Blood and Sand Page 70

“Who is it?” she asked under her breath. “Who did you see?”

“Well, isn’t that interesting?”

“Dammit, Baojia, what are you—”

“Told you I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Natalie looked up to see Rory shaking hands with a man she recognized from Bar El Ruso, and the smiling manager was ushering them over to a dark-paneled door.

“That’s not Ivan. Is that—?”

“Carlos. Now why on earth would my dear brother-in-law be having a meeting with Ivan’s right-hand monster?”


Rory, Rory. What are you doing?

Baojia reached for Natalie’s hand and slid around the slot machines, trailing his brother-in-law and Ivan’s most trusted employee. Carlos was the one Ivan sent when he couldn’t meet personally but needed someone smart and loyal. Baojia had no idea why Carlos was so devoted to his boss, but they may have been related some way he wasn’t aware of. The two vampires headed for one of the private rooms in the back of the casino, closing the door just as Baojia turned the last corner.


“There’s no way I’m getting in there.”

Natalie looked around. “Want me to find a waitress’s uniform?”

He felt his fangs fall at the idea. The insane way this woman was willing to run toward danger unnerved him. “Natalie, the only humans in that room aren’t going to be serving drinks. They’ll be the drinks. No. You’re staying with me.”

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” She pulled her hand away and leaned against the wall. “It was just a suggestion.”

“You have no sense of self-preservation.” He took her hand again and started toward the exit.

“That’s what I have you for. Preservation. Where are we going?”

“Back to the parking lot. I want to see what Carlos is driving and if anyone is with him.”

The casino was like a maze. A buzzing, flashing, clanging maze. How humans could stay in one for hours on end, he had never understood. They were walking down one long aisle of slot machines when Baojia saw Luis heading straight for them. In one smooth movement, he turned, pushed Natalie against the side of a machine, and kissed her.

Baojia let himself get lost for a moment. The taste of her, that faint taste of vanilla and mint from the gum she chewed,idt i he couldn hit him. His fangs lengthened, throbbing with the need to bite, take, possess. She didn’t push him away but pulled him closer, tugging on the lapels of his jacket as she met his desire with her own. One of his hands reached for the tangle of hair that drove him crazy. He grasped the red waves in his fingers and tugged, pleased to hear her breath catch as he felt her body react.

She met him, kiss for kiss. Touch for touch. She was perfect under his hands. A flash of her body rising to meet his was all he allowed before he pulled away, glancing over his right shoulder to make sure Luis had passed by the anonymous couple kissing in the casino.

“Did he see us?” Her voice was just a little breathy. Baojia turned back to her and smiled.

“How do you know I wasn’t just overcome with desire and had to kiss you right this minute?”

Natalie snorted and pushed on his chest, smiling as she started walking toward the exit again. “You? I don’t think you’re overcome by anything, Mr. Cool and Confident.”

“You might be surprised.” He reached over and took her hand again, acknowledging the indulgence to himself. He liked holding it, plus he knew she wasn’t wandering away from him when he did, so he could allow himself to enjoy it.

As they passed through the dark glass doors, he reached out with his senses to detect any stray trails of energy. Just like humans left a scent trail as they shed minute particles of skin and hair, vampires left a trail of their own. Each vampire had his or her own unique fingerprint that their amnis left. He didn’t know why or how, but he often thought if those trails were visible, they would each glow or reflect light at slightly different wavelengths. For now, he could focus on one signature. Carlos.

Knowing his target made it easier. Baojia had met so many immortals in his 129 years that it would be impossible to remember them all, even with the faster cognitive function vampires enjoyed. But knowing it was Carlos, whose trail he’d just caught in the casino, made following him much easier. Now to determine which vehicle in the sea of cars was his.

“Follow me, but don’t talk. I need to concentrate.”

Natalie trailed after him, quiet as a mouse. As silly as she pretended to be, at times, when her professional instincts were triggered, she was all business. He found the juxtaposition of Serious Natalie and Fun Natalie intriguing. She was highly intelligent but down-to-earth. He admired her determination even though it exasperated him. She believed in justice and right and wrong; that the good guys should win and the bad guys… serve a long and fair prison sentence in a humane facility of the state’s choosing. He couldn’t help but smile. She was so much of what he once was before a hundred years of politics and pragmatism had worn him down.

He stopped and let her catch up to him.

“Did you find it?” she asked as he turned toward her.

“I understand.”

She frowned, obviously confused. “What? You understand what?”

“Why you are hesitant about us. I’m not human. I haven’t been in a long time. And you love humanity.” He reached up and trailed his finger along her warm cheek. “You are its champion. I admire that.”

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