Finding Faith Page 86

It’s funny how life works. Sometimes you have to jump hurdles to get the things you want. I’d spent my entire life waiting for Faith to come to me. I’d jumped more hurdles than most, but it was worth it in the end.

I wanted something to believe in—something that held me to the earth when I thought I’d fly away into the nothing. I had no idea it would be a woman that made me feel that way, but I found happiness in her smile and peace in her eyes. I found comfort in her arms and joy in her kiss. She was mine. I’d looked for it my entire life, but finally, I’d found faith, and it took me a while to realize that I didn’t have faith, Faith had me.



“Daddy, where do babies come from?” Little Jimmy asked in front of everyone at the table.

He was so smart and he was constantly asking questions that I never knew how to answer.

Having Thanksgiving dinner with the entire band and their families on top of my family and Faith’s mom made for a big table full of people. They all looked at me as Jimmy waited for an answer.

Mom smiled to hide the fact that she wanted to laugh at me. She loved Jimmy so much. She’d never been so happy as she was the day I brought him home to meet her. Her and Rick spent a lot of time spoiling the hell out of him, but he loved his Grandma and Pop Pop.

Chet burst into laughter and Tiny smacked him on the arm. I gave them both my shut the fuck up face. I looked over to Zeke for a little bit of help, but he and Patience just sat there with their lips glued together to keep from laughing.

“Babies come from their mommy’s belly,” Faith answered calmly.

I reached down and grabbed her hand. She was always so calm with Jimmy and always had all the answers. She was the perfect mother and wife. I couldn’t imagine life without her. Of course, in her profession, she had to be patient. She was a part-time medical assistant until she was done with nursing school. Being a nurse was going to be hard work, and she’d be perfect when it came to dealing with some of the crazy people.

I was happy when she agreed not to work during her pregnancy, but I knew she loved it and more than anything, I wanted her to be happy. The day she walked across the stage and got her high school diploma, her smile had been nothing short of luminous. She never gave up on her dream to graduate and go to college, and I’d never been more proud of her.

She was so strong and independent and I loved that about her, but I also loved that she knew when to let me take care of her because I wanted to for the rest of my life.

I reached down and ran my palm across her protruding stomach. Our first little girl was on her way in two months, and I could hardly wait to meet her. The thought of having a daughter scared the shit out of me. Mostly because I knew there were men like me all over the world. I prayed every night that my little girl never ran into any of them. I had no problem whatsoever choking the life out of anyone who hurt one of my kids.

Little Jimmy dropped the subject of babies and we all ate dinner. The table chatter buzzed as we filled in our families about road life and the different towns we visited.

After dinner, we spent time with everyone in the family room before saying our good-byes. I loved the holidays because it meant spending time with family, but I hated to see them go. I was amazed at the amount of love that surrounded me. As a young boy who grew up with no one, I ended up with some of the best people in my life.

We weren’t the conventional family by any means. I’d been adopted by my mom and together we adopted the rest of the band, but we were closer than most families, and they meant the world to me.

Later that night, after everyone had gone home and we finally got Jimmy to bed. I snuggled up to my beautiful wife and held her close to me. I would never get enough of her—never. She looked even more beautiful pregnant, and I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off of her.

“I have something for you,” she said as she turned in my arms to face me.

Her stomach pressed into mine and I felt the baby kick against me. My heart warmed and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh, do you?” I flirted back.

“Yep. Do you want it now or do you want to wait?”

I loved it when she was playful.

“I want it now please.”

She rolled me onto my back and straddled my lap.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

I reached up and cupped her full breasts. Her entire body had filled out, and I loved occupying my hands with every part of her. She was warm—filled with so much sweetness, covered with lovely soft skin.

“Oh yeah, I’m positive.”

She leaned down and kissed me, and I lost my hands in her long, soft hair.

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