All He Needs Page 53

Dominic gave Melanie and Matt a sideways look. “It’s up to your parents.”

Melanie briefly surveyed her young brood. “As long as you remember your manners.”

Dominic grinned. “A few years too late for that.”

“At least they have some manners, unlike you.”

“You got me there, sis,” Dominic noted blandly. “Although Katherine’s trying to whip me into shape—aren’t you baby?”

Kate turned bright red.

“She blushes,” Dominic said with his best bad-boy grin. “Isn’t that sweet?” he said like a botanist might, showing off a newly discovered orchid from the deepest jungles of Indonesia. Leaning over, he pulled her close, even though Kate was giving him warning glances. “And while Katherine’s trying to teach me manners, I’m trying to teach her not to give such a shit about what people think. We’ve got a little work to go there though”—another teasing glance—“right, babe?”

“Good God, Nicky, stop,” Melanie ordered. “She won’t want to stay. Ignore him, Katherine. He can be spectacularly impudent. Go,” Melanie said, pointing in the direction of the family room. “Get out of here, Nick. Katherine’s staying with me.”

Dropping a swift kiss on Kate’s cheek, Dominic turned to the sea of expectant, youthful faces. “Come on, kids, I’ll show you what I found in Singapore.” Bending to pick up the shopping bag, he glanced at Kate. “You okay if I leave?”

“Of course she is.” Melanie took Kate’s hand and looked at her brother with a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m going to entertain her, tell her all your deep, dark secrets.”

Coming upright, Dominic’s eyes held a brief unease, quickly stifled. “Don’t believe anything she says, baby. And if you scare her off”—Dominic gave his sister a mock threatening look—“you’d better run.”

Melanie patted Dominic’s arm. “Now why would I want to do that when you’ve found someone so nice?”

His sister’s conciliatory response, her gentle hand on his arm, softened the set of Dominic’s mouth and Kate understood what a moderating influence she was in his life. Kate was grateful he had her. Dominic was, in so many ways, a man alone. Private, withdrawn, living an isolated life within the narrow confines of his privileged world.

“The pizza will be done in fifteen minutes though,” Melanie cautioned, giving her husband a warning look. “Show Nick your boat pictures later. Mrs. B won’t forgive us if we let her pizzas burn.”

“Don’t worry, sis. Your kids can rip open packages in no time flat. We’ll be done in plenty of time for pizza.” Dominic shot a look at his restless nieces and nephews, who were trying to control their impatience. “Ready, kids?” He nodded toward the family room. “Come on, Matt, you can help me gear up some of this stuff.” A grin for the children. “First one seated has a chance to beat me at chess later tonight.”

As the thundering herd raced off, Melanie waved Kate toward a seating area off the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”

“I would. I can make it though.” Kate could see a small bar against the far wall.

“Please, sit. I’ll get it. What would you like?”

“I’d like a rum and Coke, lime if you have it.”

“That sounds good. I’ll make two.”

A few minutes later Melanie carried over two ice-filled glasses, handed one to Kate, and dropped onto the sofa with Kate.

“Lovely view.” Kate indicated the window wall, lights sparkling on the other side of the bay.

“It is lovely, isn’t it?” Casually dressed in a pastel blue sweater and jeans, Melanie kicked off her shoes, tucked her legs under her, and leaned back against the arm rest. “Matt found the house for us before Nicole was born.”

“You have a wonderful family. Dominic’s lucky to live nearby. He was telling me he helped babysit Nicole and Isabelle when they were young.”

“He did. He’s great with kids. All the children absolutely adore him. He spoils them, of course, but I don’t mind. He needs family in his life.” Melanie smiled. “To remind him there’s another world beyond making deals. Although you seem to have coaxed him away for a few days, at least. Roscoe tells me Dominic is actually on vacation. I’m pleased you were able to do that. He’s never taken a vacation before. You must tell me your secret.”

“I’m afraid I didn’t have anything to do with his decision. Dominic doesn’t ask for advice—at least not from me. I ran into him in Singapore and the next thing I knew, we were on a plane, coming here.”

“Say what you will,” Melanie said with a cheerful lilt to her voice, “if not for you, I very much doubt Dominic would have cleared his calendar. You didn’t know that? Roscoe called me to see if I could talk some sense into Nick. I told him, ‘Not on your life.’ ” Melanie paused and gave Kate a warm smile. “I can tell he likes you.”

“He’s very likable as well,” Kate said, blushing, then quickly changed the subject. She wasn’t about say that Dominic was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. “I hope I’m not imposing tonight. Dominic says no, but then he tends to overlook other people’s opinions.”

Melanie laughed. “You’ve noticed. I could pretend Nick’s presumption is a result of his success in business, but”—her mouth twitched into a lopsided smile—“Nicky’s been telling people what to do most of his life. I just ignore him. I suggest you do the same. As for imposing—you’re not in the least. It’s a pleasure to have you join us. Nick has never brought a friend over to any family occasion.” Her smile faded and, looking down, she ran a finger around the rim of her glass. A brief silence fell before she looked up. “Do you mind me asking you how you feel about Nick, other than liking him? Forgive me,” she softly added, seeing Kate’s sudden unease. “I know I’m overprotective. But I worry about Nick. He’s been through a lot.”

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