Claim Page 63

Before he could offer up any additional protests or excuses, she impaled herself on his erection and began to ride him at a frantic pace. He hadn’t made any attempt to remove his pants, and she felt the fine wool fabric brush against her bare buttocks each time she lowered herself onto his cock.

For a few brief seconds, Ian remained impassive, allowing her to control the action. But then, with a movement that left her speechless with surprise, he hoisted her up by the hips, his cock slipping from her body as he did so, only to fling her onto the plush, padded leather seat. With uncharacteristic clumsiness, he unbuckled his belt and shoved his suit trousers and briefs down his legs, until the lower half of his body was bared.

Tessa almost recoiled at the savage expression on his face as he loomed over her, his skin darkly flushed and his breathing as uneven as hers. Without a word, he slid a hand behind each of her legs, lifting them off the seat and bending them at the knees until they were pressing against her shoulders. With one fierce thrust, he re-entered her body, and she couldn’t hold back a scream as his cock filled her completely.

Ian bent his head and took one of her nipples between his lips, sucking at it hard before biting down in a less than gentle manner. She whimpered as he repeated this action on her other breast, while continuing to thrust his cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy at the same time. He fondled her breasts roughly, pinching the nipples, then claimed her mouth in the dirtiest, most domineering kiss he’d ever given her. She threaded her hands in his hair, pulling his head closer to hers, and kissed him back with eager passion, her tongue tangling with his repeatedly.

The sex was frantic and sweaty, and the realization that this was actually happening in the backseat of a vehicle in motion made everything that much more forbidden, more exciting, and much, much more arousing. Tessa climaxed noisily, her vaginal muscles convulsing around his cock for long seconds, milking him until he uttered a deep, guttural moan and ejaculated inside of her welcoming body.

She thought perhaps that she might have blacked out for a few minutes, or that maybe she had simply been in a daze, because the next thing she knew the limo was pulling up under the porte-cochere of the hotel and Ian was frantically restoring order to his clothing and hair. Tessa hastily adjusted her dress, pulling up the shoulder straps and tugging down the short hem.


He thrust a handful of tissues at her, then grabbed her clutch bag and wrap. While she was cleaning herself up, he rummaged through the small purse and removed her comb and a lipstick.

“I doubt it’s going to help much, but do your best, darling,” he muttered. “The driver is going to be opening up the door any second now.”

She nodded, running the comb through her wildly mussed hair and then slicking on a coat of pale mocha lip gloss. She replaced the items in her clutch and gazed at Ian expectantly.

“Well? How do I look?” she asked, her voice unusually raspy.

He closed his eyes briefly, as though a sudden headache had just come on, and shook his head. “Like you’ve just gotten fucked very, very thoroughly in the backseat of a limo,” he muttered wearily.

Tessa beamed at him mischievously, patting his thigh. “Exactly the look I was going for.”

A chuckle escaped Ian’s lips despite his best intentions, and he gazed at her in amusement. “What am I going to do with you, my love?” he asked in exasperation. “At least put your wrap on, will you? You’ve, ah, got a rather noticeable red mark on your breast. I apologize for getting a little carried away earlier.”

She touched the love bite on her upper breast as though it was a precious memento, but complied with his request by wrapping the semi-sheer metallic evening stole around her shoulders and breasts, shielding them from view.

Ian wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he guided her at a brisk pace through the hotel lobby, keeping his head down as they walked and remaining silent. But Tessa could feel the tension emanating from his big body, as well as an occasional shudder, and knew that he was still coming down to earth from their tempestuous encounter just now in the limo. He was also silent and unsmiling, and the look on his handsome face was more than a little intimidating.

As for herself, she still couldn’t quite believe how bold she’d just been, how she had brazenly thrown herself at him, tempting him, seducing him, until his control had finally cracked, and he’d done what he had always vowed not to do - make love to her in the backseat of a car. She fretted that she had pushed him too hard, had forced him into doing something so out of his nature, and that he was angry with her now as a result. During the elevator ride up to the penthouse, she struggled to think of something – anything - to say to help make things right between them.

But as she opened her mouth to speak, Ian shook his head and placed a finger over her lips.

“Not now, Tessa,” he said rather brusquely. “I - just can’t.”

She gave a meek nod and glanced away, hoping fervently that he wasn’t too upset with her, and that she hadn’t ruined their final evening in Paris by her impulsive behavior in the limo. She certainly hadn’t planned to entice him that way, at least not at the beginning of the evening. But the way they had danced together in the club had aroused her to the point where she had ceased to think clearly, had only been able to feel, and she’d allowed her impulses to take over her reason once they were inside the limo. Tessa crossed her fingers now, wishing with all her might that Ian would at least look at her, and assure her that he wasn’t angry or upset over what had happened.

His stony silence continued, however, as he escorted her out of the elevator to the front door of the suite. Thierry, the very prim and proper butler, didn’t even blink an eye at their rather disheveled appearance, merely holding the door open and wishing them a bonne nuit as they entered the suite.

But the moment they were inside, the door securely locked behind them, Ian startled her by sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her with long, decisive strides to the master bedroom. Once there, he tossed her on the mattress, only to join her there seconds later. And, to her great relief, he was grinning at her, a rather devilish gleam in his hazel eyes.

“You,” he stated, pointing a finger at her nose, “have been a very, very bad girl tonight. And do you know what happens to bad girls like yourself?”

She stared up at him, wide-eyed, both aroused and intimidated by the rather severe tone of his voice. “Um, n-n-no. Not really.”

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