs me, I’ll go take care of her.”

“I didn’t say she needed anyone to take care of her,” he replies sternly. “I said she needs time.”

“I’m not a patient man.”

“Well, you come by that honestly,” he says with a chuckle. “I’d like for you to show me your operation here, and then I’d like to have lunch with my son, if you’re up for it.”

My eyebrows climb into my hairline in surprise. “I’m definitely up for it.”


We walk through the grounds, the barn where the barrels are stored, the production barn, the store. He’s engrossed in all of it, just as he is each time he comes out here.

“I’d like to develop a special wine for the women in our family. What do you think?”

I grin slowly, then smile widely. “I think that’s an excellent idea. We could surprise them with it for Mother’s Day next year.”

“Perfect.” Steven nods and claps his hand on my shoulder. “I’m so happy you found us, son. I should have said it months ago, but I don’t think you were ready to hear it yet. I’m proud of you.”

I blink hard and stare out at my vines, my heart in my throat.

“I was terrified when the P.I. gave me your information.”

“I was rather nervous myself when I met you for the first time,” he replies. “But just as it is with all of my children, Natalie included, you are important to our family. You are important to me. I’m sorry that I missed out on so many years with you, but I hope that we can have a relationship with each other going forward.”

I nod, not sure what to say, knowing that anything I do say is going to sound rough.

“Good.” He pats my shoulder again and walks back toward the villa. “Let’s go get lunch. I’m starving.”

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