Enforcer Page 33

He could see the hurt in her eyes but the way she assumed that he was handed everything was hurtful, too. “I went to college to get my degree, Nina. I worked to become an architect. I work damned hard to protect Cade and this Pack. I wasn’t handed anything. In fact, I have been trained since birth to be an Enforcer. It didn’t matter that I may have had other plans. So I’m sorry that I said something insensitive but don’t compound that by doing the same.”

“Hey, you two. Come on. Nina, baby, we both love you and want you safe. But we understand you are a small business owner and we’ll work out something to be sure you get your obligations taken care of. And Lex, you’re taking what she said the wrong way too. I’m sure she knows how hard you work and the sacrifices you make every day. Let’s not make things worse here. You love each other. Remember that.” Cade put an arm around each one of them and leaned his head against theirs. He could feel the anger and the hurt drain out of each of them.

“I have to go change. Lex, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings,” Nina said softly, looking up into his face.

“I’m sorry too, gorgeous. I am proud of your business and like Cade said, we’ll work something out. Go on and get changed, we’ll be down here waiting.”

She kissed Lex quickly and then tiptoed up to kiss Cade’s chin and ran up the stairs to get dressed to go to the Pack house.

Lex turned to Cade and sighed. “Thanks.”

Cade shrugged. “It won’t be the last time you two will butt heads over her wanting to do something you think is dangerous or foolish. It’s very clear she has a hot button about the whole class issue. You’re both going to have to find a way to work through it and to figure out how to talk to each other without hurting the other.”

Lex nodded. “Yeah. In the meantime, I’m putting guards on the shop and extra on you here too.”

Cade had long since given up bristling at such measures. It was Lex’s job after all.

* * * * *

Lex kept stealing looks at her. Really, the transformation was quite stunning. She had appealed to him as the buttoned up, pursed-lipped matron—but the Nina beside him blew his socks off.

Her long brown hair was gathered in a pretty clip thingy at the base of her neck and curls had escaped and framed her face in wisps. She didn’t have a lot of makeup on, which was fine with him—he hated too much makeup. But what she did have was artfully applied. Her eyes looked huge and her lashes long. Those lips shimmered just enough to make him have to move around and adjust himself quite a bit. She was wearing a skirt that came to mid-calf and boots to go with it and she was one sexy woman in a red sweater.

She was every inch his mate and he thought she looked like a queen. When she became a wolf she’d be even more stunning. Pride radiated from his heart at how beautiful and strong she was but he also felt possessive of her. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close and kissed her temple.

“What?” she murmured.

“You’re beautiful. They’re going to love you.”

“Ha! Some of them maybe. But those girlfriends I keep bringing up—you know, the ones you keep changing the subject right after—I don’t think they’re gonna love me.” She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. “But too bad, cause I don’t share.”

Cade chuckled from the backseat and Lex made a disgruntled snort of annoyance that only made Cade laugh harder.

They pulled up in the driveway of a large, colorful Victorian in Queen Anne and she made a low whistle. “This is really beautiful.”

Lex got out and opened the door for them both, the guard standing discreetly but protectively at the ready. Cade brushed off his clothes and Nina watched as he pulled the mantle of leadership around himself, cloaking power at his shoulders. He was impressive before but this—she realized with a start—this was an Alpha.

Cade walked ahead of them up the grand porch that had really lovely furniture in small clusters from one end to the other. A glider swing, small tables, comfortable chairs and planters filled with seasonal greenery. Nina gave it a quick assessing look, critical. The plants needed some major attention. Hmph, she’d talk to Lex about it later.

The large double front doors opened up and a tall dark-haired woman stood there with a smile. “Alpha! Enforcer! It’s been several days, I’m glad to see you. We were just ready to serve dinner.”

Cade touched his hand to her cheek and she stepped back, her eyes lowered.

Lex urged Nina in after his brother and the tall woman looked up in surprise. “Oh! She bears your mark. Congratulations, Enforcer.”

“Melissa, this is Nina Reyes, my mate. Nina, this is Melissa Warren, she’s ranked fifth in the Pack.”

Melissa looked at her with recognition. “Oh, you’re Rey’s sister. I’m so very sorry. I’m shamed that it was one of our own. Welcome to our Pack, although I do wish it was under happier circumstances.”

Nina smiled. She felt that the other woman was genuine. She knew she was one of the suspects though and it wouldn’t be wise to let her guard all the way down. “Thank you.”

Cade took one of her hands and Lex held the other. They’d explained on the way over that everyone would know that Cade was her tri-bond and that in many ways, she’d hold a position much like his mate, even after he found his true mate she’d still have that connection to him and her place in the Pack.

As they walked through the long foyer deeper into the house, Nina took in all the details. The place was gorgeous. The details were authentic for the time period the house was built in. the colors, deep greens, deep wine and burgundy and creams and yellows, highlighted the furnishings and drapes. It was obvious that an interior designer had seen to all of those very important details. The wood gleamed, the banisters curved, the rugs were ornate and classic. The house was a masterpiece.

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