Crossroads Page 27

“It’s your fault because you made me realize I wanted to kiss him. And no...if I would have told him, I probably wouldn’t have had the balls to do it.”

Jamie was quiet for a minute, which didn’t happen often. “Sorry he hit you. Are you guys okay?”

Bryce shrugged. “I think so. After he hit me he calmed down. We talked a bit. He said he needed a few days. What the fuck is going on here?” Bryce ran a hand through his hair before leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I swear I’ve never been into a guy before. Why aren’t you freaking out about this more?” Why wasn’t Bryce?

Jamie shrugged, stood up and walked to the other side of his desk and leaned on it. “I’m not sure why I would be freaking out. Yeah, I admit, it’s strange. Not because I have a problem with being gay, but because you’re my brother and you’ve never been into men before. It’ll take some getting used to. The real question is...are you freaking out? Are you okay with it? Is it something you can accept? That’s what matters. Everyone else will accept it or they won’t, and honestly, fuck anyone’s opinion except yours and Nick’s. You gotta be okay with it, though. You and him. If you are, go for it. All that matters is how you guys feel, man.”

He had no idea when in the hell his middle brother had gotten so smart. That wasn’t true; both his brothers were smart. Jamie just wasn’t serious most of the time. He was dead fucking serious now. “I want him more than I’m freaking out. That’s all I know.”

“Then there’s your answer. He seems like a good guy. I’m happy for you.” Jamie pushed off of the desk and stood. “I need to head back out there. You going to be okay?”

He nodded. He would be; he just hoped Nick would, too. “Thanks, man.” Bryce stood and gave his brother a hug. “Don’t...don’t say anything to Mitch, and ask Hope not to mention it to Abbey.” Because he knew Jamie would tell his wife. Jamie told her everything, and he was okay with that. “When I figure out what’s going on, I’ll make the decision if anyone else needs to know.”

He hoped like hell Nick would let him know soon what was going on. He’d go crazy waiting.


It was Monday evening and Nick hadn’t seen Bryce since Saturday night. He sure as hell hadn’t stopped thinking about the man the whole time—the kiss, the fact that he wanted to do it again, the fact that it scared the fuck out of him for two reasons. The first was the obvious: he’d never wanted a man before. He’d always considered himself straight. The second being the people in the house in front of him. None of them would likely understand.

He’d been raised in a very traditional family, and this, Bryce, would be extremely hard for them to comprehend. He didn’t even understand it himself. His sisters would probably come around, he thought. They loved him. That’s all that would matter (he hoped), but his mom finding out terrified him. Disappointed wasn’t a strong enough word for how she would feel.

And now wasn’t the time to really think about it, either. Hell, so far they’d only admitted to wanting each other. Maybe families wouldn’t even need to be involved.

Nick got out of the car and walked up to his sister Karrie’s house. From the outside, the house was perfectly manicured like it always was. He had no doubt the inside would be as well. That’s just the way his sister was. Karrie stayed home with her kids. Her husband was a lawyer. He knew she worked hard to keep their home in order, and always made sure of that when they had company. She was a good sister. They all were, but he was closest with Karrie.

Nick knocked on the door before pushing it open. “Hello?”

“In here!” Karrie replied, and then all sorts of little voices chanted, “Uncle Nick, Uncle Nick, Uncle Nick.” Besides Karrie’s two kids, his second sister, Erin, had two, and Michelle, the youngest girl, had two with one on the way.

“Hey, guys!” He kneeled as a group of kids jumped all over him. For living in the same city, they didn’t get together enough.

Once he said his hellos, Nick followed his nieces and nephews into the family room where his three sisters, their husbands and his mother sat. The first thing that popped into his head would it feel walking in here with Bryce? Which was crazy and ridiculous. They were attracted to each other, not getting married.

“About time we see our baby brother. I almost forgot what you look like.” Karrie hugged him, followed by Erin and Michelle.

“You leave him alone,” his mom scolded. “Nicholas works hard, the way a good man should. His wife didn’t appreciate that. He doesn’t deserve to get it from his family as well.”

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