Claim Page 62

But then all she could think about was the way her breasts were crushed against his chest, or how his hands moved from her hips to her ass, holding her still as he deliberately ground his erection against the notch of her thighs. Her breathing began to grow uneven, though not from the exertion of what was passing for dancing. Arousal built and grew inside of her, until her cheeks were hotly flushed, her nipples hard points that pressed against the shallow bodice of her dress, and the dampness between her legs began to trickle down her inner thighs.

Ian had worn a suit tonight, one of a dark charcoal gray, but hadn’t bothered with a tie. Her fingers toyed with the topmost button of his pearl gray dress shirt as her lips caressed the hollow at the base of his throat. He didn’t protest as she unfastened one, two, three buttons, or when she slipped her hand inside his parted shirt to caress his chest. She buried her face against his hot skin, taking a deep, satisfied sniff of his delicious masculine scent, then licked a single bead of sweat from his throat.

A low growl escaped his throat, his hand clamping down fiercely over her buttocks. She rubbed herself against his straining erection invitingly, letting him know with her body language exactly what she wanted. Before he could stop her, she sneaked a hand between their tightly wedged bodies to cup his rock hard cock, and then slid even further back to squeeze his bulging testicles.

“I want this,” she hissed in his ear, palming him boldly. Fortunately, the dim lighting and the crush of bodies meant no one could see what she was doing. “I want this ramming into me, over and over, fucking me harder than you’ve ever done before. I’m so wet for you, Ian, so hot. I can’t wait much longer.”

“Jesus, Tessa.” Ian was visibly struggling to hold it together, with sweat popping out on his brow. One of his hands slid up the side of her ribcage until he reached her breast. His thumb brushed lightly over the nipple, and both of them groaned.

Abruptly, her turned her in his arms, so that now his chest was pressed flush against her back, and she could feel the unmistakable bulge of his erection rubbing against the cleft of her buttocks. Her breathing had quickly become erratic, and a low moan, almost a whimper, escaped her lips as she ground her ass against his cock. Ian’s hands were on her hips, guiding her to move in sync with the dip and roll of his body as he not only imitated the suggestive moves of the other dancers but perfected them.

They danced through two more songs in the same manner, until Tessa was far beyond the point of mere arousal and was sorely tempted to grab Ian’s hand and shove it between her legs, desperate for the orgasm that she knew would happen with the briefest of touches.

“Please,” she whispered urgently. “I need - can we go now?”

Without another word, he took her by the hand and practically dragged her off the dance floor. He was most assuredly a man with a mission right now, and that mission seemed to be getting her back to their hotel and burying himself inside of her as quickly as possible.

He brusquely waved away the overly eager waitress who was hovering by their booth, tossing some bills on the table impatiently as Tessa hastily retrieved her clutch and wrap. He wrapped a hand around her upper arm as he half-steered, half-dragged her through the crowd, not stopping until they were back outside of the club.

Ian had texted their limo driver from inside the building, so the big car was already waiting for them by the curb. Saturday night traffic in Paris was something of a nightmare, and it would likely take nearly half an hour to return to their hotel with such gridlock. And there was no possible way, thought Tessa wildly, that she was going to be able to hold out that long.

The shock on Ian’s darkly flushed face was visible as she wasted little time in straddling his lap the moment the limo began to pull away from the curb. The privacy panel was already up, and the tinted windows meant no one could see inside the luxurious vehicle, with its wide, padded seats and thickly carpeted floor. Still, despite the fact that no one would be able to see or hear them, she knew Ian wouldn’t give in easily to what she had in mind.

“Tessa -” he began in a warning tone.

“Shh.” She placed a finger over his lips, and gave a small shake of her head. “You want this as much as I do. Need it as badly as I do. And there’s no way I can wait until we’re back in our room.” Deliberately, she gave his fully erect cock another squeeze. “And judging by how hard you are right now, neither can you.”

“I’m not -” he began to protest, only to be silenced as she lowered the straps of her dress down past her shoulders, revealing her bare, swollen breasts.

“You aren’t wearing - Christ,” he wheezed, his hands cupping the heavy globes.

She gasped as his fingers tugged on the hard points of her nipples, shuddering as the very pleasurable sensations traveled all the way down to her core. Clumsily, she shoved the short hem of her dress upwards until it bunched around her waist, revealing the lower half of her very naked body to his hot gaze.

Ian shut his eyes, visibly struggling to control his uneven breathing. “My God, she really did it. I thought you were joking in that dressing room this morning but you meant it, didn’t you, you little devil? Where exactly did you leave your undies, darling?”

Tessa grinned impishly. “They’re packed neatly away in my suitcase. As you can see, I didn’t really need them tonight. And speaking of needing things.”

He groaned long and loud as she unzipped his pants and drew out the long, thick length of his cock. “Tessa, don’t. We - not here.”

“Yes, here,” she murmured, stroking his penis with long, slow strokes, pleasuring him the way he liked best. “Mmm, look at how magnificent you are, how hard you are. Just thinking about having this big cock fuck me is making me so wet. Touch me, Ian, Please.”

With a sound resembling a snarl, he shoved two fingers up inside her vagina, hooking them over the front of her pubic bone as his thumb rasped over her clitoris. He added a third finger, opening her, stretching her, then began a steady rhythm, pumping his long fingers in and out of her as she grew even wetter.

She could feel the climax approaching, knew it would knock her for a loop when it hit, and guided the broad head of his penis towards the opening of her body.

“I want you inside of me when I come,” she whispered to him, their foreheads touching as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her body. Deliberately, he licked her juices from his fingers, savoring each drop, and the sight of him doing something so intimate drove her wild.

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