Broken Open Page 14

Natalie nodded, agreeing. “Still, it sucks. We’d just started to fall asleep when we got the call. That little girl is such a sweetheart. Vaughan must be beside himself.”

“They got to it before her appendix burst. It could have been so much worse. At least Vaughan was there when it happened.” The youngest Hurley brother appeared to be a great father so Tuesday imagined he’d have been out of his mind with worry if he’d been across the country on tour still. He’d be worried then, too, of course, but at least he was close by and that was a blessing.

“We’ll talk about that later.” Natalie looked toward the living room, where the brothers both had phones pressed to their ears. “So. A champion, huh?” Natalie asked carefully as she bumped her hip to Tuesday’s.

One of the things Tuesday loved most about her best friend was the way Natalie knew when to push and when to back off. After Eric had died, Tuesday had drifted awhile.

Unable to face the home she’d made with Eric, Tuesday’d gone off to visit people and sleep in guest rooms. It had been Natalie who’d finally got through to her and told her to start living again. Natalie who pushed and coaxed and cajoled her back to the work of the living once more.

Ezra’s rumble sounded from the other room and it made Tuesday smile.


“And it was okay, so that’s good.”

Natalie had meant being with a man in their home—in Tuesday’s bed.

A hotel room was private and impersonal and it wasn’t yours for longer than a little while, which telegraphed the attitude she wanted to project. She had lovers and not boyfriends.

She wasn’t sure when she’d be ready to be with someone again and so it had felt to her that the safest thing was to not do it until she knew it was time.

Ezra, though, trod all over that distance. She let him. She even liked it. But she feared it, too, and it had awakened all sorts of stuff inside. Stuff she didn’t have the time or the luxury to examine right at the moment.

“It was way better than okay.” Tuesday looked down at herself. “I’m going to run up and get dressed. I’ll be right back. Keep an eye on the tea.”

“I will but don’t think this discussion is over.”

“As if I’d ever think otherwise. You’re bossy and nosy. But I expect you have some stuff to talk to me about, too. I need a Paddy update.”

Natalie’s features softened with love and it made Tuesday so happy to see it. “Deal.”

Her best friend’s joy was genuine. Even if tinged with worry. Tuesday kissed Natalie’s cheek. “Good. Be right back.”

Tuesday dashed up to her room to change. At first she tried to ignore the way the room smelled like him. Like sex and sin and hot, hot man. She’d made herself a promise not to think about what anything meant until they’d got past this situation with Maddie’s surgery and it all rushed in anyway.

But then it hit her.

She stood in her doorway, her hand on the light switch, and realized the step she’d taken by letting him up there and between her thighs was way bigger than she’d intended to make. Tuesday wasn’t sure what she thought before she’d led him up to her bed. Well, okay, she’d been thinking about riding him like a horse. But...

A man like Ezra marked a place with his presence. He filled up a room just by standing in it. But on top of that he emanated so much charisma and energy; a dark, wounded heart wrapped in so much talent it was a little intimidating.

He’d swept her up. She got caught in whatever it was between them. So powerful. He made her feel things more than just momentary pleasure. But he didn’t appear to be looking for anything long-term. Like her. Right? Was that even still the case?

Tuesday shook her head to stop that train of thought as she flicked off the light. There were other things to focus on.

* * *

PADDY WAITED UNTIL Ezra had tucked the phone back into his pocket before he got close enough to speak quietly.

“Hotel reservations made.”

“Good deal. I just spoke to Vaughan. Maddie is out of surgery and in recovery now. She’s stable and if all goes well they’ll let her go home tomorrow. I told him you were making hotel reservations.”

Paddy’s brow rose with appreciation. “Bravo. You cleverly made him think that he needed to be sure Mom and Dad got rest so he’d need to go with them. And it gave me something to do, as well.”

As if Ezra’d ever let on just how much he tended to manage them all. He just gave Paddy a bland look until his brother rolled his eyes and relaxed a little.

“Why don’t you call Mom and let her know about the room and then text Vaughan the details?” It would give Paddy something else to do, which would keep him busy, not feeling helpless.

Paddy nodded. “I just remembered, I called Damien but got his voice mail. Can you try again?”

“Handled. I called on the house phone. It woke him up. I told him there was nothing to be done so he needed to keep Mary in bed. I’ll call him now and fill him in on what Vaughan told me.”

Within ten minutes Ezra had got it all taken care of. All bases covered. Pregnant sister-in-law sleeping, all brothers accounted for and okay. His parents were headed to the hotel with Vaughan once they’d wrapped things up at the hospital.

Ezra had heard in Vaughan’s tone that his brother had a lot going on. More than just the immediate situation. Ezra planned to head to the hospital around noon so he could speak with Vaughn a little then.

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