Chased Page 28

“You’re such bad news.” How could she resist? He was funny. He made her laugh and what did she have to lose anyway? She could keep him and keep the plan in place. And a small part of her wanted to believe his claim about wanting a relationship with her. Okay, a big part. The part that beat then, just for him.

“I am. I’m very bad. And so are you. I think you need a little discipline.” He waggled his brows at her.

“Oh man. I’m in trouble,” she mumbled just before sprinting out of the room with him on her tail.

Laughing, he yanked her clothes off when he caught up to her.

“Bathroom. I need to shower. I’m all sweaty.” She tried to fend him off, giggling.

“I could lick you clean. You taste mighty fine. But we haven’t showered together yet so I’m all for firsts. I’ll lick you dry.”

He pulled his clothes off and she sighed happily, turning around to run the water.

“Nice bathroom you’ve got. That’s some tub. Next time I foresee a long bath together. I do like you wet.”

Those blue green eyes went to deep, dark green. Shivering, she took in the long look up and down her body he gave her. His c**k was hard and standing at attention. He pulled the door to the enclosure open and she stepped in, leaning back to get under the spray.

His hands, slick with soap, began to explore her body and she fell back into his spell. With his hands on her, she couldn’t think about anything else but him so she stopped fighting and let go. It seemed with him, there was nothing but to let go.

Fingers rolled and tugged her ni**les, over and over in a slow, sensual rhythm. The wall of his chest felt sure, strong as she leaned into him.

“Just an appetizer before the main meal,” he murmured before nibbling her ear. Still rolling and tugging, Marc moved his other hand down to find her clit, swollen and ready. With the same leisurely rhythm, he brushed his middle finger over it, building the pleasure bit by bit until she was blind with it, aching for release.

Pleasure sucked her under as she gasped. Climax roared through her body as her back bowed.

Muscles still jumping, she dimly registered movement as he turned off the taps. Warm and lazy, she dried off, watching the water roll down his body in rivulets over the hard-packed muscle.

“What’s that smile for? Where’s the bedroom?” He took her hand and she sashayed past, naked and satisfied, drawing him toward the end of the hall where her bedroom lay.

“The smile is because you look so good. And this is my bedroom.”

Marc looked at her, bathed in the yellowish light of the streetlamp out front, dark hair wet and plastered to her head, only emphasizing the sexy shape of her eyes. Her body was mouthwateringly beautiful but what was most alluring was her comfort with her shape and size, the way she owned her sensuality and had no shame as she stood naked before him.

Her room was a lot like her. Simple, strong and straightforward. Deep blues accented by lighter blues colored the walls and bedding. No frilly stuff anywhere. Black and white photographs hung framed on the wall, southern landscapes if he guessed correctly.

A laptop sat on a desk in the corner and in the other corner a single, overstuffed chair, flanked by a low table with a lamp and an open book. The space smelled like her. Minty but also, he paused, thinking as he had so many times trying to identify it…coconut?

“Liv, sugar, what perfume do you wear?” he asked her as he nuzzled her neck, rubbing the entirety of his naked body against hers, walking her backwards to her bed.

“I don’t wear perfume.”

He liked the way her breath hitched before she could answer him.

“What’s that smell then? Mint and is that coconut?”

She laughed as he pushed her back onto the bed. “Oh, that’s the stuff I put on my skin. Coconut and mint. Smells delicious doesn’t it? Oh, my!”

He teased the entrance to her pu**y with the head of his cock. He’d never wanted to plunge into a woman without protection as he did at that moment.

“Condom? Please say you have one in here or I have to go back into your bathroom for my pants.”

Stretching her arm out, not leaving his embrace, she opened a drawer in her bedside table and rustled around, holding up a foil package in triumph. Within moments he sheathed himself and sank into her body with a groan. When he was inside her, it felt like home. It felt so good there, deep within her, he wanted to yell it out to the whole world.

Each breathy gasp, every moan and sigh and squeal she made shot straight to his cock. He made her feel that way, no one else. And no one else would. He had no problems telling her she could date these other guys while she figured out he was the right one because he knew, despite her attitude, she wouldn’t be with anyone else but him. No, what they had between them wasn’t simply sex, not only sex, but the sex was part of it and she’d know it. Deep inside the way he touched her, the way he made her come would be there no matter what she did or who she was with.

It was a matter of seducing her heart because her body was his. When he looked deep into her eyes, their faces just inches apart, he felt as if he were drowning in her. He kept returning to kiss her lips as he slowly thrust into her pu**y over and over, taking in her breath as he captured her lips.

“You feel amazingly good,” she gasped out.

“Yes, oh yeah. I feel good. You feel like heaven around my cock, Liv. I was made to be here, inside you.”

He changed his angle, rocking back to push her knees up, opening her to his thrusts. He knew he had it perfect when he swiveled a bit, grinding himself over her clit.

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