Beneath These Chains Page 20

It was something I was going to have to think about—when I was alone later. Like a coward, I changed the subject.

“I really do appreciate you coming to get me. I’m sure you had better things to do than drop everything and come running at my text.”

“Wouldn’t have mattered what I was doing. You need me, I’ll be there.”

You need me, I’ll be there.

I hadn’t had that kind of devotion in my life from a man since my daddy. A pang of sorrow hit me just as hard as the realization that what Lord was offering up was scary as hell. I wasn’t ready to commit to something that big and give up a piece of myself, nor the control I’d fought so hard to maintain over my life. But I also didn’t feel the urge to push him away like I had only a day ago.

One step at a time. And right now I needed some space to get my head on straight.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

Lord didn’t push, and for that I was incredibly grateful.

We lapsed into silence for the rest of the drive. When I pulled up in front of Dirty Dog, Elle looked at me for only a beat before saying, “Thanks again for the rescue. I’ll see you Tuesday.” She hopped out of the car and closed the door quietly.

What the fuck?

Thanks for the rescue and then she bolts?

I pushed my door open and climbed out. This shit was not ending this way. I caught Elle right in front of the car, trapping her against the hood.

“If this is you running again, you gotta know it’s just going to make me chase. Is that what you’re really after? The chase?”

Elle’s chin shot up. “Trust me, I’m not looking for anyone to chase me. In fact, the chase is decidedly unwelcome.” She jerked her head to the side, flipping a lock of that sexy-as-fuck red hair out of her face. “I’m the kind of girl who does the chasing herself. I see what I want, and I get it.”

She tried to duck out from under my arm, but I lowered it, blocking her escape.

Elle’s eyes darted up to mine. “If you didn’t realize it, I’m trying to get out of your way. I think I’ve already taken up enough of your time tonight. I’ll let you get going now.”

I dropped my hand to her hip. It was becoming my favorite place to grab hold of her—well, except for that sweet curve of her ass.

I didn’t care that she was trying to get away. Not right now. I was starting to understand why she was so skittish about getting pinned down by a guy, so I needed her to hear me, and hear me good. “What happens between us is only about you and me. Leave all of the bullshit out of it. I ain’t your stepdad. I ain’t looking to fence you in or hold you down. But I do refuse to settle for scraps from you. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it for real. That’s my one condition.”

She looked up at me, eyes big and lost. But I wasn’t backing down. This woman was worth it. Worth fighting for, even if I was fighting her.

“I wasn’t lying when I said any time you need me, all you have to do is call. I may not be anyone’s version of a white knight, but I’ll still be coming.”

Something flickered across her expression, but it was gone before I could identify it. She crossed her arms over her chest—a position I was becoming very familiar with. I wondered if she’d close down again, but she didn’t.

“I’m not the kind of girl who needs a white knight. They’re boring anyway,” she said.

“Then to make sure you’re not getting bored, I want my payment before you go runnin’ off.”

Her eyebrows shot up, and she cocked a hip, a pretty smile settling over her face. “Payment, huh? That’s not a surprise coming from the guy buying and selling stuff all day.”

I let my own smile loose before I lowered my head another couple inches and paused, my lips millimeters from hers. “Fucking meet me the rest of the way, woman. Show me you want this,” I ordered. I wondered how long she’d hesitate, but Elle didn’t disappoint; she closed the last gap between us and gave me exactly what I wanted.

Just like the kiss out in front of her stepdad’s place, this one threatened to rage out of control. If my brain were still functioning, I might start wondering why kissing this woman was better than sex with any other.

But my brain wasn’t running on all cylinders; I was charging forward on pure lust and instinct. Sliding a hand into that silky red hair, I took and took until my dick decided to get involved, and I remembered where we were—standing on the street. I pulled back but didn’t release her.

“You and me. We’re going out, and we’re gonna see where this takes us.”

Elle blinked several times before focusing on my face. “What? No, I didn’t agree—”

“You and me. A date. It’s happening.”


“Tuesday. Be ready.” I released her so she could make a run for it.

She strutted away, all sexy attitude.

“We’ll see, pawn star. We’ll see.”

I watched until she disappeared inside.

Can’t fucking wait for Tuesday.

I was grinning. The silly, stupid little grin of a woman who’d had the hell kissed out of her—again—by a guy who proved over and over that he really knew how to kiss.

But Lord was not following the rules I’d laid out when he’d piqued my interest. He was supposed to be dumbfounded by my sexiness—which arguably he was—but then he was supposed to take what I was offering, bang the hell out of me until I couldn’t remember my own name, and then he was supposed to move on. That was it. Game. Set. Match. End of story.

I should’ve guessed a guy who grew up on the streets—and became the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on—wouldn’t fall neatly into the program I’d outlined. This was a problem. And the even bigger problem? Those kisses were tempting me to deviate from the goddamn plan.

No, Elle. Bad, Elle. There’s a reason you don’t date—because that means giving up the independence you’ve busted your ass to maintain—and you’re not about to lose it now.

My mental pep talk stuttered to a jarring stop when I stepped inside. In front of my gate was a bottle. Of champagne.

Dom. With a slip of paper tucked behind the corner of the label.

Holy. Shit.

I crouched down, my hands shaking as I reached for the paper. I hadn’t gotten a good look at the note that had accompanied the other bottle, but it didn’t take a Nobel Prize Laureate to guess who sent this.

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