Chased Page 25

The tip of something very powerful had surfaced in her time with Marc and it scared the hell out of her. A man like Bill didn’t scare her. He was managed easily enough. Being in charge meant she controlled her feelings and he couldn’t hurt her. A man like Bill was who she needed to marry. Wasn’t he?

* * *

Polly rolled out biscuits in the kitchen and smiled to herself as she waited while the other line rang. A ham baked in the oven, scalloped potatoes bubbled, peas with pearl onions next to that, and baked beans simmered on the stove.


“Olivia, hon, how are you today? I was just calling to double check that you liked ham.”

Liv stuttered and it made Polly smile even more.

“Oh for dinner tonight? About that, I hadn’t really…”

“You are coming, aren’t you? I’ve made an awful lot of food and I’d be so disappointed if you didn’t come. You said you would last week or did I get it wrong? I’m getting old you know, sometimes I suppose I misunderstand but I was just thrilled you said you’d come.”

Liv sighed and Polly barely held back a laugh.

“Oh no, you didn’t misunderstand. Of course I’ll be there. I love ham. Can I bring anything?”

“Now you’re just insulting me. Just yourself, honey. See you tonight.” Polly hung up, chuckling to herself.

Her boy wanted Liv Davis, he’d have her. It helped that she and Edward adored Liv and she was already considered a member of the family. But what mattered to her most was another one of her children realizing what it meant to love someone. Truly love her.

Liv was wary and Polly couldn’t blame the girl. After all, even Polly knew about Marc’s reputation and that had to scare any woman. And after the thing with Matt failing, Polly knew Liv’s heart would be wounded and she’d be careful of a man like Marc. And the girl had lost a lot in her life. Her mother at a young age, her sister had been a handful and her father had up and left to Florida ten years before. Aside from Maggie, Liv had been alone a lot. Family meant everything to Polly and she’d pull out all the stops to make Liv part of theirs.

* * *

“The woman is diabolical,” Liv muttered as she pulled up next to the curb out front. She should have begged off, she knew that but it wasn’t in her to refuse Polly “the amazing steamroller” Chase.

Marc had sent her an email the evening before. She’d ducked his phone calls but curiosity made her read the email. He’d just been checking in on her and he repeated that he wanted her for the long term and that he wasn’t giving up or walking away.

She wanted to believe him but it scared her to contemplate trusting anyone that way. It was a huge risk. He was a huge risk. She’d be a fool to trust a man like Marc Chase when he said he wanted something long term. He opened the front door and strolled down the front walk to meet her. She didn’t even have time to give a surprised squeak when he grabbed her and laid a hard, long kiss on her out there in front of God and the neighbors. Not that she resisted, it felt too good after all her thinking. Eased the tension of fear in her gut. Replaced it with warmth and a pulsing, simmering desire. Again with the pushing of her buttons.

“Good evening, Olivia. This is a lovely outfit. Is it new?” He stepped back, leaving her slightly breathless but keeping an arm around her waist. Which was a good thing because her knees were rubber. She couldn’t take her eyes off his thumb as it cruised over his bottom lip, clearing off her lipstick. She licked her lips in response and he got that wicked grin.

“Uh, yes. New. Just got it last week when I drove into Atlanta with Cassie for beads. Thank you.”

He escorted her into the house and before she could gather her wits, half the family saw him with his arm around her and her lips kiss-swollen.

“Well, it’s about time.” Maggie laughed and kissed Liv’s cheek. “Must have been some picnic. Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been ducking my calls. You’re going to tell me every last detail,” she murmured into Liv’s ear.


Marc squeezed her, pulling her closer, and kissed her temple. “Everyone lay off. Miz Liv here is wary about me, and rightfully so. So if you rib her about this you’ll be making my job harder.”

Matt chuckled and kissed Liv’s forehead. “It’s going to be weird hearing all the details about my brother the way you shared about Brody. Although frankly, it’s a big step up for you.”

“Don’t patronize me, Matt Chase.” Liv narrowed her eyes at him and he chuckled more.

“Okay, sweet stuff. You got it. Although, you’re fun to patronize, you have to admit.”

“I’m gonna kick you in the junk,” Liv muttered and shook Marc off, heading toward Cassie who accepted a hug and a kiss on her cheek without comment.

“Let’s go into the sitting room and have a beer, shall we?” Maggie said brightly.

“Well, you all can have a beer and I’ll have a root beer.” She sent a dark look back at the brothers gathered behind them. “No boys allowed.”

Marc walked up and kissed her again, bold as you please before heading into the living room with his brothers to watch whatever game was on the nine hundred channels’ worth of sports Edward had.

“Well! Okay, come on.” Cassie pulled Liv into the sitting room. “Before Polly gets in here, she’s on the phone, spill!”

Liv cracked open a beer and took several long swallows before tossing herself into a chair. “I am so in trouble.”

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