Breach Page 21

It was Wednesday when Caroline dragged me out into the spring rain for lunch at our favorite dive. It was a hole in the wall bar that served some of the best potato skins I’d ever had. It was a rare treat to split an order, and I was willing to brave the weather for the wonderful tastes that awaited.

We placed our order and included side salads to make it a little less terrible.

“So, you got laid?” she asked without missing a beat.

I choked on the drink as it went down the wrong pipe, and almost spit some of my soda across the table at her. “W-what?”

“You heard me. You. Got. Laid.”

“How… Why do you think that?”

“Oh, come on, Lila. I’ve known you since we interned together between L2 and L3. That’s five years, if you’re trying to figure it out.”

I sighed. “Fine. Yes, I got laid. Happy?”

“No. Who is he?” She was not letting the subject go, her lips curling into a smile.

“Just some guy I met,” I lied, trying to brush it off. I wanted to tell her it was Nathan, but how was I supposed to explain our situation? I didn’t want to tell her about his scars and his self-imposed inability to love. I didn’t want to gossip about his pain. I wanted to protect him. I needed Nathan. So, I would lie to my best friend for now in the hopes that soon I could tell her everything.

“And?” she pressed. “Name? Date of birth? Social security number? Birthmarks and tattoos?” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows.

I laughed at her absurdity, and it felt good. “His name?” I felt the blood leech out of my face. My mind raced to come up with something when Nathan’s middle name popped up. I remembered seeing it on some of his access paperwork. “Christopher, his name is Christopher.”

“Was he at the club the other night?”

Oh, thank the heavens, something I didn’t have to lie about. “Yeah.”

“Well, obviously you liked him enough to have fun with him on multiple occasions.”

I couldn’t help the sad smile that formed on my face. “I like him, I do.”


“But, he has some issues he’s working through, so I’m not really sure how he feels about me.”

“Well, if you can keep your self-flogging at bay, maybe you two can help each other. It’s obvious he likes something about you if he keeps coming back for more.”

“The feeling of me wrapped around his…” I trailed off, the waiter smirking as he dropped our food off.

Caroline laughed, and I couldn’t help but join in. I felt lighter after telling her, even though it wasn’t much. It felt good to talk about him in some fashion to someone other than myself. We ate our treats and headed back to the office, and I went straight back to the mysterious God that sat in the desk next to me.

Two days later, I was squirming in my chair, my mind envisioning the previous evening’s activities, and it was making my panties soaked. Every day seemed to be growing longer; minutes where like hours. His scent filled the confines of our office, making my cravings for him stronger with each tick of the clock. I wanted him all the damn time.

I absently twirled a pen in my mouth as I attempted to read over the contract in front of me. It had been a day for reading and re-reading, and starting over because I didn’t catch anything. I didn’t even realize I had begun daydreaming, the pen sliding between my lips, until my phone began to buzz, breaking me from my trance. It was a text from Nathan, sitting right next to me. I’d forgotten we exchanged numbers. Curious, I opened the message and wished I hadn’t. It was too much for me to handle.

If you keep sucking on that pen I WILL drag you off to a secluded spot and shove my c**k in your mouth.

My eyes widened and I choked on said pen while I read his text. The message was so hot my whole body lit up, and I licked my lips at the thought. Fantasies began running rampant, about places he would drag me to, when my phone buzzed with another message from him.

And you will choke like that around my c**k when I jam it all the way down your f**king tease of a throat.

I had to begin fanning myself with the still unread contract; I was certain my face was Santa-suit red.

“Hey, Delilah,” Benjamin called from the doorway. “Can I get your help on this verbiage...? You okay?”

I gave him a fake smile. “Fine, just got a little hot all of the sudden.”

“Well, keep your cooties to yourself. Marianne will kill me if I bring home another illness from work,” he said with a laugh. Benjamin was such a sweet guy, and his very pregnant wife had gotten sick earlier in the year and she was unable to take much medicine, adding to her increasing level of discomfort.

“I’m not sure that what’s wrong with Delilah is contagious,” Nathan spoke, interrupting our conversation, his eyes trained on the screen in front of him.

I quirked my brow at him. “And exactly what is ‘wrong’ with me?”

“Few screws loose there, drunkie. Now, be a dear and help Benjamin out so you can get back to drooling all over the Henderson contract,” he taunted.

“Screw you.” I scowled at him and turned back to Benjamin. “So, verbiage?”

I worked with him for about half an hour before returning to my attempt at concentrating on my work. A difficult task when I was still so worked up from the texts Nathan had sent me.

It was after six when we saw Benjamin again, dropping by to let us know everyone was gone, and to lock up when we left. I sat stock still at my desk, paralyzed. A sudden extreme awareness of Nathan, and how we were alone, hit me. The words of his texts came back to me, and a small moan slipped from my lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him look briefly at me before resuming his work.

After a few minutes of pin-drop silence, Nathan rose from his chair and walked to the door. He reached out and slammed it shut, the sound making me jump. My breathing became labored, my body shaking in anticipation as I heard the click of the lock. He turned toward me; his eyes were dark, menacing, and full of lust.

He stared at me as his fingers worked to undo his tie, while he stalked his way over to me.

“You have been a very naughty girl today.” His hand wrapped around the fabric, slipping it from around his neck. “Naughty girls get punished. Hard. I don’t think I can wait any longer to punish you…”

My thighs were rubbing together, my bottom lip caught between my teeth to stifle the moan that threatened to escape. It was too late, the look in his eyes was animalistic, and I was dripping for him. He grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet, and turned me around. My arms were pinned behind my back, the silk of his tie wrapping around my wrists, binding them.

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