All He Needs Page 106

Everything was too complicated, the situation a total mess, any solution still fraught with difficulty.

She was too tired to deal with it now.

Then as if on cue Kate’s phone rang. The one on the bedside table. The number no one ever called.

Stretching for the phone, thinking it must be a mistake, Kate’s hello was tentative.

“Is this a bad time for you? Were you sleeping? This is Melanie.”

Kate shoved herself into a sitting position against the headboard. “No, I just came home from work. I was just resting for a minute.”

“How are you?”

“Fine,” Kate said cautiously.

“Don’t hang up on me now, but Dominic asked me to call you. He said you might hang up.”

“I’m too tired to make that decision.”

Melanie laughed. “Good. Then all you have to do is listen. Dominic told me about your good news. He’s thrilled, and I never thought I’d see him happy about having a baby. But he’s worried that you won’t forgive him… for everything that’s happened. So he asked me for help… and he never does that, not even when… well you know about all that when he was a kid. He’d come home from those ghastly sessions and I’d say, ‘Do you want me to hold you?’ and he’d always say no. Then he’d turn on the TV and watch cartoons. So I’d sit and watch cartoons with him. I think he liked that but he never asked. So you see, when Dominic is willing to ask me for help, he’s—well—desperate. So if you could see it in your heart to talk to him, I’d be pleased and I know he’d be over the moon.”

Kate’s heart had started racing as Melanie talked, but she said carefully, “I can’t picture Dominic over the moon about anything.”

“Believe me.” Melanie’s voice was subdued. “Dominic’s”—she took a breath—“I’ve never heard him like this before—at a loss. Alarmed enough to turn to me.”

“You know he’s married,” Kate said, a betraying little quiver in her voice.

“I also know it’s only temporary,” Melanie said quickly. “Dominic didn’t give me the details, but Matt knows and he told me Dominic had no choice.”

“Are you sure?” Kate wished she hadn’t sounded so wretchedly hopeful.

“I’m positive. Absolutely positive. Matt wouldn’t lie to me. And the child isn’t Dominic’s. Matt was emphatic.”

“Wow,” Kate breathed softly, wondering how crazy she was to feel like an overgrown child who had all her birthday and Christmas wishes come true at once.

“I expect Dominic hasn’t mentioned that he deals with some very strange and occasionally dangerous individuals. I’ve been aware of it for a long time. Apparently this situation was more untenable than usual. You might ask Dominic about it, although I’m not sure he’ll tell you. Matt’s that way. He doesn’t like me to worry. He runs into problems from time to time. When large sums of money are involved, some men resort to unsavory practices.”

“Jeez, even there?”

“You’d be surprised. But, truthfully, I don’t really want to know.” Melanie laughed softly. “There are times when I don’t mind being taken care of.”

“I know what you mean. Dominic’s been in full nurturing mode.”

“Well, good. You can use all the nurturing you can get right now. Are you having morning sickness?”

Kate sighed. “Unfortunately.”

“I might be able to help.”

The women talked for another few minutes, Melanie told Kate to call her with any questions about her pregnancy or anything else, and ended by saying, “Don’t be too hard on Dominic. He loves you. He actually said it. I almost fainted.”


Kate heard the knock on the door.

But Dominic didn’t let himself in as he might have; he waited for her to answer.

And when she opened the door, she saw the boyish smile she only rarely saw, the one she suspected all the high school surfer girls had seen: his eyes creased with pleasure, the lazy curve of his mouth pure temptation.

“Hi.” He looked at her differently now, always searching for new clues in the mystery that was unfolding, although only the most subtle changes had occurred in her body—well hidden tonight in a pair of Mrs. Hawthorne’s kitten print cotton pajamas that he’d bought for Katherine in Hong Kong.

“Hi,” Kate said, breathless at the sight of him, like the first time she’d seen him in Palo Alto. He looked incredibly young, wearing jeans and a faded blue T-shirt with a peace sign. She was half in love with him again despite everything and she knew it.

“May I come in?” He dipped his head, his hair fell forward, he pushed it back behind his ears with his thumbs. “How are you feeling?” His glance drifted to her stomach.

“Good.” She held out her hand, because she wanted to more than anything. “I always feel good at night.” His large hand closed around hers with the gentleness that always surprised her in such a large man, and she felt a small familiar warmth stir her senses.

“Thanks for inviting me in.” His blue gaze was clear, open, his voice nakedly grateful as he stepped into the foyer and shut the door.

“Thanks for all those.” Kate gestured at the pile of wrapped packages.

“You should open them.” He smiled. “It was quite a shopping trip for me.”

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