Fight with Me Page 19

“Fuck,” he whispers and rests his forehead on mine.

“Wow,” I respond.

“Jesus, you have an incredible mouth.” He’s still panting, and I run my fingers through his hair and offer him a Cheshire cat smile.

“So do you, ace.  You make me crazy.”

Chapter Eight

“Are you sure you have to go home?” Nate asks as he leans against the doorway of the spare bedroom, watching me pack my bag. I wrap my pink Louboutins in tissue and place them in the suitcase.

“Yeah, I do. I have laundry to do and I need to get ready for my work week.” I smile over at him and am caught off guard at how gorgeous he is. I’m still getting used to seeing him dressed casually. He’s in a soft gray t-shirt, showing off his muscular biceps where they cross over his impressive chest. God, I love that tattoo on his right arm. His faded blue jeans hang low on his hips. He’s barefoot and his hair is loose.

I catch his gaze and a slow, sexy smile spreads across those beautiful lips. He knows I appreciate what I see.

Boy, do I.

“When will I see you again?” he asks.

“In about twelve hours, ace.” I smirk as I add the last of my things to my suitcase and zip it up.

“You know what I mean, smart ass.”

“Dinner tomorrow night?” I ask.

“I have that business meeting late tomorrow.” He runs his hand through his hair with a scowl. “Do you have plans for your birthday?”

My gaze shoots back up to his in surprise, my eyes are wide. “How do you know when my birthday is?”

“Jules, we work in the same office. A birthday card circulated around for you last week. Not to mention, I have access to your personnel file.”

“Well, that’s just… creepy.”

“Birthday cards are creepy?” His silver-gray eyes are laughing at me and I can’t help but giggle.

“No, you reading my personnel file is creepy.”

“I love your laugh.”

“Don’t try to sweet talk your way out of this, ace.” I plant my hands on my hips and try my best to look stern. Nate pushes away from the door and saunters to where I stand by his spare bed. He takes my face in his big hands and tenderly kisses my forehead.

“I just wanted to know more about you, Julianne.”


“So do you have plans for your birthday?” he asks again.


“Good. I’d like to be with you for your birthday.” I rest my hands on his jean-clad hips and lean my forehead on his sternum. His hands glide back against my cheeks and into my hair, and we stand like this for a long moment, neither of us wanting me to go.

“I would enjoy that. Thank you.” I murmur.

I feel him grin against the top of my head and I straighten to look up at him. “Would you like to come to my place Tuesday night for my birthday? We can just stay in, watch a movie, or whatever.”

He frowns and brushes his thumb across my lower lip, sending electricity through me. “You just want to stay in?”

“Yes. I just want to spend it with you. I don’t need anything else.”

Nate leans down and kisses my lips softly, then rests his forehead on my own. “If that’s what you want, baby, that’s fine with me. I’ll bring dinner with me.”

I grin up at him. “Okay.”

“Are you sure you have to go?” he asks again while brushing his fingers through my messy hair.

“I’m sure. But I’ll see you in the morning.” He frowns and looks down at my lips, then back up into my eyes. My breath catches at the vulnerability I see there. “What is it?”

“Work’s just going to be different tomorrow. Thank you for giving me this weekend, Julianne. I’ve wanted it for a long time. I don’t think I want it to end.” I run my fingers down his stubbled cheek.

“Thank you, Nate. For everything. I had a great time.”

I step closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and rest my belly against his pelvis. I have to lean my head back to look up into his sober face. He continues to hold my head in those amazing hands, his fingers threaded in my hair. He stares into my eyes for a long time, a wide array of emotions passing over his face, and I’m mesmerized by him.

Finally, I lean in and kiss his chest again and rest my cheek against him, hugging him tight. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and rocks me back and forth, kissing the crown of my head and breathing me in.

“Drive safely on your way home,” he murmurs, making me smile.

“I will.” I pull away and reach out to grab my suitcase, but Nate waves me aside and lifts it himself. He takes my hand in his empty one and we walk through the apartment and down to my car. He stows my bag in the back seat and kisses me chastely.

“Call me when you get home.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow, ace.” I flash him a sassy smile, start my little car, and wave as I pull away.

Traffic is light on this Sunday evening, so it doesn’t take me long to get home. I unpack my suitcase and start a load of laundry and then grab my phone out of my handbag.

There is a text waiting for me.

I had a great time this weekend.

I grin and respond.

Me too.

After a few moments, he responds.

Are you home?

Yes. Home safe. Laundry in. What are you doing? I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and a bottle of water and settle on the couch, flipping on the TV to watch one of my reality TV shows.

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