Chased Page 35

Liv smiled, happy that Maggie had loved the quilt as much as Liv had loved making it for her.

Marc helped Liv up and Polly had Edward and Matt load all the loot into the car. Liv gave Maggie a piece of cake before turning to Penny and grabbing the baby.

Laurel had her daddy’s coloring, pretty, big brown eyes and a shock of brunette hair. Her warm little body snuggled into Liv’s and that sense of soft happiness stole over Liv. She may not be able to tell the difference between green beans and peas in a jar but she knew without a doubt she wanted this for herself. Liv walked around and visited as she gently swayed back and forth with Laurel in her arms as Marc just watched.

“You want that.” Polly handed him a soda and kissed his cheek.

“I do.”

“With Olivia?”

“Without a doubt.”

“Well, get working. I saw the way she looked at you when you came in. The way she leaned into your hug. That girl loves you.”

“And I love her.”

Polly grinned. “Have you told her?”

“Not yet. I’m afraid to scare her away.”

“Too late for that. Go make me some more grandbabies.”

Marc laughed even as he felt the pull in his balls as he watched Liv holding that baby. It matched the pull at his heart.

He moved to her even without realizing it, wrapping his arms around them both, pressing a kiss to her neck.

“Hey there, Laurel Ann,” he said softly, loving the way the baby’s eyes moved from Liv’s face to his. “This baby sure is a pretty one. You and Ryan done good.” He winked at Penny, who blushed. Marriage looked good on her. He knew she’d been devastated when she lost her first husband but she’d moved on and found a new life with Ryan and this baby.

“Your momma keeps sending me looks, I’m gonna have to give her up soon.” Liv leaned her head into his shoulder.

Oh how he wanted to say that they could have their own baby, but he didn’t want to spook her. That afternoon he’d put a stamp on their relationship in a public way in front of their friends and family and she hadn’t resisted. That was a huge step. He’d save the baby talking for after he told her he loved her. He loved how she tended to her own people. How she took care of Maggie, making sure she rested and kept her feet up. The quilt with Maggie and Kyle’s baby clothes had nearly done him in. She’d given Maggie and his brother a piece of her heart to cover their child in. She’d reached out to Cassie in the aftermath after her ex-husband had turned up in town and tried to kill her. Liv still cared about Matt even though he’d broken her heart. She was good people and he couldn’t love anyone better.

He also knew his newest client had come from her referral. Several of his clients had. She took care of him, too, in her own way. With her referrals and scrambled egg whites. She kept nonfat milk in her fridge and berry sorbet instead of ice cream. She understood that his feelings about fitness weren’t based on vanity but a desire to help people live healthy and long. She got him. No, not his love of her, she had a blind spot there but he understood why more and more each day. But she saw what was special about him, made Marc understand himself better and that was more than he could say about just about anyone else he knew.

“You’re incredible,” he said into her ear and she smiled.

“Thank you. Where did that come from?” She turned to him, still swaying with Laurel in her arms, the baby’s eyes drooping heavily with sleep.

“You just being you. Can I give you a ride over to Kyle and Maggie’s later?”

“I drove here but if you want to follow me back to my house, I’ll ride with you from there.”

He touched his forehead to hers. “You got it. Now give that baby to my momma before she explodes.”

Liv rolled her eyes and snorted. “I know, I know. She’s shown a lot of restraint actually. I suppose I should reward that.”

He watched as she moved to his mother and handed the pink bundle over, catching sight of one bare foot as Laurel settled into his momma’s arms.

“So does Liv know you love her?” Penny asked.

“She’d have to be blind not to,” Ryan added.

“I haven’t told her yet. She likes to pretend she’s convinced I’m just Mister Right Now and she wants to find Mister Right. But she’s not taking that very seriously anymore. I’m with her five nights a week. She doesn’t have much time to date.” He snorted.

“She’ll come around. Her heart’s had some major beatings to it. Makes a girl scared of something real.” Penny shrugged.

“I know. I’ll be there when she finally figures it out.”

“That’s the kind of love any woman would be proud to have, Marc.” Penny kissed his cheek.

Polly looked up at Liv as the girl finally handed that baby over. It made her heart skip a beat when she’d seen Marc standing close to Liv while she’d held the child. A vision of their future for a brief moment. Another one of her children had found his heart.

“Stingy is what you are.” She winked. “Although with this little sugar plum, it’s easy to be. Don’t you just love the way they feel? Mmm, I miss holding babies. I can’t wait until my grandson comes along.”

“By the looks of Maggie’s belly, that’s going to be soon.”

Polly chuckled. It was so easy, bringing these women into her family where they belonged. “True enough. You and Marc are going to make some pretty babies too. You do want babies don’t you?”

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