Breach Page 12


I was pulled from whatever contract my eyes had blurred over while I was thinking about him. The man was too distracting for his own good.

“Yes.” I sighed and eyed my empty coffee mug. I could use a fresh one.

“Are you okay? You’ve been staring at the same contract for the last fifteen minutes, your hands hovering over the keys.” His lips pulled up into that damn smirk of his, the one that made panties wet on almost every woman he encountered, mine included. His blue eyes sparkled with amusement, and I wondered if he knew I was thinking about him.

“I just need more coffee.”

His smirk grew. “Your mind seemed preoccupied, not tired.”

Damn him.

“Don’t worry, Thorne, you weren’t starring in my preoccupation.” I knew it was a lie. A bold faced one at that. I’d thought of no one but him in weeks. I wanted to know all of him, but was aware he’d never allow that to happen.

High pitched giggles drew my eyes to the door; another member of the Boob-Squad had arrived. Wasn’t it against the dress code to have your br**sts hanging out of your top? I was beginning to think Jennifer hadn’t read that memo, or the one about fraternization. Who was I to talk? Nathan’s c**k had been in me more than once and it was bliss.

“Nathan, I was hoping you could help me.” Her flirtation was in full force. It was a blinding and gag-worthy performance.

“I’m going to lunch.” I grabbed my purse and coat, heading out before I vomited. They really were vile.

There was a small bit of satisfaction in seeing him squirm as I walked out. I’d bailed him out too many times in the past week; he could fend for himself. I hated them interrupting my work, and I was sick of it, not because I was jealous and wanted to scream out that he was mine while I yanked on their hair to drag them off of him. My stomach twisted in a knot as I imagined one of them with their hands all over his cock; their mouths on his hard flesh.

I wound my way around the cubes of the newbies and interns until I reached an open door. Caroline was finishing up a phone conversation, holding up one finger for me to wait.

“Ready?” she asked as she hung up the phone. I nodded and waited as she grabbed her purse.

“Please, I need to get away from them.”

“Ah, he’s in a better mood, and now they’re all over him again.”

I sighed, picturing the scene as I left. “I’m not sure you can say Jennifer’s shirt is doing its duty today.”

“What does he do with all these women trying to climb into his pants?” she asked as we walked to the elevators. With luck, there was one waiting and we hopped on.

“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t touching any of them.” Because he’s touching me.

“Why do you say that?”

I snorted. “You should see the look on his face, I mean the real look. Their tenacity scares him. I’ve had to save him more than once in the past week.”

Her eyebrow arched up as she regarded me, a smile forming on her lips. “You’re attracted to him.”

I stared at her openmouthed. “I…I… Shit. Of course I am! Have you seen him?”

Her grin widened, and she moved to look forward again. “I’m just happy to find out you haven’t lost your libido with two years of cobwebs up in there.”

I snorted. “Um, thanks?”

“We still on for Friday?” she inquired. I started to open my mouth, but she silenced me. “You promised me. Don’t make me call in reinforcements to drag you out.”

I threw my hands up in protest. “I’ll go. I’ll go.”

After a quick bite at a bistro down the street, we headed back. While Jennifer was gone, Kelly had taken her place and was pawing all over him. The girl was only nineteen; did she really think she stood a chance?

Then again, guys often went for younger girls.

She was all giggles and flirtation, and he was smiling and joking back. I scowled at him for encouraging their behavior. As I sat down, I woke up my computer, placing my purse in the bottom drawer and attempted to get back to work. My irritation was too great, and only grew as their conversation continued. I turned to glare at them and was met with a grin; he was enjoying my torment. The man was so infuriating sometimes. He knew I was pissed and was rubbing it in my face.

“Kelly, have you set up my appointment with the Sanders yet?” I questioned, knowing the small task I’d asked of her was incomplete. I was drawing at anything to get her out and away from him…us. We both needed to work.

“Nope,” she answered, and then turned back to Nathan.

I cocked my eyebrow at her, attempting my best icy glare. I couldn’t see it, since I was looking at her, but I could tell Nathan was staring at me. “I asked you to set that up three hours ago.”

“I’ll get to it,” she said in an annoyed huff and a roll of her eyes.

“Well, I’d say if you have time to sit in here and talk, you have time to make the call you should have made three hours ago.” My teeth were clenched at that point, my voice climbing an octave as I restrained myself from yelling at her. Nathan was still staring at me, but not in amusement; he almost seemed annoyed.

“Fine, I’ll go do it now.” With a huff, she told him she’d be back before bouncing out the door.

“Better not be,” I grumbled under my breath. He was still staring, so I turned to meet his gaze. “What? It’s your damn fault they’re in here all of the time. You could at least discourage their advances.”

“How is it my fault?”

“Your damn pheromones are drawing in the bees and they’re pissing me off. You’re the best looking man in this office, and they all want you.”

“And you don’t?”

My face heated when he hinted for the first time at what we’d done. In a fit of embarrassment and nervousness, I chucked my stapler in his direction. Childish, but I didn’t know the right social cue for the situation, and I was afraid he would notice my deficiency. The stapler tumbled on the floor, missing him, and breaking apart.

“Back to work,” I mumbled.

“Yes, throw shit, Palmer, that’s mature,” he snapped, his brow furrowed with anger.

“Do you really want me to go there, Thorne? Tell me, do you plan to screw one of them?”

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