Blood and Sand Page 59

“I will feed from donated blood if you insist, though it would make me weaker. I don’t need to drink very often, only a couple of times a week, depending on my physical activity. It would be too much to take from only you, and I would not want to see you weak. And yes, bloodlust and physical lust often go hand in hand, but not exclusively.”

Natalie decided that her face was just going to stay a weird tomato red for the rest of her life. But, on the bright side, Baojia could only see her at night, so that was good. She’d just have to stay in dimly lit rooms when they were together. He stepped closer. She could see his lean musculature covered with sand and dust. He was mouthwatering. He was beautiful. And he would always be that way.

“Natalie,” he asked, “is that acceptable?”

“Yeah.” She nodded, crossing her arms and still holding the dripping candle. “I mean… I guess that was a stupid question.”

“No, it wasn’t.” He tucked that irritating lock of hair behind her ear again. “These are good questions.” He was smiling, his fangs peeking from the corners of his mouth. She could barely see him in the candlelight, but he was smiling, so she smiled, too.

“We should probably get out of here.”

“Mmmhmm.” He stood there, his hand soft on her neck as his fingers traced the edge of her jaw. “The sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can kill Brigid and Beatrice for bringing you out here and leaving you in the middle of a fight.”

“Ugh!” She shoved his hand away. “You can’t kill them.”

He rolled his eyes and walked back to the pile of rocks. “I’m thinking about it.” He tossed them over his shoulder at vampire speed, careful not to aim any in her direction.

“It would create an international vampire incident. Or something.”

“Everybody hates me anyway. Not much would change.”

“Not everyone hates you.”

“Close. Close to everyone. I think Isadora still likes me, which must piss my father off.”

“Dez and Matt like you. Beatrice and Gio like you.” She kept going, even when he snorted. “And I like you. A lot.”

In a blink, he was back in front of her, bending down to capture her lips. “Do you?” he murmured with a smile. “You like me a lot? Only a lot?”

She tried to roll her eyes, but it was hard to be annoyed when he was doing that thing with his tongue and his hands… “I like you… the most, George.”

“Good.” Baojia stepped forward, snugging his hips against hers and running his hands down her back to squeeze her waist. “Am I your favorite vampire?”

“Eh…” She tried to play it cool, but the memory of his bite from the night before assaulted her. “You’re probably my favorite.”

“Probably?” His hands. And his arms. Natalie bit his lower lip and his arms tightened around her.

“I might need more convincing.” She broke away and took a deep breath. “And a shower. And an actual bed. So…”

He stepped back. “Out of the cave.”

“Out of the cave.”

She watched him walk away, and it took more than a little self-control to let him. But within minutes, Natalie was glad she had because the rush of cool night air filled the cramped tunnel and before she knew it, Baojia was reaching a hand down to pull her up. They walked back toward the casino, hand in hand. He led, making sure to steer her around any brush or rocks that might trip her up or scratch at her; his eyes constantly swept their surroundings.

“Baojia.” She tugged at his hand to get his attention.


Natalie kissed him. A sweet press of her lips to his with her hands reaching up to frame his smooth cheeks. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

He smiled. “Again.”

“Wow.” Her hands dropped. “You really had to go there, huh?”

“Second time, Natalie. This is the second time you’ve put yourself in danger.”

She started walking again and muttered, “And it won’t be the last.”

“I heard that.”

“Of course you did.”

He didn’t kill Brigid and Beatrice, but he didn’t talk to them either. Both vampires were waiting at the back of the casino, near where Tio had shown up and scared Natalie after they’d first run off. Both were covered in sand and dust. Natalie had a feeling she’d gotten the better end of day accommodations.

“Tenzin?” she asked, remembering that Baojia had said the wind vampire had flown him down to the desert.

Brigid said, “Already took off. Wouldn’t take either of us with her.”

Baojia tucked her under his arm and started walking toward the Camaro, holding his hand out in silent request for the keys.

“So, he’s a silent angry type, eh?” Brigid asked.

“Apparently,” Beatrice said, following after him. “Listen, we were right behind you. She was supposed to stay at the casino and shock anyone who—”

Baojia spun around, holding up a hand. “Don’t speak. Don’t speak right now.”

Beatrice’s eyes popped open and she bared her teeth. “Oh no. You don’t get to talk to me like that. Natalie knew what she was doing coming down here. And she’s not some weak-kneed little—”

“She’s human,” he growled through gritted teeth. She could see his fangs low in his mouth as he shoved her behind his body and stepped forward in an aggressive stance. “Has it been so long that you have forgotten how vulnerable she is? You risked her needlessly, Beatrice. You call yourself her friend, but she could have died.” He paused a moment, trying to keep control. “I cannot stress to you how unacceptable it is to put her in harm’s way.”

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