Breach Page 15

His eyes met mine, and there was an emotion I’d never seen emitting from them. It was strong, and overpowering. He leaned down and captured my lips, his hand wrapped around the back of my neck holding me close.

My head couldn’t wrap itself around the enigma that was Nathan Thorne.

He pulled away, his eyes holding mine—fierce, determined and so damn hypnotic. His body was draped over mine, his pace quickening. Teeth scraped against my skin, biting, marking, as the assault from his mouth moved around. Tongue lashing at my skin, while lips caressed the harshness away. He bit down hard on my shoulder, sucking the skin between his teeth, making sure the mark was good and dark. My walls tightened, and I could feel myself on the edge.

“You’re going to come.” His mouth crushed mine, and forced my lips open. Several sexy sighs escaped him, flowing into me, and I felt his dick twitch. I smiled at the thought of watching him come undone above me.

He picked up my legs and anchored them over his shoulders. He pumped straight into me, his tip hitting the same glorious spot his fingers had earlier.

“Oh, God!”

“Yes, that’s it, baby. Take it. Flood your pu**y and let it flow out onto my dick. You know you want to.” There was a fierce edge to his voice. His erotic words were not empty or void. I knew he meant every single f**king word.

“More,” I said, the word coming out unbidden. My mind was foggy, lost in the Nathan-induced haze.

“Shit! Fuck, baby, you’re…oh, f**king…clenching so tight…so f**king tight!” he stammered out, pleasure induced incoherency taking over.

His fingers dug into my thighs, shoving them together and with a force I’d never felt before. It f**king ripped me apart and landed me with an orgasm that was akin to an out of body experience.

“Fuck, Nate. Yes!” I screamed louder than I ever had during an orgasm, shuddering breaths and indecipherable moans, falling from my lips.

Every muscle in his body was vibrating, his head tipped back as he started yelling. “Yes! Oh, f**k, baby, f**king you… God, so good!”

His voice shattered, drowning mine out. I felt a sudden emptiness as he pulled out of me. I stared as his hand pumped his cock, the head straining so much it was almost purple. He let out a strangled cry as the first hot stream was released. It landed on my left breast; the following spraying on my stomach. His body convulsed and swayed, hips jerking with each spurt.

“Shit, that is the best f**king sight in the world,” he whispered, licking his lips as he stared down at my body. “You look so f**king good covered in me.” He moved his c**k around, spreading his come around my skin, staring in perverse fascination.

“That was… God, I can’t describe it.” I was incredulous as I dragged my hands up through my sweat matted hair.

He beamed at me. “I know.”

The damn mercurial man in front of me was so happy. He was beaming at me like he adored everything about me. What the hell? Was it due to my earth shattering orgasm and he was pleased he’d done it to me? Or was there something else going on?

“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow. I want Starbucks in the morning, you’re buying,” I said between pants.

“How about I tell the other ladies I’m g*y? Would that be sufficient payment?” He smirked and slowly pushed off of me.

“I’m not some damn call girl, you know.”

Before I could smack him or throw something at his smirking face, he was shrugging his pants up his hips and heading for the door.

“Asshole!” I hollered at him from my gelatinous place on the couch.

“You mean ‘thank you!’” He snorted and threw open the door, letting it slide closed behind as he disappeared into the hallway.


By Friday morning, I was still walking a little on the funny side, my muscles recuperating. With a coffee cup in hand, I was headed to the break room, only to find Caroline filling up her own.

“So, how’s it going today?” she asked, pouring the creamer into her cup and stirring.

I rinsed my own cup out in the sink, then poured myself some. “He’s such a pain in my ass!” I tried to keep my lips from quirking up into a smile, and present a pissed off demeanor. Inside I was laughing, knowing one day he’d make it true in a literal sense.

I couldn’t tell Caroline about that though. Not yet. I still didn’t know what we were anyway. She laughed, before going over the evening plans. I was supposed to be out of the building by five to eat dinner before meeting her and some of our coworkers at eight.

I headed home at the promised time and ate while I scoured my closet for something to wear. It’d been so long since I’d gone out for “fun” that it took me some time to dig out any going-out worthy clothing. Suits and business attire had taken over my closet, making it hard to find anything else.

The air still held a chill, so I settled for a jean skirt and large neck sweater that fell off one shoulder. I dug out some knee-high heeled boots for added warmth on my legs. The thought of tights passed through my mind, but I knew Nathan wouldn’t like them.

I didn’t even know if he was coming, and even if he did, people we worked with were around, so he wouldn’t be touching me or dancing with me.

When I arrived at the destination, Caroline and her boyfriend, Ian, were waiting for me at the entrance, and we were able to secure a large half-moon booth for our group.

I’d finished off a shot of rum, and was starting in on a Long Island, when I felt it. Felt him—his eyes.

Nathan was there.

“Hey, Nathan, you made it!” Caroline called out.

I jolted, shooting my friend a death glare as we scooted around to make room. I was on the end, making me the one he sat next to, our thighs touching.

“Wouldn’t have missed it,” he replied with a smile as he greeted the table. He leaned close to me, whispering in my ear and sending heat throughout my body. “Lila.”

I smiled at him. “Nate.” His eyes flashed and he drew in a quick breath, but he composed himself before anyone noticed. “I’m surprised to see you out.”

“Oh, we used to see him here all the time,” Ian chimed in. “Been months, dude. We thought you fell off the face of the earth or something. Finally find yourself a steady girl?”

Nathan laughed, but I couldn’t find it in me to join in due to the knife twisting in my gut. Of course he would go out to get his kicks. It didn’t slip my attention that Ian said he hadn’t seen him since before we started having sex, though.

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