Forever with Me Page 40

“Fuck yes,” he growls, one hand planted on my ass as he pulls me even more firmly against him, grinding his pubis against my clit, and comes long and hard, emptying himself inside me.

We stay right here for long moments, me clinging onto him so I don’t fall back, Dom gripping my ass almost painfully, while leaning on the mirror with his other hand, chasing our breath. Finally, he tips his forehead against mine and shakes his head.

“Do you see how damn sexy you are?”

“I see—” I begin, but he stops me with one firm look.

“No smart ass responses.”

“Yes. I see it.”

“Thank Christ.”

He kisses my forehead tenderly and backs away, helping me off the vanity.

“I want to spend the day with you,” he says.

“Well, we’ll be out at the vineyard, so—”

“No, away from the vineyard.”

I turn to stare at him. “Dom, I spent the day away from the vineyard yesterday. I have work to do.”

“It’s Sunday, cara.” He throws me a cocky grin. “No one else is working today.”

I chew my lip as I think of all of the things I should be doing today, but he cocks a brow at me, and I cave. I want to spend the day with him.

“What do you have in mind?”

He flips the water on in the shower before tugging me against him and plants a kiss on my nose, then my lips. “I want to take you somewhere special.”


I toss crackers and grapes into the basket I’m putting together for our day out and shake my ass in time with Matt Nathanson, singing “Faster.” I add cheese, salami, and strawberries, then shimmy over to my wine rack and choose a bottle of Dom’s red, two glasses, and then bounce around the kitchen, singing along with Matt.

Suddenly, Dominic’s strong hand takes mine, and he gracefully spins me into his arms, dancing us both about the kitchen.

“I love watching you move,” he whispers against my temple as he holds me close.

I chuckle and move my hips suggestively, playfully, just as he pushes me away from him again, then pulls me back in, my back against his front, my ass pressed against his crotch.

I wrap my arm up around his neck and tilt my head back so he can kiss my nose, and then, Patrick Swayze-style, he twirls me one more time, then dips me low as the song comes to an end.

“Very nice, Mr. Salvatore.” His lips twitch, and that dimple winks at me as he pulls me back to my feet and lays a quick, hard kiss on my lips.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks. My eyes wander down his casual white button-up and sexy jeans, then back up to his face to find a half smile on those amazing lips and his eyes shining with…lust. “Keep looking at me like that, cara, and we won’t get far today.”

I simply bite my lip and keep looking, enjoying the way he looks back at me. Finally, he shakes his head and laughs.

“We’re going. Out. Now.” He gathers the basket, then takes my hand in his spare one and plants a wet kiss on my knuckles. “Come on.”


“I didn’t know this was here,” I comment, as Dominic and I walk side-by-side up a long pier that overlooks the sound. It’s a bit overcast today, keeping us cool, but the scenery is no less stunning. “It’s only a few miles from my condo.”

He nods and gazes out at the water, then frowns at the chain-link fence with locks of all different shapes and sizes hanging from it.

“Locks of love,” I murmur with a grin. “I guess they’re trying to copy the place in Paris?”

“I don’t get it,” he says, before glancing down at me with a raised brow. “Is it supposed to be romantic?”

“It’s supposed to be symbolic,” I reply with a shrug. “You know, obviously if we place a lock here with our initials with all of the rest, our love is true.” I smirk and shake my head. “It’s like Valentine’s Day.”

He blinks in surprise. “Okay, you have to explain that to me.”

We lean against the railing and watch sailboats float past. The water is deep blue and choppy. We shed our shoes at the base of the pier, along with the basket and wine. Dom takes my hand in his and lifts it to his lips, planting a firm kiss right on the back of my hand as I lean my cheek against his shoulder and take a deep breath of the salty air.

“It’s a gimmick,” I say simply.

“You’re so not a romantic, tesoro.” He chuckles and kisses my hand again, and I’m not sure why, but that doesn’t sit well with me.

“I am,” I insist, and turn to lean my back on the railing so I can face him. “I am when it comes to what matters.”

“What matters?” His voice is quiet, but insistent, and his deep blue eyes are pinned to mine.

“Romance isn’t about proving to someone you love them with flowers and greeting cards and chocolate. Or even a lock on a fence. It’s a daily reminder. It’s saying, I choose you. Today and every day.” I shrug, and look down, embarrassed now. Why in the bloody hell did I say that?

But Dom tilts my head up and smiles down at me in that gentle way he does. “I hear you.”

I turn back to the water and take a long, deep breath. “God, I love it here.”

“Why?” he asks suddenly.

“Why?” I repeat and frown at him.

“Why do you love it here?”

I glance back out at the water and then to the tall, dark man next to me. “Are we not looking at the same scenery?”

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