Claim Page 40

She stuck her bottom lip out in a sultry little pout. “I don’t care,” she declared. “At least it would take the edge off.”

“No.” He gave the briefest shake of his head, but it was all he needed to get her attention. “You won’t. You’ll wait until later, until we’re in the privacy of our room. Where no one will hear how loudly you moan when I fuck you deep and hard, or how long you’ll scream when you come over and over again. So be a good girl, and show me how patient you can be, hmm?”

Tessa glared at him sulkily. “It will drive me half insane all night long and you know it.”

Ian gave her a cheery smile. “Well, at least it will give you something to think about, won’t it? Just consider it a pleasant distraction from worrying about meeting so many new people. Ah, we’ve arrived.”

The retort she’d been about to deliver in response to his rather offhand remark was suddenly forgotten as the butterflies in her tummy returned full force. Ian assisted her out of the limo with his usual gentlemanly care, and kept a hand firmly on the small of her back as they walked inside the grand hotel.

Tessa didn’t miss all of the interested looks directed their way as they walked at a rather leisurely pace through the lobby, and guessed that a good many of the onlookers recognized Ian as one of the famous Gregson family. He had cautioned her that there would very likely be photographers present at tonight’s party, especially since there were a number of celebrities, sports figures, and politicians on the guest list. She offered up a silent prayer of thanks that her hair, makeup, and dress were more than camera ready, and that she would certainly fit in with all of the other glamorous, well dressed women who would be in attendance tonight.

The huge ballroom was already half-filled with guests when they entered, and Tessa could swear that every single person present had turned to stare directly at her simultaneously. Ian swiftly plucked two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray and handed one to her, whispering urgently, “Courage, darling. I believe this is what they call showtime. And it will be mere seconds, I predict, before the crowds start descending on us so drink up.”

She gave a quick, decisive nod and bolted half the glass of fine French champagne down in a single gulp. Ian winked at her conspiratorially, then slid his arm around her waist, keeping her tucked firmly against his side.

His prediction was spot on, as he was fond of saying, for within seconds of their arrival, they were approached by one couple after another who wanted to say hello to Ian and meet his new fiancée. Tessa didn’t miss the variety of reactions she received from Ian’s friends and acquaintances - surprise, speculation, admiration, envy - but she was relieved when everyone seemed friendly and welcoming. A few of the friends she had met during their visit in September embraced her warmly, and Victoria in particular made it a point to introduce Tessa around as her future sister-in-law, gushing about how thrilled the family was that Ian had met someone so wonderful, and how excited they were about the wedding next June.

It was nearly time for the buffet dinner to begin when Tessa felt Ian’s body stiffen a bit. He hadn’t left her side for even a moment, remaining true to his word as always, and she was grateful for his unwavering support. But she felt a definite change in his body language, and the way his fingers dug a little deeper into her hipbone.

“Is something the matter?” she whispered in concern.

Ian glanced down at her, a somewhat distracted look on his handsome face. “Hmm? No, nothing’s wrong, love. It’s just - well, Victoria didn’t warn me that she would be here this evening, and there’s not going to be an easy way of avoiding her.”

“Who?” Tessa inquired, puzzled by his sudden unease.

He hesitated before somewhat reluctantly replying, “It’s Davina. And she and her husband are making something of a beeline for us even as we speak.”

Hearing the name of his former fiancée caused Tessa, too, to stiffen in reaction. But before she had time to think about it, a striking brunette impeccably attired in a violet satin evening gown was standing right in front of them, her dark eyes softening as she gazed rather wistfully at Ian.

“Ian,” murmured Davina in a soft, almost caressing tone. She extended a slim, perfectly manicured hand towards him. “It’s so wonderful to see you again. Welcome home.”

Davina’s accent was every bit as posh and precise as Ian’s was, giving credence to her own upper crust background. Tessa knew that she was in her late thirties, but she easily looked ten years younger, her flawless ivory complexion glowing, her figure as trim and graceful as a girl’s. Her dark hair had been intricately arranged in an upsweep, with a few tendrils left loose to curl about her lovely face. A necklace of amethysts and diamonds surrounded her slender throat, with a matching pair of drop earrings dangling from her lobes. She looked almost fragile, certainly delicate, and was the epitome of class and elegance. And it took less than ten seconds in her presence for Tessa to feel both insignificant and terribly intimidated.

“Davina.” Ian gave her hand a squeeze before bending to brush his lips ever so lightly against her proffered cheek. “Lovely to see you as well. And we’re only here in London for the holidays. Home is actually San Francisco these days. Speaking of which.”

He turned to Tessa, giving her a warm smile that triggered the gooey, melting sensation she so often felt in his presence. “Darling, let me introduce you to an old friend of mine. This is Davina - it’s Cavendish, now, correct?” At Davina’s slight nod of assent, Ian completed the introductions. “Davina, I’d like you to meet Tessa Lockwood. My fiancée.”

As she gave Davina’s hand a brief shake, Tessa was startled to notice the rather dismayed expression on the other woman’s face. But Davina was far too well bred to betray her distress, and instead gave Tessa a polite smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tessa,” she replied a bit frostily. “And let me congratulate you both on your engagement. I must say that the news was, well, something of a surprise to many of us who’ve known Ian all these years. The conjecture was that he’d remain a bachelor for the rest of his days, rather like his uncle Anthony.”

Tessa didn’t care much for Davina’s rather snooty tone, and was about to answer her back when she felt Ian give her waist a little warning squeeze, signaling that she should let him deal with this.

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