Crossroads Page 54

“Things are busy at work. I have to head there in a few minutes, but I wanted to stop by and see you. How’s everything going?”

“Good,” she led him inside where they sat in the living room. “Your sisters are doing well. Michelle’s ready to have the baby. I think she’s tired of being pregnant, but she still has a long way to go. I can’t imagine a woman feeling that way. I always loved being pregnant. I’ve been going over and helping her get housework done. Teddy is a little terror, so Ken comes home to a messy house or no dinner, which frustrates him. We need to figure out a better schedule for her.”

Maybe Ken should understand... She’s carrying a baby and dealing with two kids. She can’t do it all.

But then, his mother had done it all, and that’s all she saw. She’d butted heads with Jill a lot because she didn’t do the things for Nick that his mom thought a wife should do. He hadn’t cared. Yeah, Nick had always wanted to be able to take care of Jill, but he also hadn’t expected her to sit around cleaning and popping out babies while he worked. She was independent, and he’d liked that about her. She was so different than how he’d been raised.

“That might help, and maybe Ken can pitch in a little, too.”

She waved a hand at him as though what he said was silly. “He works so Michelle can stay home. His responsibility is work, hers is the house and kids. I’m  thankful you never had kids with Jill. I don’t think she would have put her kids first.”

“Now wait a minute.” Nick’s blood pressure skyrocketed. “You can’t say that. Jill is a lot of things, but she would have loved any kids we had. We both would have, and we would have taken care of them the way that worked best for us. Are you saying if a mom works, she doesn’t love her kids?”

“No. Of course not. Now you’re putting words in my mouth. I’m just saying I never liked Jill, and I always knew she wasn’t right for you, but I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t say that about her parenting.”

Who would be good enough for me, Mom? Would anyone be right for me? Would Bryce?

“Anyway, I don’t want to spend our visit fighting about Jill or your sister. How are things going with you?”

Without thinking about it, Nick answered honestly. “Great, actually. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my neighbor, Bryce. He’s a great guy. He’s a motorcycle mechanic. I was thinking of having him come with me the next time we have a family dinner. I’d love for you guys to meet him.” This was possibly a huge mistake. His mom would have questions. Hell, he didn’t even know where things stood with him and Bryce after today. Maybe he would decide this wasn’t worth it. Maybe it would be too hard. Maybe they were only meant to enjoy each other for a short time and then move on. All Nick knew was what he said was true. Bryce was a good man and he wanted his family to meet him. And maybe there was a part of him that was frustrated by the way his mom thought about Jill, and even his sisters and their marriages as well.

It wasn’t Michelle’s responsibility to take care of the kids alone.

It was a very real possibility that the next person Nick was in a serious relationship with wouldn’t be a woman. If things continued as they were, he was already there, and that person was Bryce.

He saw the confusion in his mom’s eyes as she watched him. “I’m sure he’s a very nice man. I’m not sure why we need to have your neighbor over to a family dinner, though. You’ve never introduced me to a male friend before, and honestly, it seems like a silly thing to do.”

He thought about his afternoon at Bryce’s family home. “No, it’s not silly. I went to his brother’s birthday party with his family and we had a great time. He’s...very close to me.” He’s more than close to me. I care about him. And I could maybe fall in love with him.

“That’s nice, dear.” His mom stood, but didn’t look at him. “I’m glad you’re meeting new friends. Jill always took up all of your time and you never had time for friends. Friends are important. Your father and I spent a lot of time with other couples and their kids.” She started walking toward the kitchen so Nick followed. “I’ll let you know the next time we plan a dinner. Maybe Bryce could bring his wife.”

“He doesn’t have one.” He has a boyfriend and it’s me... I hope.

“Oh, a girlfriend, then. Speaking of, it’s about time you started dating again. Find a nice woman. Maybe your sisters know someone. Listen, I’m so glad you came by, but I’m suddenly not feeling well. I’m going to go lie down. Please lock the door on your way out.”

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