Claim Page 39

Tessa shivered in anticipation, her body reacting to his automatically, even though they had lazed away the morning in bed after a very late - and very amorous - night. “I could give you a preview of coming attractions in the limo,” she whispered back. “I, ah, also bought some new undies that I think you’ll like. A lot.”

“I’m sure I will,” he replied lazily. “But I believe I can wait until we return home so I can see them in the privacy of our bedroom, and not the backseat of my father’s limo. You haven’t succeeded in corrupting me to quite that extent, love.”

She batted her eyelashes teasingly. “Not yet, anyway.”

Tessa let out a squeal of surprise as his hand came down on her buttock.

“Brat,” he told her with a quirk of his lips. “I would tell you to stop trying to tempt me, but since you manage to do that just by breathing it wouldn’t make any difference. Now, if you have your things ready, we should head downstairs.”

With Ian’s assistance, she arranged a buttery soft pashima shot through with silver threads around her shoulders, then picked up a sparkling silver clutch with a jeweled clasp. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders resolutely, and declared, “Ready as I’m ever going to be, I guess.”

He lightly grasped her chin between his fingers, tilting her face up to meet his eyes. They were warm, gentle, filled with love and understanding. “It’s going to be fine, darling,” he assured her. “I’ll be right by your side the entire evening, I promise. You’re going to be the belle of the ball, Tessa. And I’m going to be the proudest man in all of London tonight when I introduce you to everyone as my bride-to-be.”

His words gave her that little spark of courage she needed, and she placed her hand in his as they walked downstairs to the front door. Edward’s chauffeur Otis had been all too eager to offer his services during their stay in London, and had been shuttling them to and fro around the city the past few days. Otis was several years older than Simon, short and stout as opposed to tall and lean, and was far more talkative and jovial than the rather austere Welshman.

Ian kept up a steady stream of conversation during the drive to the hotel, and Tessa suspected he was rather intentionally trying to distract her. He was also, she noticed with an inner smile, keeping something of a distance between them in the spacious limo.

“What’s wrong?” she couldn’t resist taunting. “Afraid I might jump your bones if you sit too close?”

Ian’s mouth turned up at the corners, his eyes twinkling. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of, darling,” he drawled. “And since my powers of self-control are severely tested when I’m near you, it’s probably safer if I remain where I’m at.”

Tessa playfully stuck out her tongue at him. “You’re no fun tonight,” she pouted.

His next actions took her completely by surprise, her gasp audible in the confines of the limo. He was by her side in what seemed like an instant, tipping her back onto the plush leather seat as his much larger body covered hers, his face mere inches away, his lips almost brushing hers.

“Does this mean you’re in the mood to play tonight, love?” he asked in a deep, suggestive voice. “Because I’m more than willing to go along with whatever you might have in mind. It’s been awhile since I’ve tied you to the bedpost, come to think of it.”

Her breath was a little unsteady as she stared up at him, unable to look away, as though he was holding her in thrall. “Um, the, uh, bed in our room doesn’t have any slats,” she replied weakly.

Ian gave her a smile that promised all sorts of sinful pleasure. “I’m sure we could improvise somehow, darling. Or perhaps I’ll just put you on your hands and knees, take you from behind. You love it that way, don’t you? Mmm, when I’m so deep inside your sweet, hot pussy that it doesn’t feel you can take even another inch of me. But you do anyway, don’t you, love? Because you’re so wet by then, so turned on, that you’ll let me do anything I want. And you’re going to let me do everything tonight, Tessa. You’re going to surrender to me. Aren’t you, my sweet?”

She could only nod, too mesmerized by his deliberately seductive words to find her voice. She was far beyond being merely aroused, as the images of the hot, dirty sex he had just described made her whole body quiver with need.

“Please,” she whispered, the single word barely audible.

His smile deepened into something carnal, almost devilish. “What exactly are you begging me for, darling?” he crooned. “A kiss? An orgasm? Or perhaps,” he bent, his lips brushing her ear tantalizingly, “a good hard fucking? Ah, but you’re such a greedy lover that you’ll likely want all three, won’t you?”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Please, Ian. Can’t you -”

“Make you come?” he whispered huskily. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, love? You’d love nothing better than for me to slide my hand up under this beautiful dress and push aside your lacy little panties and touch you. And I know without having to ask that you’re very, very wet. Aren’t you?”

Tessa gasped, so aroused by now - astonishingly so, considering he hadn’t so much as kissed her - that she knew it would take the merest brush of his thumb on her clit to make her come long and hard. Her pelvis began to lift off the leather seat, straining towards his body in silent supplication to ease her need.

“Yes,” she panted.

He pressed a kiss to her cheek, inhaling deeply of the light floral scent she wore. “And you wore my favorite perfume, too. But no matter how delicious you smell or taste, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until we return home, love. No matter how badly you need to come, I still won’t allow anyone to see the look you get on your face afterwards. You’ll have to be a little patient, won’t you?”

Tessa gave a little huff of disbelief as Ian eased himself off her body and returned to his original seat. “I can’t,” she wailed. “And drat you, it’s all your fault! Well, I suppose I’ll just have to take care of the problem myself when I visit the ladies room.”

He gave her a sly, knowing little smile. “You won’t,” he told her rather matter-of-factly. “Because you know it won’t be nearly the same as the orgasm I’m going to give you later, nowhere near as satisfying.”

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