Forever with Me Page 21

“Mr. Salvatore asked me to bring you something to eat. Can I set this inside for you?”

“You didn’t have to do that,” I reply, and reach out to take the tray from her. “Thank you, I’ll take it.”

“It’s no problem. And just between you and me?” She laughs and crosses her arms over her chest. “He chose everything on that tray. It was actually very…surprising.”


“I’ve never seen him take so much interest in breakfast before. Have a good day.”

She waves and leaves, and I carry the tray to the seating area before the window. The silver tray is covered in a cream colored cloth, and boasts a small vase with a single pink tulip, making me grin and my heart soften, just a bit.

Under the silver dome lid, I find scrambled eggs, bacon and yogurt.

And he even remembered how I take my tea.

He’s not just a sexy Italian. He’s a sweet sexy Italian.

As I nibble a piece of bacon and sniff at the soft pink petals of the tulip, I notice a small white card with my name written in bold handwriting.

Inside is a note.


Good morning. I hope you slept more soundly than I did. Couldn’t stop thinking about how badly I wanted to keep kissing you, and mess up your gorgeous hair. Thank you for listening last night.


I read it three more times with a silly grin on my face, and feel my belly fill with gigantic butterflies.

Oh boy. What in the hell am I going to do with him?


“I don’t give a shit if every hole has been dug, you’re going to fill them and re-dig them.”

Isaac Montgomery, the eldest of the Montgomery clan, is pissed, and for good reason. The person in charge of digging holes for the tent measured incorrectly.

“You got it, boss.”

“Mark,” he calls over to Mark Williams, another member of the huge family, and a part of Isaac’s crew. “How is the arbor coming?”

Mark cringes and joins us. “Hey, Alecia.”

“Hi, Mark. What are you doing here today?”

“Scott’s kid came down with appendicitis, so I’m taking over this job.” He turns to Isaac. “We don’t have enough supplies. One of the guys forgot to restock his truck last night.”

“What the fuck?” Isaac asks, and props his hands on his hips. “Since when did this become an amateur operation?”

“He’s headed back to town to get what we need, but we’ll lose two hours.”

That means we’ll all be working an extra two hours today.

“Okay, it is what it is.” I consult my iPad and make notes. “Mark, do you know when the outdoor restrooms will be delivered?”

“My brother just had to order the hoity-toity toilets,” Isaac laughs.

“I’m sorry, but I refuse to put a Honey Bucket out for the guests to use,” I reply, and shake my head.

“Hell, the men could find a bush,” Mark says with a smirk, and then laughs when he sees the scowl on my face. “I’m just kidding.”

“This isn’t a frat party, you know.”

“Wait until the music and liquor start.” Isaac pats my shoulder almost apologetically. “And it’s not the boys you have to worry about.”

“Our girls know how to have a good time,” Mark adds with a smile.

“Oh, I’m aware, and I’m looking forward to it,” I reply. The girls are a blast, if a bit of a handful. “You know you love it.”

“We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Isaac confirms with a half-smile. “I’m going to go check on other details before I leave you in Mark’s capable hands.”

“Let me know if you need anything.” I nod at the guys and turn away just as my phone begins ringing. “Hello, Tonya.”

“What the fuck, Alecia? I’ve texted you nine times today!”

“I’m aware. I haven’t had a chance to respond.”

“I need more attention than this! This is ridiculous! I need to feel like I’m your only client!”

I roll my eyes and rub the back of my neck. “Your business is appreciated and important, Tonya, but you’re not my only client. What’s going on today?”

“If you would have read my texts, you would know. My fiancé’s sister is a bitch. I don’t want her in my wedding.”

“Okay.” I take a deep breath and mentally think, hello pot, meet kettle. Tonya is my most challenging client. If you look bridezilla up in the dictionary, her photo is right there. “Have you informed her that she’s not going to be in the wedding party?”

“That’s your job.”

“No, Tonya, it’s not my job. This is a family matter.”

“What did I hire you for?”

I take another deep breath and count to ten.

“You know what, if you’re not going to do your job, I don’t fucking need you! I don’t need this stress! You’re fucking fired!”

She hangs up on me, and I exhale. That commission was huge, but sweet Jesus, it wasn’t worth the shit that girl can sling.

“What’s wrong?”

My head whips up and I find Dominic standing ten feet away, hands in his pockets, watching me quietly.

“I’m fine.”

His jaw ticks, and the next thing I know, he takes my hand in his and leads me across the grass, into the back of the villa, and into the sunroom, shutting the door behind us.

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