Forever Wicked Page 21

Jason slid into the low, sleek vehicle, letting the black leather hug his body as he started the car and let it roar. He backed out of the lot, threw it in drive, then revved the engine. A smile crept up her face.

“You know, Officer Angelotti, I might break a traffic law or two today. Think you want to try to arrest me for that?”

Her smile disappeared, and she turned suddenly somber. “No.”

Hell, what had he said? “Did I upset you? I was just teasing.”

Face pensive, she licked her lips. He got hard at the sight and cursed himself. She was upset. As much as his cock wanted those lips around him, Jason had to focus on her.

“Sorry,” he murmured.

“It’s okay. It’s not you. I’ll explain after our stop.”

Something still bothered her. Jason examined their conversation from every angle, trying to determine what. Their marriage? This errand? He came up blank.

A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of the bank. Jason emerged and opened her door, curiosity eating at him. Whatever she was about, he wanted this settled so they could deal with their marriage and their tomorrows…and start letting Gia know that she was his.

As they approached the door, she stopped and placed her fingers on his chest. “Before we go in, I want to say a few things.”

He pulled her to the side to let another customer enter the branch and tried to rein his impatience. “Go ahead.”

“Whether you want to give me the money or not, it doesn’t change my decision. I won’t file for divorce. Obviously, I can’t stop you from doing it, and if you still choose to at the end of eight days, I won’t expect more money.”

His silly wife hadn’t yet grasped the way he saw their relationship working, but as soon as he figured out what she was up to, he’d make a few things clear.

“All right. Anything else?”

She nodded, then took in a shaky breath. “Last night, I gave a lot of consideration to my future, all parts of it. I took a long, hard look at my job and decided that I can’t keep working for a precinct where no one cares if justice is being served. When money becomes more important than right, I have no business being there. I talked it over with my dad. He understands. This morning, I quit.”

The words stunned him. Happily, of course. He never thought he’d see the day that Gia gave up the pursuit of order and goodness. He loved the idea that she wouldn’t be risking herself in the line of duty and possibly wind up a casualty like her brother, suddenly gone because some street punk had pulled the trigger. But Jason remembered their argument in his kitchen yesterday morning. She needed purpose in her life.

“If it’s a decision you’re happy with, then you made the right one. If you want my support, you’ve got it.” And he would totally provide for her. If she never wanted to lift a finger again, he’d be happy to give her everything she needed.

“That’s where the money comes in,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around herself as a breeze whipped through her sweater.

“So it’s a nest egg for the future?” Did she think she’d remain married to him but live separately?

“No, it’s the beginning of my new purpose. If I’m not going to be a police officer, I’ve got to do something good with my life. So I’m going to start a fund to help the families of slain officers. It will provide assistance for everything from burial expenses to child care to financial planning for the future. And grief counseling, definitely. Whatever these survivors need, I want to make sure they get. The money from the settlement will allow me to get a good start on fundraising and assisting others.”

Shock and pride both smacked him. God, Gia had the biggest heart. She made him feel alive for the first time in his life. Until her, he’d never known what it meant to think with goodness. Jason felt blessed to have her. If he had his way, he’d spend the next fifty years absorbing more of that love and giving it back to her.

“Did you already set up an account here?”

“No, but I did file the paperwork to create a nonprofit LLC so I could open one. Do you hate the idea?”

“No, baby. I love it. I think it’s every bit as amazing as you are,” he assured her. “Let’s get this started.”

An hour later, they emerged from the bank. Evening was just falling, leaving a bright orange-pink swath across the sky. Gia wore a smile of such serenity that she glowed. Jason had been attracted to her the moment he saw her, but he found her so much more beautiful because he knew how good she was inside as well.

“Congratulations,” he murmured as he helped her into the car again.

“I’m really excited to get started. Thank you so much for doubling the contribution. I can do more for others much faster.”

“My pleasure.” He started the car and drove back to the park.

It didn’t take long before they pulled into the lot again. Most of the minivans and SUVs had cleared out.

“So…that’s everything I had to say.” She looked at him expectantly. As Jason pondered the best way to tell her what was on his mind, she grabbed her purse and fished her keys out. “I’ll…um, get out of your hair.”

Jason reached out and grabbed her wrist. “No, you won’t. I need to say a few things before anyone goes anywhere.” And now that the moment had come for him to finally speak what was in his heart, he felt nervous as all hell.

She sank back into the seat but still didn’t look relaxed. “All right.”

Shit. He hadn’t planned this speech exactly. Without knowing what Gia had on her mind, he hadn’t been sure what to say. Usually, he went on with his thoughts and plans, then let everyone else adjust as necessary. Besides keeping him off guard, his wife deserved more consideration—especially since she always put everyone else first. No one did that for her, and he wanted to be the one she could count on.

“I’m listening,” she assured softly.

He gulped down rare nerves and took her hands in his, clutching them. “Gia, baby, I don’t want a divorce, either. I want you to stay with me and live as my wife. I want to take care of you and watch you grow this foundation in your brother’s honor, be a part of your family…and start our own. W-will you do that with me?”

The beginnings of a smile broke across her face, and she pressed her lips together to squelch it. Even so, he saw the moisture gathering in her eyes and making them glisten. Damn it, if she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he knew. “Really?”

“Yeah…” He squeezed her hands. “I’ve been thinking a lot, too. I love you.”

Gia froze, completely silent. Then she shoved her purse to the floorboard and launched herself into his arms, pressing her lips to his with a need that floored him. The passion to become one with him flowed from her kiss, deep into his mouth where they joined…then straight to his heart. Over the gearshift, he held her tighter, wishing like hell he could pull her body completely against him and make her his all over again.

But first, he had to hear her say that she wanted what he yearned for, too.

He tore away. “Is that a yes?”

She panted, her slick, passion-stained lips parted and tempting and… Shit, he needed to keep his head together. This answer was too important.

“Yes.” Gia brushed a solemn kiss on his mouth, then smiled softly at him. “Yes. I’d love that because I love you. So much.”

When she gasped suddenly, then dove for her purse on the floorboard, he frowned. “Baby?”

After a wild dig through her purse, she came up with a triumphant grin on her face. “Put this on me?”

Gia handed him her ring, then kept something back in her other fist.

Jason wondered what little plot she cooked up now, but he smiled. “My pleasure, wife.”

In the solemn silence, he slid the ring onto her finger. This time, he knew it would stay there. Joy lit up every nerve and jetted through his veins. He couldn’t imagine being any happier than he was right now.

“There,” she breathed, looking down at the symbol of their marriage all glittering in the falling light. “It’s beautiful…but not perfect.”

“It’s not?”

Gia grabbed his left hand in hers, set it against her cheek, kissed his palm. Then she looked into his eyes and, with shaking fingers, she settled a perfect platinum band around his finger. “I bought it this morning when I figure out what I wanted. In our rush to Vegas, we never picked out a ring for you, and I wanted you to have something from me so you’d always remember that you’re my husband.”

Fuck if he didn’t feel his throat close up as he choked on the moment. “It’s incredible. I’ll cherish it because you gave it to me.”

“I love you, Mr. Denning.”

“I love you, Mrs. Denning. Hell, I enjoy saying that.” He laughed, filling with light and joy and more happy tomorrows. “I’ll probably say it a lot.”

“Good.” She grinned, then gazed out the windshield. “I think all the moms and kids are gone.”

He glanced around the empty parking lot. “I think you’re right.”

Gia opened the door, stepped out, and bent to toss him a come-hither look. “You know, I’ve been a very bad girl, Master.”

Jason wondered what she was up to but figured he’d like it. “You have. I still owe you one hell of a spanking for deserting me for so long.”

“You do,” she agreed. “You’ll always keep me safe, right?”

“Always, to my last breath.”

Her smile filled with mischief. “Then spank me…and whatever else you have in mind. That is, if you can catch me.”

Her words clicked through his brain and had registered with his libido by the time she slammed the car door and started jogging into the park. He’d finally have her here, where their relationship had almost ended once—and now she’d trusted him enough to surrender. She’d love him more than enough to make it sweet.

“It’s on, baby,” he muttered as he jumped out of the Porsche and clicked the fob to lock it as he ran after her. “When I catch you, I’m going to spank your ass red and take you right then, right there.”

As she reached a towering tree, she curled her arm around the trunk, then peeked back at him with a grin that lit up her whole face. “I can’t wait…”
