Blood and Sand Page 68

They were driving down drl tto the desert in his old Camaro again, but by this time, Natalie found the lack of lit-up switches and dials soothing rather than disturbing. She was starting to see the unexpected benefits of a life without as much technology. Her eyes were more sensitive to changes in light and movement in the dark interior of the car. Her ears weren’t distracted by anything but the hum of the wheels as they sped over the cracked asphalt.

She still missed her iPhone, though.

“Hey, when am I getting a phone? You owe me one.”

He glanced over. “We can go tomorrow and get you one. Will you lose anything from your old one?”

“I had it synched up with my laptop, so not much. Still not apologizing for taking it, huh?”

He smiled. “Nope.”

Typical. He probably didn’t apologize for much. At least when he did, she’d know it was sincere. “I need to call Kristy and let her know where I am. And I don’t even want to think about what she’s going to tell me about work.” She sighed. “I’ll be amazed if they haven’t fired me already.”

“You told me you had sick days.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty much to the end of those. And how long is this going to take before I can get back to work?” And, as suspected, he had no response to that. She decided to change the subject. “So, Rory, huh?”

“His involvement makes sense and it doesn’t. He’s either clueless—a definite possibility—or he’s letting Ivan dump his victims on Ernesto’s property. According to Brigid and Gio, most of the major water vampires on the Atlantic have had challenges to their authority recently. If this is connected to the spread or distribution of Elixir—”

“Which everyone seems to think is likely.”

“—then we need to be prepared for Ernesto to be challenged, too. But at the same time, what’s in it for Rory if Ernesto is challenged? He’s got a pretty easy life right now. Well, not as much now that I’m gone, but he still has a lot of status. Ernesto has always been generous with him and Paula. So changing the status quo makes no sense.”

“One, you’re asking almost as many questions as me now; I’m so proud. And two, sometimes people’s motivations for crime don’t make sense. Sometimes…” Her voice fell. “…they can seem downright crazy. Or there is no purpose. No reason. I’ve seen that, too. You really think these murders are linked to some big conspiracy?”

“They’re either linked, or it’s a hell of a coincidence. Elixir just happens to show up in Mexico, and Ivan just happens to lose a waitress who’s been taking it, who just happens to show up dead near my sire’s casino? I don’t believe in coincidences like that. Hopefully, we’ll find out more tonight.”

She had forced him to take her when she heard he was going out to the casino again. It was time for the regular monthly meeting that Rory would have with the manager, and since Baojia wanted to talk to Tulio again, he thought they could investigate Rory’s involvement and speak to Tulio with one trip. Well, originally he had thought to do all that by himself, but she’d shown him the error of his ways and badgered him into taking her, too.

“…and you’re not going to wander off anywhere without me. No matter what you hear. Or see. Or suspect.”

“Yes, Commander George.”

“I like you so much when you’re cooperative, I’m going to ignore the sarcasm.”

She snickered. “You like the sarcasm.”

He didn’t say anything foay Ir a few moments, then he finally muttered, “Fine. I like the sarcasm.”

They arrived at the casino only minutes behind Rory, judging by the still-warm engine of his car. The driver was nowhere in sight. Baojia pulled a beanie onto his head and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

Natalie tried not to laugh. He was wearing clothes he’d borrowed from Ben, of all people. The young man was tall for his age and between his wardrobe and Matt’s they had managed to make Baojia look much younger and more casual. He was wearing jeans and a tight grey T-shirt with skulls on it. A brown leather jacket and beanie completed the look of a young man out with his girlfriend for an evening of gambling and fun.

“You look so much younger without the badass black dress clothes.”

He tugged her hand and grinned. “I know. You’re such a cradle robber.”

Natalie threw her head back and laughed. “Thanks, George. It’s a good thing I’m a confident woman.”

He pulled her back and laid a heart-pounding kiss on her lips as Natalie tried to remain standing. He might have looked different, but his lips didn’t feel any less intense. His desire didn’t feel any different. She let out a soft sigh when he finally pulled away.

“You have every reason to be confident.”

“Good to know.”

His smiled dropped. “Now stay close. I doubt anyone is going to recognize me dressed like this, but I don’t want you out of my sight if we need to run.”

They walked in, and Natalie was immediately assaulted by the casino smell. The smoke wasn’t as bad as it used to be, but there was still the stale air and pervasive smell of cheap liquor and beer that seemed to seep from every surface of the building.

She heard him mutter, “I hate this place.”

“Too loud? You used to run a club.”

“And I hated it. Loud. Smelly. Too many people in one place.”

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