All He Needs Page 75

“You want to come don’t you?” he murmured, pressing her pulsing clit in little perfectly placed tap, tap, taps.

Instantly, the first ripples of preorgasm spread through her belly, slid up her spine, tightened her sex, and she pressed into his hand.

“Not yet, baby,” Dominic said, placing a restraining hand on her hip. “You’re not quite ready.”

“I can’t wait,” she breathed, shivering with desire.

“Of course you can.”

And he pulled the dildo out.

She squealed in frustration, glared at him, and said through her teeth, “You son of a bitch.”

He smiled. “True, but we won’t let that get in our way.” Coming up off the bed, he kissed her tenderly in apology and whispered, “It gets better, baby.” He held her close, her naked body pressed to his, her cuffed hands a potent reminder of her submission, of his control, of the riveting dynamic that held them both in thrall. Sliding his hand downward, he pulled her bound hands up and framed his denim-covered dick with her fingers. “Rub me,” he said, taut and low. “Hard.” Lowering his mouth again, he slowly slid his tongue past her lips, shifted his hips forward, and kissed her slowly, deeply.

Softly panting into his mouth, desperate for release, she traced the length of his erection with her fingers as ordered, rubbed her palms over the rigid swell of his dick. Inhaled his soft groan and deliberately bit his tongue. Just to remind him that she had a say in this game.

Swallowing the taste of blood, he drew back, held her challenging gaze. “Are we doing this rough, baby? Just asking.”

“I’d like to just do it,” she hissed, “sometime this fucking year.”

He broke into a grin. “Will you ever learn patience?”

“About the same time you learn there’s a word called love.”

He went utterly still.

She laughed. “Jesus, Dominic, is it really that fucking scary? You can always change your mind, you know.”

His voice went soft. “You like to jerk my chain, don’t you?”

“You’re jerking mine. I want to come and you’re giving me shit.”

“Then let’s get to it, baby.” He picked her up and seated her on the bed.

She looked up. “Don’t forget, I get my five minutes.”

“I haven’t forgotten.” His smile was wicked. “Right after me.” Taking her shackled wrists, he slid his other hand down her back and eased her down on the bed. Then he rolled her on her side facing him, placed her cuffed hands across her waist, put a pillow under her head, and surveyed her with a faint smile. “Very nice, baby. Are you comfortable? Everything good?”

“You’re having fun, aren’t you?”

He grinned. “Not yet, but I’m guessing I will.”

“Don’t forget, there’s a time limit.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait a year.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“You’re not really in the position to give orders, baby.” He gave her a lazy wink. “I’ll be doing that.”

Instantly, her nerve endings began to twitch, an insistent throbbing pulsed inside her, as if Dominic had only to look at her with that casual absolutism her body perceived as the sweetest of tyrannies and she melted.

He smiled. “You’re going to thank me soon, baby. I can tell.”

She tried to ignore the rippling pleasure warming her senses, was both horrified and aroused at the power he exerted over her. “I may not,” she said, trying to speak in a normal tone, “depending on what you do.”

“Don’t worry, baby,” he said pleasantly, watching the flush pink her cheeks. “You will.” Dropping to his knees beside the bed, he gently kissed her, then sat back and looked at her for a moment, his mouth slightly pursed.

Her breathing picked up. He was making her nervous. “It better not hurt,” she warned.

The silence stretched and she was about to tell him no way, when Dominic blinked. “You look amazing, baby,” he said softly. “And I won’t hurt you. I’d never do that.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers. “We’ll try some conventional foreplay first. Take it easy. You okay with that?”

Her heart was racing; she bit her lip.

He didn’t move, although one eyebrow lifted faintly.

“Okay,” she whispered.

His smile was improbably sweet and a bit relieved. “Thank you.” Then his mouth quirked into his more familiar killer smile. “You can thank me later.” Picking up the dildo, he slid his finger down her slick sex and glanced up. “I guess we can save the lube for later.”

She took a breath before she answered, the imprint of his gliding finger still shivering through her body. “Is that a problem?”

He looked amused. “Certainly not. It’s one of your many charms, baby.” Sliding the dildo into her sleek cleft, he waited for her to catch her breath and open her eyes before he moved his hand. Then he slowly drew the dildo out, pushed it in again, watching her as she softly moaned and rode the rhythm—in and out, side to side, deliberately focusing on her G-spot for lingering moments. Very soon, she was panting again. “So far, so good?” He raised her chin with one finger, held her gaze, and gave her a smart-ass grin. “Nod if you don’t feel like talking.”

“Don’t… forget L-O-V-E,” she panted, locking her gaze with his, fully capable of keeping up with smart-ass grins. “Although—I’ll expect—actual words. A nod won’t—”

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