Chased Page 23

Her head shot back and her eyes widened, catching his in the mirror. That luscious mouth opened in a silent howl and, as her orgasm exploded around his cock, his unleashed into her body in wave after wave of quicksilver pleasure until he had to collapse to the mattress, bringing her down with him.

“Be right back,” he mumbled. When he walked back into the room she’d sat up and was reaching for her blouse. He jumped onto the bed, tackling her down with him.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Well. Uh, home I guess.”

“Oh I don’t think so. I like you right here. It’s late and I’m going to make you breakfast before I have you again in the morning.”

“You don’t seem the type to have women sleeping over. I don’t want to ruin your reputation.”

He moved to rest on one elbow, unable to resist leaning down for a kiss. “I didn’t use to be the type, no. But I seem to be now. I want to wake up with your warm, sexy body ready for me.”

“And do I have a say in the matter?” she asked acerbically and he stifled a grin.

“Always, darlin’. If you don’t want to sleep over, I’ll run you home right now. I’d never force you to do anything you didn’t want to. But I would make it worth your while when you woke up.”

Seconds ticked by as she lay there thinking and he only barely kept himself from flicking his tongue over those delicious ni**les daring his control as they poked up toward the ceiling.

“Will you put cheese in the omelet you’re going to make me? And real milk in my coffee?”

Ah, triumph! “Yes. I’ve got some ham too. Although the milk is skim, the beans are gourmet.”

“Good because I don’t skimp on breakfast and I don’t go in for soy cheese or any of that crap. I want real cheese and real eggs, not that fake egg stuff and I don’t want egg whites either.”

“Now you’re just being greedy.” He kissed the tip of her nose and she laughed.

“I am greedy. I like to eat and eat well. I work out and watch what I eat but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up the joys of eating pizza or omelets with egg yolks. And don’t bother trying to tell me a pizza on whole wheat crust with no cheese is just as good because that’s a bald-faced lie.”

“You’re a difficult woman. It’s a good thing I want to sink into your body for weeks. Egg white omelets are just as good.”

She made a face and he wanted to laugh. “That is such a lie. I gave up mayonnaise. Okay. I don’t eat omelets everyday but when I have one, I’m having one. No halfway fake omelet. I want it all or what’s the point of eating oatmeal five days a week?”

“You drive a hard bargain, Olivia Davis. You’ll have your full egg omelet with cheese and ham.”

“Then you’ll have my warm and willing body to wake up with.”

Sighing contentedly, he pulled her against his body and kissed her temple.

“Wanna watch a movie?”

Chapter Six

Before the sun rose, Liv lay in Marc’s bed, his arms around her and his heart beating softly against the ear she’d laid against his chest. She should have felt warm and relaxed. Instead she fought back a sweat of terror. She was in over her head. The sex, oh man the sex had been incredible. Earth shaking. Hot, hard and deep in more than one way.

Never had she felt connected to a man during and after sex the way she had with Marc the night before. His hands on her body were an anchor, holding her to Earth when she wanted to float away.

She could not feel this way about him. She couldn’t afford the emotional capital. The roar of the fear Matt had left in his wake echoed through her, filling every cell.

At the same time, she was frozen, laying there because she wanted him. Wanted him so much it scared her, but now that she’d had a taste she couldn’t bear the thought of letting him go. It was monumentally stupid. It was monumentally selfish but she knew she wasn’t going to walk away just yet. Instead, she planned, tried to work out just exactly how she’d manage the situation and her intense attraction to the man at her side. Until he woke up and decided to greet the day in a very inspired manner.

* * *

“We need to talk about all this.”

Marc looked up from his plate, across the table at a very warm, very satisfied Liv. “All this?”

“You and me. Last night.”

He smiled. Okay then. It was going to be easier than he’d thought it would be.

“All right.”

“Clearly we’ve got some pretty major chemistry. I can’t deny that. I can’t deny the sex is amazing and that I’m in no major hurry to give it up.”

“Good. I don’t plan to give it up.”

She waved it away. “But it makes sense to talk about our boundaries. Because as I said, I’m looking for something long term and you’re not. So I think that we can continue with this until the attraction burns out and I’ll also keep looking. If you find yourself attracted to someone else, just let me know and I’ll step out of the way. There’s no reason why we can’t stay friends. We’re both adults. Both sexually liberated. Let’s enjoy our time and move on as friends when it’s over.”

His fork clattered to his plate and he saw red. “What the f**k are you talking about?”


“Fuck language, I’ve heard you curse a blue streak. In fact, I heard it about twenty minutes ago when you ordered me to eat your pu**y.”

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