Chased Page 37

“You’re the best. I’m so happy you and Marc finally found each other.”

“I love him.” Liv took a deep breath. “I finally admitted it to myself and I’m taking it from there. I’m scared all the time anyway, may as well be scared while I’m with him. Do you want to walk or use the ball? You tell me what you need.”

“Good for you, Liv. I knew you were strong enough to handle this. I expect the whole damned Chase family has gathered out there. I can deal with visitors just now but I want to make it clear that I do not want an audience or cameras in here when the big moment comes. Pictures before, pictures after. No money shots.”

Liv laughed. “Got it. No pictures of Maggie’s hoo-ha with a baby emerging. I’ll go let the hordes know you’re available for visits.”

Before too long, the room had filled with family and it had become a festive place. Whatever Polly told Kyle had calmed him but he didn’t move more than an inch from Maggie’s side.

They all took turns walking with Maggie through the halls as she labored. On a break, Liv leaned into Marc, who massaged her shoulders. “Sorry about dinner, sport.”

“I’ll grab a rain check. This is more important. Have you eaten though? You want me to go and grab you something?”

“Not right now, but why don’t you go and get something with Kyle? He needs a break and the nurse said Maggie has several more hours to go.”

When the guys left, Liv turned down the lights and she, Cassie, Polly and Maggie all sat quietly. Maggie’s pain had ramped up considerably and she finally opted for an epidural so she rested, staring at a television movie while Liv watched Cassie make jewelry.

It was right that they all sat in the room, the generations all together as a new life prepared to make an appearance. By the time the men returned with food for everyone but Maggie, who waved away any apologies for not being able to eat, Liv wanted to simply snuggle with Marc until the sun rose. Who knew that love would make her so content? But it had. Content and the restlessness was gone. Everything felt like it was supposed to be. She’d never felt so settled and happy and she refused to entertain any of those, oh no, what’s going to happen to end this, thoughts. Well, they were there in the background but she could beat them back.

Everyone but Liv and Kyle went to rest or nap in the waiting room when the labor nurse came to check on Maggie. She told them Maggie was just at four centimeters and they expected it to be several more hours before she’d be fully dilated.

Liv kissed Maggie’s forehead. “You’ve got a ways to go. Rest for now. I’m going on a walk with Marc. I have my phone and I won’t be far but you need to sleep. You won’t if I’m here.” She turned to Kyle. “Stretch out in that chair, it converts into a bed. You sleep too. She will if you will.”

Kyle hugged Liv and she went out and found Marc waiting just outside the door.

“I need to walk, get some air. You want to come with me?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.” Marc took her hand as they went to inform the nurse’s station that they’d be going on a walk for a while and to call if there was anything Maggie needed.

Once they’d gotten outside, Marc turned to her. “What do you need? You’ve been taking care of her all night, running interference, making sure no one pushed her too much.”

She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart. “I love you,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

“Oh, sugar, I wanted to say it first. I love you too. I want this with you you know.”

“You do?”

“I do what?”

She laughed. “You love me?”

“Woman, have you not listened to a damned thing I’ve said in the last months?

Yes. Yes, I love you. It’d be impossible not to.”

She smiled. “Oh. Good. And what is it you want with me?”

“So many ways I could go with that question. But being serious instead of lascivious for a moment at least, I want a family. A life like Kyle and Maggie, Shane and Cassie have.”

“Marc, the age difference…”

“Stop it with that!” He pushed her back and shook his head. “That does not even matter. It’s six years, not even quite six years. You act like it’s twenty years. It seriously pisses me off.”

“It pisses me off that you think it’s nothing.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Please. You’re so full of shit for a woman who looks so good. I’m over twenty-one. And what difference could it make? Come on, sugar, it’s six years. When you get old, I’ll be old too. It’s not like anyone is going to think I’m marrying you for your fortune because you’re so old and hideous.”

She laughed. “Stop that. I’m serious.”

“So am I. Liv, tell me what difference our ages have to make in our relationship.”

“You have time left to get out there and sow wild oats. I don’t want you to settle down if you’re not ready.”

He snorted. “Olivia Jean Davis, girl, you are crazy. I’ve sowed ‘em. Lots and lots of them. I don’t have any more I want to sow except with you.”

They walked a while longer as Liv let herself believe in what they had together and it grew inside her until it filled every cell. Almost every cell. The fear still crouched, small and nearly defeated. She could be loved by someone like this man, damn it. She would do it because he was worth it.

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