Chased Page 34

“Girl, I weigh nine hundred pounds and have a nuclear heater in my belly. I’m not going outside until after the birth except to move to another air conditioned place,” Maggie replied from her seat on the couch, her feet up and a smile on her face.

“Nine hundred pounds. Yeah, you’re not overstating or anything. Can I get you some more juice?” Liv called to her as she moved to the table where bottles of juice nestled in ice.

Maggie sighed. “Between you and Cassie, I’m having to pee every five minutes.”

“You need the liquids. You’re a big baby. Go on and hit the bathroom and when you come back we’ll do presents and you can have more juice.” Cassie winked and Liv laughed. Having friends like the two of them meant so much to her. Liv helped Maggie up from the couch and bustled around to get the presents ready for opening.

The room erupted in squeals as Dee took the clothes pin from Cassie’s sleeve.

“You said the forbidden word!”

Liv had lost her clothes pin an hour before and she couldn’t guess any of the green baby food flavors. Truth be told they all stank to high heaven and Liv wouldn’t have blamed any baby for refusing to eat it.

Maggie came back into the room and Liv pressed a fresh glass of juice in her hand before putting her in the present chair that happened to be a glider rocker, a gift from Matt.

“This is like the one I want for the nursery. Make sure to show it to Kyle when the boys get here.”

“The boys are here,” Kyle said as he entered. After looking around the room he glanced at Maggie with a raised eyebrow. “So you want to tell me something?”

“It was her idea,” Cassie said quickly and Shane bent to kiss the top of her head.

“You’re so eager to toss me under the bus, Cassie.” Maggie said with a laugh.

“You said I could tell you when I was ready. I’m ready now.”

Kyle grinned. “A son it is apparently. I guess it won’t be Sophia then, hmm?”

“Not this time.”

Marc came in with Matt and made a beeline for Liv. The man certainly didn’t hesitate to lay sugar on her in front of the entire room.

“Hi. You look pretty today.”

He was utterly incorrigible and it worked for him. It worked for her too. She kissed the cleft on his chin. “Sit down, it’s present time.”

“Where are you sitting?”

She pointed to her chair and he pulled one next to it. She couldn’t deny how flattered and pleased she was.

“Okay first of all, you don’t need to show Kyle the rocker so he can buy one just like it. That’s Matt’s present.”

Maggie laughed delightedly and held her hand out to Matt who came to kiss her and deliver a hug.

“No standing,” Liv admonished Maggie. “Everyone has to come and give Maggie kisses like the princess she is. In fact.” Liv bent and pulled out a tiara from behind the couch, meeting Cassie’s amused eyes for a moment. “Here.” She put the tiara on Maggie who simply grinned like a happy fool.

“I hope you all know I’m going to wear this all the time. Now presents!”

Liv laughed and she and Cassie began to bring presents to Maggie. There was much oohing and aahing over each little pair of pants and shoes, every little rattle and educational thingamabob. Polly, who’d been delighted instead of angry about finding out the gender of her first grandchild, would show Maggie and Kyle the nursery at her house the next night at dinner. Of course she couldn’t resist just a few little things. Which turned out to be a three foot high pile of outfits, booties, hats and other baby gear.

Penny arrived late, apologizing for the delay. They’d hit a huge traffic jam. She’d brought Ryan and baby Laurel.

“Grab some food and have a seat. We’re nearly done with presents.” Liv kissed their friend and that sweet two month old baby girl. “I call dibs on this baby when I’m done handing out presents.”

Penny laughed. “You got it. I’ll try and hold Polly off.”

Liv handed the last package to Maggie after Penny got settled. “This one is from me.”

Maggie tore into the beautifully wrapped package with glee and stopped when she saw the quilt. Carefully she pulled it out and looked it over.

“Oh my goodness. Liv, you made this. For me, for my baby.” Maggie’s voice was thick with emotion as she looked at the blanket.

“I did.” Smiling, Liv pointed to the corners. “These two corners are made from Kyle’s baby clothes and the top are from yours. Your daddy actually braved your mother to go and get them.”

Tears in her eyes, Maggie stood and hugged Liv tight as she cried. “This is the most beautiful present I’ve ever gotten. Our son will sleep with a bit of his parents keeping him warm. And part of his Auntie Liv too.”

Kyle hugged her as well. “Thank you, Liv. This is amazing.”

“Stop it now, you’re going to make me cry. Oh, there’s a patch on the other side.”

Maggie resettled back in the chair and turned the quilt over. The patch had the date it was finished and a little inscription. Never doubt you’re loved.

“Sweet heaven, you’ve reduced an entire room to tears.” Marc stood, putting his arm around her waist.

“I would have put his name there but I know you’ll change your mind after delivery so I left that off. I’ll add it later.” Liv knelt beside Maggie.

“You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I don’t have a very good biological family but I do have wonderful sisters of my heart in you and Cassie and soon,” she rubbed her stomach and took Liv’s hand, placing it over the place the baby kicked and squirmed, “another person to love. I’m so lucky.”

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