Chasing Dreams Page 13

“Ahhh, I get it,” he said, forcing himself to sound serious.

“You get what?” Those brilliant sea green eyes fixed on his, and her curiosity got the best of her.

“If you’re worried about that ol’ married gal inside, you don’t have to.”

That made her laugh at least.

“Trust me, I’m not worried about Lacey. She’s been around the block more times than a school bus. I’d warn you away from her, but who you spend your time with isn’t any of my business.”

“What if I want it to be?” The question came out before he gave the words permission to escape.

“Well, don’t.” Clearly a warning.

Cooper still had his finger and thumb on her chin, and he wondered if she even noticed. He damn sure did. Where his fingertips touched her skin, a flash of heat sparked just beneath the surface.

“Why not?”

Tessa pulled away from him then, pushing off the wall and putting distance between them. Cooper didn’t move away, but he didn’t move toward her either.

“Because I’m not interested in a fly by night fling.”

“Fly by night? Who said I was going anywhere?”

“That’s what you famous types do, ain’t it? You’re just around until the next big break,” she answered, looking away.

Cooper wondered whether she actually knew this from experience or if she was simply assuming. Knowing that she probably had met her fair share of country music up-and-comers, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d encountered that in the past. He knew she had been married, but years had gone by since her husband passed away, so it was possible. By the way she tried to keep herself emotionally distanced from those around her, at least as far as he could tell, he couldn’t determine for sure.

“What if I told you I was here to stay? What would you say then?”

“I’d say have a great life.”

All of the emotion he’d witnessed earlier was long gone now. There were no signs of the heat he’d seen in her eyes when they’d been standing in her kitchen either. No, this woman had clearly made up her mind that she wasn’t going to give him the time of day.

Good thing for him, he loved a good challenge. Now he just needed a plan.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Tessa was doing her best to pretend she wasn’t affected by Cooper. Ever since he walked outside, she had been painfully aware of his presence. When he touched her, she half expected her knees to buckle, leaving her a puddle of lusty goo on the concrete at his feet.

Except she was still pissed at him. It didn’t help that she hadn’t been able to talk to Luanne, but Tessa fully intended to as soon as she could. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she had made a pact with herself that she would not jump to conclusions until she had all the information. Yes, that was new for her, but she was willing to give it a shot.

For now.

Between the news that Adam was going to Dallas for the police academy, Cooper Krenshaw might’ve actually stolen her land right out from underneath her, and to top it all off, she seemed to have some strange attraction to the man, she had plenty to worry about all in her own head.

Truthfully, she had snuck outside to have a few minutes by herself. Away from Cooper specifically. Even tonight seemed odd, and she knew Adam wasn’t gone yet, but picturing Cooper taking her brother’s place for the last hour didn’t make it any easier to accept that Adam was about to leave. For the academy.

Police officer.

The idea made her heart ache again, the loss of her husband feeling like a fresh wound in her chest just thinking about it. Through the years, the pain had lessened, the mourning had gotten easier, but she still missed him.

She didn’t want to cry, but she had found herself close to it when Cooper joined her. Part of her was thankful for the distraction because the last thing she wanted anyone to see was her weakness. Especially not this famous superstar who would likely be hightailing it out of town next week after realizing what it meant to work a real job. Hell, running a bar wasn’t easy.

And then the man had the audacity to think that she would be jealous of a woman hitting on him. Not in this lifetime. If he wanted to go home with Lacey, or any other floozy in the bar, that was his prerogative. As for her, she didn’t have the time or the energy to spend on a relationship, even if it were a one night stand.

She could tell by the look in Cooper’s shockingly golden brown eyes that he was gearing up for some sort of challenge. Tessa had no intention of explaining why she wasn’t willing to get caught up with the likes of him. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt and burned it. Not doing it again. That was the point in her life when she realized she would never find a man who could replace Richie. Never.

“I’ll see you inside,” she told him, abruptly turning to the door and hoping like hell he wouldn’t move closer. As strong as she was, for some reason, Tessa wasn’t able to resist this man when he was close because her damn hormones went on strike.

“Hey,” he called out before her hand made it to the doorknob.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Tessa inhaled slowly. Held it. This was not going to go well, she could feel it.

Before she could turn around, she felt the heat of Cooper at her back. When his strong hands came down on her shoulders, she fought the urge to melt into him, to soak up some of his strength at a time when she so desperately needed it. Against her will, she turned around slowly, and nearly lost the tears she fought to hold back when he pulled her flush against him and held her close.

His arms were strong and warm, his heartbeat a soothing anchor in the turmoil that had become her life. And damn it all to hell, he smelled fantastic. Pressing her cheek against his chest, she gave in to him momentarily. She could’ve tried to come up with excuses as to why she was willingly letting Cooper hold her, but she knew they’d all be a lie. She wanted him to. That was the simple truth.

She had no idea how much time had passed, but the next thing she knew, Cooper was pulling back slightly, his hands cupping her face as he tilted her head back. He stared down into her eyes for what felt like an interminably long time, and she held her breath, aching for this man to give her something more. Something that she needed but wasn’t willing to ask for.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispered.

Tessa’s heart pounded painfully against her chest. She didn’t turn away, but she didn’t give him permission either. The smart thing for her to do would be to turn and walk away. Hell, maybe even run. He was a man who had walked into her life and uprooted it in ways she never imagined. This attraction she had for him was only part of it.

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