Forever with Me Page 58

I shake my head as we turn back toward the condo.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been in love before, B.”

“You’ve been married,” he says.

“I’m learning that doesn’t mean much,” I reply honestly. “I mean, I think I thought I loved Jonathan when I married him; I hope I did, but it was nothing at all compared to this. And it’s going to sound silly, but I miss him.”

“Why is that silly?”

“I just saw him Monday morning. I’ve been too busy this week to see him, and I miss him.”

“Why are you running with me on your one free night this week rather than spending it with Dom?”

“Because he has an event at the vineyard, so he’s not free tonight.”

“Have you told him you love him?”

“Are you nuts?” I shriek. “No way.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’ve only been seeing him for a few weeks. It’s too soon.”

“Women.” He rolls his eyes and speeds up more as my building comes into view, but I let him go ahead of me, and stay at my pace. When I approach my building, he’s panting, stretching his legs by the front door. I immediately begin to stretch with him.

“You should go see Dom tonight, Alecia.”

“He’s busy.”

“Not too busy for you to show up and tell him you love him.”

“I can tell him this weekend.”

“Why wait? You miss him. You love him. Go see him. Seriously, life’s too short for this bullshit.”

I let us into my condo, frowning at my friend. “When did you become a dating expert?”

“Look.” He takes my shoulders in his hands and forces me to look him in the eye. This is very un-Blake. “What if you don’t get the chance to tell him? You’ll always regret it.”

“Have you told Em you’re in love with her?”

“Hell yes, I have.”

I’m struck dumb. I stare up at him, and then fling my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Go be happy for you. He’ll love seeing you.”

“Are you trying to kick me out of my own condo?”

“Hell yes, I want to use your shower. The spray in there is fantastic.”

I laugh and walk into my bedroom closet, blindly change my clothes, and then scowl when I realize I’m sweaty.

“I should take a shower.”

“Yeah, no man wants to hear his woman say I love you while she smells like a gym rat.”

I stick my tongue out at him and march back into my bedroom, stripping out of my clothes on my way to the shower.

What the hell am I going to do, just show up in his office and blurt out, “I love you! Surprise!”

That’s lame.

Maybe I should take him dinner or something. Except, he said he has to work tonight, so that won’t work.

Why am I overthinking this so much? Just go tell the man you love him!

But what if I do, and he just stares at me in confusion. Or worse yet, says thank you.

Dear God, I would die of horror.

Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I should wait. It’s still early in our relationship. There’s no need to rush this.

You’re my treasure.

Would a man say that to someone he doesn’t love?

I don’t think so.

I turn off the tap, and just as I reach for a towel, there’s a commotion in the living room, and I hear a very angry Dominic yell, “What the ever loving fuck is going on?”

Chapter Seventeen


I miss her.

It’s been less than three days since I last held her, tasted her, and I miss her as if she’s a part of me.

Because she is.

I’m tempted to say fuck it and just go to her tonight. Let Celeste handle the event. That’s what I pay her for, isn’t it?

I reach for my cell to text Alecia when my office line rings.

“Salvatore,” I answer briskly.

“Ciao,” my cousin Gianna says in my ear, but I can hear an edge in her voice, with just that one word.

“What’s wrong, bella?”

“I need you here, Dom.”

“You do this every three months like clockwork, Gianna. I can’t just pack up and come to Italy. I have a business here. A life.”

“Marco has been robbing us blind.”

I sit forward in my chair, frowning, sure I’ve heard her wrong.

“Mi scusi?”

“You heard me.” She sighs the sigh of one who is bone-tired. “The vineyard is broke, Dominic.”


“A little at a time. I think he’s been gambling again.” I close my eyes and everything in me stills.

That little motherfucker.

“Where is Marco, Gianna?”

“I can’t find him.”

“Son of a bitch!” I pinch the bridge of my nose, already making plans to fly to Italy today.

“Dom, you’re the one that knows figures. You’re the only one who can fix this. I need you here.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Grazie,” she begins, but I cut her off.

“And when I get there, we are going to have a long talk about why it took you so fucking long to call me.”

“Just get here.”

She hangs up, and I’m tempted to hurl my phone across the room, but instead I yell for Celeste.

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